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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7655978 No.7655978 [Reply] [Original]

lets talk /jobs/ and /biz/ talk or brag whatever the fuck about what you do, where your at or any advice.

How you doing?

I'm currently working for a small staffed but fairly good earning company, the owner has me just there likes that I'm good with computers and leaves me to do nothing all day but fill in where I can and answer some calls, pays me good to. Whats the end game? I've been trying to teach myself programming and stuff but I don't have any guidance so end up just doing things like this.

I really want to work for myself and find a business I can develop where I'm selling something I produce as a specialty. Even if it nets something low, but I just have zero ideas of where to go.

Also does anyone think a degree is necessary and when is the right age? does there come a point where you are too old into your working career that you may as well focus on your experience to get into places?

>> No.7656217

You should approach a angles at the same time.
Keep your comfy job. You will need it. Especially if you dont have to overwork it will allow you to do things at the side.

Learning to program can be done whenever you have time. And starting a business as well. The knowledge a degree brings is very useful when you start a business, but it isnt worth the time investment. If you intend to work for someone else than a degree is worth it, regardless of your age.

I also study, taught myself programming, work on my own business and have a job (three days a week). And I wont give up my job or study until my business has taken off properly.

>> No.7656220

Keep learning things little by little. I know it feels like you are not making any progress, but keep reading about coding, try writing small programs you see in the book/tutorial. At one point your knowledge will start making sense. This board is all about crypto and gains, but even those traders spent countless hours reading and educating themselves.

>> No.7656240

*all angles

>> No.7656430


Whats your business without giving away to much?
The thing is if this job doesn't work out, I don't feel as though I have gained much from it, I was given an office and I waste a lot of my time I do try to to focus on things and pick up what I can.

I definitely will, I'm 24 and I'm not going to lie I feel just lost in everything I do right now at this point in my life, I wake up and just do. I want to make more of myself and I definitely believe in my own potential to do so but I just have no idea what it is, I don't care for it all even coding and not going to lie its probably because I want it breezy, but I know if I just had or got past that part of not knowing or being able to see something I could push it past any limitation...

is that normal though to be so full of unknowing-ness so to speak, the uncertainty of everything around me and in myself. All I do is just ask myself questions all day with no real points to them.

don't mean for the fucking blog post.

>> No.7656552

I import skin care products and sell them to tanning salons.
In my second business I sell train tickets to tourists.
I study law, but I think its a bit of a waste of time desu. If I had spend the same countless of hours on starting different projects I would have made it a lot further by now.

But the thing is, nobody teaches you how to make it on your own until you start searching for it. It might be a good idea to read a book like The Millionaire Fastlane by MJ DeMarco to get into the mindset.

>> No.7656736

I will pick it up, I'm Australian, law degrees here outside of having your own firm have become a salary package of 70k as a non-senior which puts the in leagues of some sales reps with no degree in terms of profit which is horrible. Its an overly saturated market here and there are too many to fill in voids so they have to get more and more competitive or in other words cheaper.

>> No.7656742

This drive to learn new skills and make something of myself is what driving me these days. worked as an elec engineer for a big company. Work was mind numbing and i was bored out of my mind for the most part. Can't even remember much about that job because it turnt into a routine. I like the frustration and sense of accomplishment I feel now while working on my app. Hold on to the drive to improve yourself, one of the best things to happen to a person IMO

>> No.7656818

When I first started working on my app I thought it would be easy. I started with ruby on rails, then it turned out I need to learn html/css, then databases, then javascript. It is all connected and for some reason most books that I read about each of those topics assumes that I already have knowledge about other areas of programming. I guess it is normal

>> No.7656961

I kind of gave up on jobs being a viable way to make it. You get trapped into being dependent on your small wage job. And it isnt half as fun as working on your own projects.

When you start your own business it honestly doesnt matter what you do. The most important thing is that you create some oppertunities for yourself by actually doing it. And if it fails you can just try something else again.

>> No.7656991

I am a teacher.
The only bad thing are wages and occasional urges to murder people.

>> No.7656999

Me and my college roommate are thinking of starting a hedge fund with our crypto gains. Together we have about 30mil mostly in Bitcoin and stocks. Are we going to make it?

>> No.7657022

Yeah well I'm working on a project and honestly I really want to do it for this business, I work for someone who is a good person. It will either be a universal app that holds the information of the company, they have a database this one will just be an upgraded one that does everything from reminders to other stuff. I know there are paid for programs that will already be there and ready to tailor too but we want ours centered on the information we already have created on an SQL database, which will either be integrated in C# but I am think html/css is a better pathway due to it being server based, works well and can be accessible to all devices no matter what it is as long as there is an internet connection. Obviously security is a consideration but the information there isn't detrimental regardless

>> No.7657085

lots of holidays though. Seems really social so I guess it couldn't be that bad but also politics. Not my forte.

Sell and retire.

>> No.7657096

Exactly this. You struggle to make it in a regular 9-5 job, and even if you do you need to sell your soul along the way at some point or another.

I recently opened my own little thing and ithas become something that allows me to work from home and live off it quite comfortably. Never looking back now, just going to keep expanding or creating other projects like >>7656552
was saying