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7657941 No.7657941 [Reply] [Original]

Why are people trying so hard to keep this big dumb nigger alive? Just let it die so the money can flow into useful and better coins.

>> No.7657971

Fuck man, what price did you short at?
Why did you believe them when they said it was going to 5k, you were better than that lad

>> No.7658015

BTC is the backbone of the whole market. if BTC dies we're all fucked.

>> No.7658071

stop losing now. buy back in

>> No.7658110

Oh, it will crash hard, I can assure you that.

>> No.7658208

because it's the coin keeping alts alive, when alts divorce from BTC then kill it for all I care

>> No.7658242

This is why we have ETH pairs

>> No.7658265

- never shorted during the crash
- bought ltc at $100
- bought eth at $600
- won’t touch bitcoin

>> No.7658271

because literally everything is built off it.

>> No.7658309

people buy it to transfer to other coins thats all
you want it to die? promote direct to eth buy shit

>> No.7658311

Money always is located where reliability and inmutability also are located.

Provide a more reliable, historically secure and inmutable network and then we’re talking

>> No.7658369

so you are in crypto for half a year and made like 100% at best and feel to have strong opinion? Retard.

>> No.7658393


No thanks. BTC keeps confidence in crypto's. When BTC goes up literally every single alt follows. When BTC takes a dump, so does every alt.

And if BTC dies then Cryptos wont recover for several years. I rather have normies buying BTC and letting alts moon freely

>> No.7658435

>Picture this. It's 2007, somebody tells you they have an idea for an electronic currency that anybody in the world can send to anybody else at any time and no government can stop it. The currency is cryptographically secure and the rules for its creation are set forever so it can't be manipulated by a central bank. Furthermore, the currency can't be double spent and there will only be 21 million full units of the currency to go around to 7+ billion people forever. How much do you think you would have said each one is worth? How much is a bitcoin worth?

>> No.7658478


>> No.7658482

nostalgic retards with pink glasses are worst of all, they're literally nucoiner-tier despite being around for years

there is another kind of oldfags who are real pros with good judgement, those are chill

>> No.7658545

Boomers are investing in it again. CNBC just did a segment on how BTC is recovering.

>> No.7658569

>BTC keeps confidence in crypto's. When BTC goes up literally every single alt follows. When BTC takes a dump, so does every alt.
it needs to be stopped

>> No.7658599

> Implying my first crypto buys were 2 weeks ago when bitcoin hit 6k

>> No.7658637

decentralized platforms are the future, as soon as people keep migrating to them away from regulations, we'll see the shift

of course, we need something much better than etherdelta

>> No.7658670

there are QTUM pairs on some Chinese exchanges

>> No.7658711

There are no better cryptos than Bitcoin.

All the others are experimental, centralized and controlled by a dev team.

>> No.7658727

You’re a stupid nigger. Btc is king.

>> No.7658843

>All the others are experimental, centralized and controlled by a dev team.
and lightning network isn't? it's literally all of it

>> No.7659053

Lightning network is a second layer that uses an open source protocol.

You can literally write your own implementation of lightning if you want.

>> No.7659075

BTC is the gold reserve of the market and if it goes up we all go up.

>> No.7659092

If BTC dies crypto dies. It's that simple. I don't even like BTC

>> No.7659101

Underrated post

>> No.7659224

without LN, bitcoin becomes unusable. but LN is unusable by itself. it's catch-22

so it's better just to leave it behind and jump on the next big thing

>> No.7659285

Literally what? Ethereum runs on multiple clients, in different languages. Bitcoin only has one client. Eth is more decentralized than Bitcoin.

>> No.7659311

It's not unusable it's just unusable for poorfags and micropayments.

>> No.7659352

if you can't do micropayments with crypto, that means it's unusable, i.e. unusable for altcoin trading among other things

>> No.7659377

Tomorrow Vitalik announces a new hard fork to tax 40% a year from every wallet over $10,000 and distribute it to the poorer holders.

