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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7661838 No.7661838 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7662109


>> No.7662172

which exchange is it on?

>> No.7662185

What exchange

>> No.7662189

Dogecoin, CNY.

>> No.7662378

Drgn it's fairly obvious

>> No.7662408


>> No.7662424
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>> No.7663077


>> No.7663135


>> No.7663431

this isnt 8ch, my nigger

>> No.7663511

XLM...for the 3rd time. source: inside

>> No.7663705


>> No.7663759

hint: It's going to be a coin that has a "weird" use-case, "transformational and huge for 2018", and not many people have heard of it before.

source: email sent out by teeka regarding the release tomorrow

>> No.7663784

anything else he say or is that it?

>> No.7663834


That's the gist of the email, no other "hints" really. He found out about the project a few months ago.

>> No.7663839


I'm thinking it's Enigma

>> No.7663873

Nobody cares anymore!

PBC has lost all its credibility - its just a pump & dump for all its paying members!

>> No.7663875


>> No.7663925

Could be, I have no idea. I guess we'll find out tomorrow!

LOL you're an idiot. They lost credibility because the entire crypto space saw a huge correction? That means it's time to buy, inb4 weak hands like you

>> No.7663997

Weak hands? - my portfolio is prob worth 10x what you have!

PBC is utter bullshit...these guys shill coins just to pump and dump on foggots like you!

Good luck rekt!

>> No.7664039

hmmm, we know the coin is on either bittrex and binance, and only a few months, and unique use case... that narrows it down quite a bit

>> No.7664060

If you had a PBC subscription and followed their long term hold recommendations, you would have bought ETH at $7 and NEO (ANS) at $.12.

>> No.7664065

lol you sound mad af bruh HAHAHA.
I've been in on PBC since 2016 and I'm up over 26,000%. Keep being salty kthx

>> No.7664085

Nah it could also be a bunch of other exchanges like kucoin qryptos and some others. He sent out an exchange update a few weeks ago adding new exchanges that he's going to use. Makes it a bit harder to predict so I'm just waiting for the release tmw

>> No.7664127

you gonna leak it tomorrow for your bizbros or na?

>> No.7664185

biz is usually first to know, price will instantly shoot up 50-100%

>> No.7664219

my guess: flixxo

>> No.7664243

VeChain or JNT. He is a fucking Pajeet.

>> No.7664256


I'm not even actually subscribed to the newsletter, the window opens up only once a year and I missed the latest one in november because I was out of country.

I used to get copies off some selly.gg sellers but they post the newsletters like an hour after they release which is way too late for short-term good buy in prices, so I found a discord group that reposts all the newsletters the minute they come out, and the buy alerts really quickly, for a subscription price. I bought a 6 month subscription for literally 25% of the cost of an actual subscription and I've been more than happy.

There's monthly subscriptions, and 3/6/12 month subs. The 3/6/12 month subs are closed for now but the monthly is still open i think. I can get you an invite if you want to join.

>> No.7664282

Why flixxo? I know nothing about it haha.

That's a terrible reason.. You're not serious are you? He hasn't shilled any pajeetcoins so far lmaoo

>> No.7664290

>I can get you an invite if you want to join.

go on

>> No.7664291


>> No.7664302

isn't there a legit free discord one? i saw it floating around biz but never joined it. the name was something like "palm beach leaks".

>> No.7664319

Don't pay for that shot, just find some telegram group
If you get the signal a bit later doesn't matter because ALL pbc signals dump hard after the initial pump

>> No.7664393

discord DOT gg/cht3D

dunno mate, I tried joining some of the "free" discord/telegram leak channels and they don't always post all the reports/alerts, and I got fucking sick of them shilling a bunch of other shitcoins and trying to make it look like PBC alerts. Some of them even photoshop fake reports. I would rather pay a literal fraction of the price for consistent, real reports. the admin is really good with communication too.

>> No.7664429

hey anon, i think we got the same shit

>> No.7664454


haha could be man, I'm one of the 6 month subs, which one are you?

