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7665191 No.7665191 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys. I went to Chainlink's "office" in San Francisco to try to catch up with Sergey and get more of an inside scoop on the project. I asked him a few questions about the project, and here's what happened. I first arrived to Chainlink's nail salon at 10:55 AM. I had a few cold big macs from last night's adventure. I offered Sergey a big mac as I unwrapped my own, but he declined. He had his own, and apparently, he makes his owns sauce. As Sergey bit into his big mac, he got a text. His notification message was a custom sound: it said "smart contract" with loud, strained breathing between each syllable. I asked Sergey how he'd solve the oracle problem, and his eyes lit up. He told me that God himself had spoken to him and stressed the importance of a decentralized future for all beings. Sergey told me that he was the chosen one, and I believe him. I asked him about the future of the project, and he just said that he had hired some Indian guys off of Upwork to do some development work while the Chainlink team relaxes. He told me not to worry, though. The quality of the code that these guys write is supposedly phenomenal. I then asked him about the upcoming conferences, like SXSW and the Superconference. He told me that he was only attending those events ironically and that Rory challenged him to speak after eating 3 big macs and 4 xanax bars. Whatever. I asked him about his holdings in LINK and he said that he cashed out when LINK hit $1.10.

>> No.7665200

He said that anybody still holding is delusional, but that the project still has a future. I then brought up Swift and he said "between you and me, it's not happening dude" and then some saliva ran down his chin as he gobbled up the rest of his big mac. I told him that a cult around chainlink had developed on a ukranian pole vaulting forum, and he asked me if that's why there are a bunch of images online with him photoshopped on the moon and stuff. Obviously, I had to let him know that was our fault. He chuckled and snapped his fingers. Out of nowhere, some intern who looked kind of like a young Matthew Matthew McConaughey with downs syndrome stumbled into the room, looking confused, and then tossed a bic mac to Sergey like it was a frisbee. With great skill, Sergey caught the big mac in his mouth and then consumed it instantly. I was shocked.

>> No.7665242
File: 47 KB, 782x960, 1518390932804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you anon

>> No.7665257

ty senpai

>> No.7665266

Assblaster is taht you?

>> No.7665268

not AB

>> No.7665373


>> No.7665825
File: 503 KB, 1082x695, linkcomfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if this is OC, it's fucking excellent

>> No.7665927

it's honestly FUCKED UP that anyone ever claims to be decentralized, while running a CENTRALIZED oracle

>> No.7666169

this is OC. look it up on the archive. please let my pasta survive

>> No.7666237

Good Job.


>> No.7666262

:3 xD thanks random redditor