>> No.7659495

All other coins are just forks or bad copies of btc. That's just the way she goes

>> No.7659558

holy shit you are a baby

>> No.7659600

literally why should the first, longest, most secure and well known blockchain in existence be "stopped" ? Wouldn't that be a very bad image for blockchain technology in general if the first immutable public ledger gets somehow "stopped" ?

>> No.7659628

you can do micropayments you just have to be smart enough to set up a node on the lightning network, be patient and app developers will let you in soon

>> No.7659665

just peg the market cap to several other main coins. a smooth transition will hurt no one

>> No.7659718

also, it would be better for crypto to be traded to decentralized fiat backed by a crypto collateral

>> No.7659732

Is this all you guys go on about? Store of value and battle tested. Jesus cant stand to listen to you.

>Dont use chrome
>Use IE, its battletested

>> No.7659765

good analogy

>> No.7659882


because now that the correction is over it's actually starting to resemble the growth curve of a stable currency.

Once 100% of it is mined it's price will skyrocket and fractional amounts of BTC will be all that is required.

>> No.7659888

it's usable, only cost about $5 to open a lightning channel recently

>> No.7659899

Are you a total brainlet? Like it or not BTC is the base currency. One day that'll change, but until it does BTC crashing breaks the alts.

>> No.7659939


isn't the vast majority of the blockchain represented by BTC, and isn't it the number 4 most widely used currency on Earth?

That's like selling your house because exploded in value for a short period of time before returning to its normal growth curve.

>> No.7659955

on the mainnet? made me laugh, thanks

>> No.7659965

the more you try and crush it, the more she fucks shit up.

>> No.7659985

It's gonna drop down to 7k again. Screenshot this

>> No.7660000


so you bought a literal shitcoin

>> No.7660095
File: 112 KB, 960x720, 3310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This post pretty much sums up why some autistic people have trouble understanding the value of Bitcoin over other cryptocurrencies.

Autists see crypto like smartphones, the new one with the latest tech should be worth more money.

But for storing your wealth you want a Nokia 3310, not the latest galaxy note that explodes in your pocket.

>> No.7660177

Money skelly dies -> eth dies.

>> No.7660226

Tell me one blockchain that is safer than btc!

>> No.7660414

except that everything it can do there's another coin that can do better corefag.
>this messenger pigeon can fly anywhere in a 1000 mile radius in only like 3-5 days
>just invest now and we can have a pigeon for everyone!
except that chad just bred a pigeon that can fly twice as fast, has camoflauge so it won't get eaten by eagles, is more disease resistant and can go up to two weeks without drinking water

>> No.7660913

Because it's a normie trap. When it dies (and it will), you're going to rethink what you think a bear market is.

>> No.7661021

>decentralized meme

People want security and baby sitting, reason why we got a social contract

>> No.7661561

So much this. That faggot community manager tweets something like this every month. It's just like Democrats and how they let how much they hate White people slip out all the time. It bleeds over into the public because it's always on their minds and part of their closed conversations.
I don't fucking trust ETH one bit.

>> No.7661905

Look baby just got a coinbase account. HOW CUTE!

>> No.7662030

t. Banking Shill

>> No.7662169

Fact is you don't own BTC you are letting others control the market. BTC is the crypto world reserve currency atm. eth should be 33% of btc, its at 10% (21M btc vs 60m ETH). the flippining that want so bad is a while off, the ppl who control BTC & the lighting network are not going to let it fail on my opinion. BTC was slowed down and made expensive so they could sell the lighting network to ppl. End of the day to most ppl bitcoin is crypto and crypto is bitcoin!

>> No.7662336

Because most of the coins are owned by long term HODLers who are too dumb to determine a sell price. They have more to lose than any other crypto holders and are totally delusional at this point.

>> No.7662612



>> No.7663218
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They don't get to choose. They're not these all powerful technology masters as the narrative tries to convince us, they're complete idiots that never understood the system from inception. Core is doomed, it's just a matter of time.