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7652656 No.7652656 [Reply] [Original]

I'm starting to hate women again, pls help me anons, how do i stop becoming fedora??

>> No.7652690

hating women is perfectly normal anon

>> No.7652709 [DELETED] 

It's ok to hate womans, they hate us too.

>> No.7652713
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hate women
don't hate their holes

>> No.7652718

you're becoming the opposite of a fedora, my chad friend

>> No.7652735

It's ok to hate women, they hate us too.

>> No.7652738

Once you realize they are children, not adults, all of your anger will disappear.

>> No.7652790

i get annoyed at little instances of privilege that they have. some guy today let a woman in front of him at the atm, "apparently" she didn't see the line, i wonder if he'd do it if it was a man. i want to stop thinking this way for fuck's sake. i was good for a year but can't keep it up anymore

>> No.7652807

Once you get into lolis, you will absolutely hate modern women my friend.

>> No.7652861

i'm not good looking, it's different when my chad alpha jacked up 6'3 friend hates women and when i hate women. it comes of petty because it is.
i'm not a degenerate

>> No.7652873

This video explains everything anon

>> No.7652953

>I'm not a degenerate!!!!
>I hate wymyn!!!!
Pick one you are either a normie or not

>> No.7653015

This realization was the catalyst for me. Just keep in mind that you're the only adult in the room.

>Men are made.
Every man can identify the transformative experience that turned him from a boy to a man.
>Women are born.
Women are perpetual teenagers.

>> No.7653018

The state of wealthy virgin neets...
Not alpha enough to make grills worship (you)

>> No.7653028

keep excusing your degeneracy you fucking retard

>> No.7653097

Ok normie, why are you in a chink created anime board on Valentine's instead if going out with your wymyn?

>> No.7653116

>Men are made.
>Every man can identify the transformative experience that turned him from a boy to a man

Not in current times. Father's are latchkey estrogenic faggots. Kids are sucked into the memestagram portal.

>> No.7653141

I just got out clean from my ex claiming harrasement and sex abuse. She also took my job from me and told everyone i knew i sexually abused her when i didnt. She couldnt even get a restraining order on me but it took a full year and a lot of my money to get everything cleared up. Fuck women.

>> No.7653168

so the two options are: be a sick degenerate fuck who likes lolis or like women? fucking neck yourself.

>> No.7653179

You will not find this kind of help here friend only reinforcement for your hate.

>> No.7653206

that was quite funny, especially the ending

>> No.7653213

Not alpha enough so make her sexually harass you