>> No.7664585

1 year

>> No.7664654

Good to see another ninja here.. ;)

>> No.7664739


1 year sub checking in, good to see my fellow bizjas hahaha. I have an idea I'm gonna shoot at fox regarding us premium subs.

>> No.7664912
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Headsup- It's LMC.

>> No.7664935


Now, I'm about to jump in on this. Do you feel this is worth it? Are you making your monthly subscription back?

>> No.7664940


>> No.7664943


What makes you say that?

>> No.7664955

It's closed

>> No.7664982

It's not a make-your-money-in-a-week thing, it's for people who want to mid-long term hodl for massive gains. For example he recommended eth, neo and other shit that stayed low key for months before blowing the fuck up, because in the end its all about the tech.

>> No.7664993


>> No.7665018

Worth it for me for sure. If you have weak hands and just looking for something to buy and dump it's not for you.

just think of it as having someone to weed through the thousands of literal shitcoins and find ACTUAL gems for you. he gives extensive research data and speculation on every new coin, and updates the buy prices whenever it's relevant, and also sends out buy/sell alerts

>> No.7665091

It's AGI mothrrfuckerss

Sauce: I'm drunk

>> No.7665125


lol i've given up on guessing XD Guess we'll find out tmw, got my fiat ready.

mb bizbro here you go. discord gg/cYHqW

>> No.7665186

Gonna be thekey

>> No.7665228

thekey looks more promising than any of the other bags listed here, maybe?

>> No.7665473


>> No.7665483

Gonna be Icon
sauce: I'm high

>> No.7665544

I wish it was icx man that would be awesome. Probably not though given the content of his email :\

>> No.7665595

I know my ninbro, I just wish haha. Looks like it's gonna be something that hasn't really been shilled anywhere..

>> No.7665823

There was a hint that could be interpreted as privacy related. My telegram group thinks it might be eng, never looked into until now, looks probable.

>> No.7665879

Nothing in the email he sent out hinted at anything privacy related. Although he has said in past alerts that privacy coins will be huge in 2018.

>> No.7665923


If the pump is on Binance, could be GTO, they have a trading competition going on, and from the charts, looks like there was ample room for a long stealthy accumulation phase at sub 3k sats.

>> No.7665993

GTO is definitely an interesting use case.. That's the only criteria it meets for the email update though. Also the trading competition would have nothing to do with whatever Teeka picks.

Actually it looks like GTO was started 2 months ago so it's probably not that.

>> No.7666045
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No lie.

it's gunna blow

>> No.7666062


>> No.7666318


It's not really a "transformative" use-case though, and most of us have heard of it by now.

Maybe? Ad-replacement with crypto mining is pretty new.

>> No.7666344
File: 8 KB, 400x400, QSP-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm only going to post this once.

The writing is on the wall. If you can't see it then you're hopeless.

>> No.7666441

QSP has been shilled hard everywhere at this point though

>> No.7666502


What's weirder than that shit?

>> No.7666628

PRL def fits the unique scenario.. it's also pretty new, and could take off in 2018 if it's well done. Could be onto something here..

>> No.7666712

oh shit bas rutten has a coin?

>> No.7667514

Probably FUN for a few hours, and then back to 5 cents.

That's only because I sold and that would be a short exit-point without a loss just to piss me off.

>> No.7667855
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Not gonna disclose sources, but if no edits are made it's gonna be NEO hype, LMC breakdown (think Pokemon Go for crypto), and reiteration of CND.

Take that with a grain of salt, as anything from /biz/, but personally I'm just telling you what I know.

>> No.7667904
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>> No.7667922


You know I have to ask.. source? :P
You can dm it to me on the discord..

>> No.7667929


>> No.7667937

polymath duh.

>> No.7668699


>> No.7668756

That psychopath stare

>> No.7668785

the way KMD is pumping i think it's KMD

>> No.7668889

Icx or eng