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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7670011 No.7670011 [Reply] [Original]

Alright /biz/ what's the next Ethereum?

>> No.7670035
File: 80 KB, 1280x696, IMG_20180201_184736_841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously AION

>> No.7670046


>> No.7670075

Isn't that an erc20 token?

>> No.7670093
File: 262 KB, 1280x863, 9217482767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7670109

Not for long.

>> No.7670114

Change the logo to link and the bottle to rolling rock please it's my fetish

>> No.7670127


>> No.7670331

>be vitalik buterin 16yo virgin faggot russian
>want to build dapps and smart contracts platform on top of established crypto
>based devs tell you it's not fesible at the moment because it will cause blockchain bloating and transaction halt.
>make your own crypto
>get money
>other ico
>lose money because you are based autist
>rollback blockchain
>based devs launch featherweight game involving cats
>blockchain bloated, transactions come to halt
>go on with autism plans
>start tossing vaporware hype
>your coin's value is 90% driven by ICO scams
>people complain
>come up with retarded impractical DAICO concept
>people find possible problems with it

Ether is ripple 2.0 not bitcoin 2.0 from a dev and centralization standpoint.
The concept behind it is good but poorly executed. Its price is artificially increased by token ICOs.

It will probably moon to 5000 this year.
Feels good to be russian virgin autist with dictatorial and socialist economical views.

>> No.7670403
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It's obvious at this point, Sir. MOBIUS is providing the needful for the Oracle problem.

>> No.7670605


>> No.7670620

By the time you know, it will be too late to chase it.

>> No.7670650


>> No.7670686

Probably desu. Apart from that Neo.

>> No.7670824

Kindly do the needful.

>> No.7671074


>> No.7671095



>> No.7671405


>> No.7671428


>> No.7671429

ICX or I eat a nigger's dick

>> No.7671430

What makes you say that? :)

>> No.7671652
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Achain (ACT)

>> No.7671673


>> No.7671818

in terms of functionality - neo/ada
in terms of 1000x potential - not sure there will be anymore

>> No.7672235

I think most people who actually know crypto realize it will be xlm

>> No.7672245
File: 125 KB, 1200x873, 053E3754-D60D-4690-A6F8-6A2AE3A78D22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tau. Or Universa, if you’re looking to get in on the Russian Ethereum

>> No.7672275
File: 158 KB, 1000x1000, Chainlink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When can you buy that shit at an exchange?

>> No.7672291

Unironically this.

>> No.7672397

Couple weeks. Monitor the Gitlab account or lurk Riot chat. Core devs are merging into the master and testing. Right now we are still in backroom talks regarding the politics.

>> No.7672427


Cardano + LINK will take us into a new era.

>> No.7672467

>dunning-kruger, the post
the greatest threat to libertarian values is the average 110-120 iq libertarian

>> No.7672484

Probably etherium

>> No.7672692

I/Ocoin, only 40 millions worth... for now

>> No.7673099


>> No.7673339

EOS is the only correct answer.

>> No.7673361

NULS according to Oracle.

>> No.7673434
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>> No.7673462


Cardano has no product. I bought some on the big dip - kind of regret it already. I wanted to acquire a decent amount before staking launches. No Linux wallet, the windows wallet bugs out, the website is lame and it's just basically a whole lot of fail.

Fucking academics. Useless. My only hope is they get a business manager in to move things along.

Meanwhile EOS, ETC, QTUM and NULS are taking off. And hell, even Ethereum will be fine with the updates happening this year.

Fucking Cardano....

>> No.7673465
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what is most likely to survive a landscape of regulation?
although tax agencies and governments are largely impotent in the face of technological work arounds, they do have control over businesses that operate within their jurisdiction
so which coin, token, protocol is most poised to survive what is to come inevitably?
Do you know, /biz/?

>> No.7673507


Stuff as NEO (Stellar inflation too?), the ones generative passive income, are in bigger trouble imo.
All the others will do fine, legally speaking. Though I am not so sure about the other Chinese ones.

>> No.7673762


>> No.7674073

Komodo..... I’ve already said too much..

>> No.7674198

Pls r u buying the Venchains sirs superb coin veey good investing