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7651913 No.7651913 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw only 50k in crypto
>in 2018

Im sad. Not gonna make it.
I sincerely hope all the anons here that truly believe in crypto for the tech make it.
Thanks for everything Bros. See you in /v/ /b/ /pol/ or /fit /.

>> No.7652045

Put it all into OMG. Stake for 2 years then sell for millions.

>> No.7652071
File: 316 KB, 1280x720, galia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its ok, my portfolio is 50k aswell anon

>> No.7652160

You'll be ok anon just go split that into 5x10k into 5 different small/mid cap cryptos.

For example (buy my bags):


>> No.7652484

Same here op 50k portfolio and i dont think im gonna make it

>> No.7652517

tfw only 7k but it's all good cause my shit is going at least 50x this year and I will be more than happy with that

>> No.7652541


guys i have fucking 70$ just kill me please wtf is the point of living? I live in a shit tier east europe country, last job i had was LARPing as a horny milf for a backpage SMS hotchat service. They payd me 5 cents per SMS. When will my time come to have a normal life?

>> No.7652616
File: 114 KB, 277x400, 1446499435614.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a lot of SMS anon

>> No.7652623

Lol literally Africa-tier.

>> No.7652657

Ill pay you 10 cents if you write some hot larp ITT

>> No.7652666


I was making 200$ a month texting horny losers 10h a day. Capitalism was a mistake

>> No.7652701

indian here, got only $300 :(

>> No.7652722

what are you bitching about, anon? That sounds like a great job.

>> No.7652749

wait 6 years you'll make it

>> No.7652761


>Im here honey, just took a shower and drying up, still wet. Im all soft and creamy now. Still here?

This is a go to hook text i send after a 15 minutes of not answering, worked every time.

>> No.7652765

I only have $3.5k invested

lmao im fucked

>> No.7652777

Hahaha, tell me more about your misery. How do you live? What does your home look like?

>> No.7652824

I have 1,700 in crypto. Used to be a lot more but made a lot of mistakes last month.

>> No.7652832

I'm playing with ~110k I can afford to lose, been looking at PoS/masternode/trustnode shitcoins... they all seem like scams, why shouldn't I just create my own?

>> No.7652879


It looks like shit, i live in my grandmas old flat.

>> No.7653058

2.3k Eastern EU tier. Started with 2.1k in december, ATH 6k mostly with XRP, but stupidly kept it even after it started falling. Now mostly into XLM, but that isn’t going to 1000x, what can I buy that has a chance to moon?

>> No.7653086

50/50 LINK and OMG. Millionaire by Halloween.

>> No.7653114

Ah short and sweet huh.
Don't you have some slav buddies with shit-lives you can set up something? A shop or something.
Obviously you're not going to accomplish much in the current ecosystem, because it's shit.

>> No.7653135
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>only 50k

>> No.7653156

Tfw only $1000 invested

>> No.7653187
File: 266 KB, 768x1254, at-the-barbers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember reading from an EE anon whose parents held chickens in their flat and sold the eggs at 10c to pay of 10k in debt or something like that. Imagining the sheer amount of eggs made me lol

>> No.7653240

I wish I had that much... I only have 1K ATM. I’m hoping to just keep flipping and multiplying my money over the next 2 years

>> No.7653254

Thanks God I am from Central Europe and my family was only poor, not Africa tier poor like East.

>> No.7653350

I have 1,2 ETH...

>> No.7653388


p-p-please continue anon

>> No.7653509
File: 16 KB, 400x386, PBb5kof_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck not gonna make it? Are you retarded? 10k rlc will get you to 1 million in a year. 20k amb is another million in a year. 10k link is another million. And those are just the safe picks not moon picks.