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7650801 No.7650801 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.7650995



Glad I caught your thread early this time!

I wanted to know your view on BTC v. BCH?

>> No.7651059

in, ty

>> No.7651239 [DELETED] 

We pump altcoins to the moon. Join and see for yourself,

https://t dot me/tornadopumps

>> No.7651242 [DELETED] 

I use BCH as a hedge against Bitcoin.

They are too different product really, I think Bitcoin Core has a better team and a more coherent product roadmap. Despite all their flaws (and inept leadership), Blockstream has Peter Wiulle, Andrew Poelstra, Chris Allen etc. all brillant engineers/cryptographers.

That being said, they are abnormally slow to ship code. And I think it was a silly product decision to ditch the existing Bitcoin userbase (e.g online retail for which tx fees matter a great deal) just to chase the SoV crowd that has been smug about cryptocurrencies for the better part of the last decade.

Maybe 8Mb is a bit pushing it. There's a real concern it will cause centralization (the Core axiom is that you can derive utility from decentralization) because of the burden it puts on routing nodes (bandwidth). But increasing block size to 4Mb would have been a decent compromise IMO. I'm a bit suspicious of LN because it blurs the economic dynamics of Bitcoin (in addition to being a thick layer of additional complexity), but there's no way to know how things will turn out once it is deployed. Wait and see.

I am excited for things like Schnorr signatures, MAST, and especially Simplicity (upgrade Script). I'm also following Andrew's work closely.

As for price, I think Bitcoin Cash can easily go to $10,000 this year. If Bitcoin wins, it will win over the long-term.

I believe this year is going to be good for crypto (modulo G20 shenanigans) but bad for Bitcoin. The reason is that even with all the cool features in the pipeline, the fact that Blockstream is so slow to ship them (sometimes with reason) means that things will stagnate... allowing BCH to steal the show (at least for now).

That *does not* mean BCH will flip Bitcoin. It just has more upside at the moment.

My $0.02.

>> No.7651446

I use BCH as a hedge against Bitcoin.

They have two competing visions: medium of exchange against store of value.

I think Core has a better team and a more coherent product roadmap. Despite all their flaws (and inept leadership) Blockstream has an amazing team (Wiulle, Poelstra, Allen etc.).

With that being said, they are slow to ship and too academic to be efficient at their job. I think it was a silly product decision to ditch Bitcoin's existing power users (i.e online retail for which tx fees + finality matters) just to chase the SoV crowd that has been smug about cryptocurrencies for years (i.e Wall Street).

They should have had a momentary blocksize increase while L2 in a WIP. Maybe Cash has been pushing it a little bit with a 8Mb blocksize though. There's a real concern it will cause too much centralization and Core's main axiom is that you can derive value from decentralization. 4Mb would have been a decent compromise; it doesn't put a significant bandwidth consumption burden on routing nodes. I'm a bit suspicious of LN because of how it blurs the eco dynamics of Bitcoin, in addition of being a *thick* layer of additional (and perhaps unnecessary) complexity. There's no way to know how things will play out until it is deployed though.

I am excited for long-overdue innovations like Schnorr sigs, MAST, and in particular, Russel O'Conor's language: Simplicity. I'm following Andrew Poelstra's work on MimbleWimble and Grin very closely as well.

As for price, I think Bitcoin Cash will outperform Bitcoin this year, we might see hit 10K this year.

It doesn't mean it will win in the long-term. It's just that with the current pace of development, 2018 is not going to see Bitcoin roll out major upgrade, allowing BCH to steal the show. It's a tough situation to be in honestly.

My $0.02.

>> No.7651528

What is this for

>> No.7651580

OMG you sound super smart!! We should hang out I just got dumped lol

>> No.7651947

jk!!! thanks!

>> No.7651999

Your tripcode is wrong.

>> No.7652174

What's that Pajeet, cat got your tongue? Hope it claws your liver out next, you scamming newfags.

>> No.7652395


>> No.7652955
File: 245 KB, 512x496, nRk4zGy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn this shitcoin is dipping like a motherfucker. I'll wait for it to bottom out before hopping on