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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 198 KB, 900x1200, 8irc09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7644244 No.7644244 [Reply] [Original]

Bitcoin is nothing more than gambling. Prove me wrong.

Why do people even take it seriously?

>> No.7644263

Stocks is nothing more than gambling. Prove me wrong.

Why do people even take it seriously?

>> No.7644265

For the same reason people take gambling seriously.

>> No.7644277

Bonds is nothing more than gambling. Prove me wrong.

Why do people even take it seriously?

>> No.7644278


Think ahead of the speculators and normans and think like a gov't. that can profit from mining BTC by using it as the defacto currency for Universal Basic Income, Max Keiser explains:


>> No.7644287

Life is nothing more than gambling. Prove me wrong.

>> No.7644292

Guy is so dark you can't see any facial features.
It's like she's being hugged by a black hole.

>> No.7644293

100% of the people that has bought btc and held long enough has made money

>> No.7644296

i seriously hope you're paid for this shit because you've made, what, two dozens threads to bitch about it over a period of months. you could have rode bitcoin's rise from 4k to 20k and sold it then. but maybe that's part of your cuckold fetish, watching us make gains while you stay poor

>> No.7644310

Bitcoin is a noun, gambling is a verb. Fuck off Pajeet

>> No.7644390
File: 84 KB, 480x480, 1518391376087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do it for free.

Also there is nothing wrong with being a blacked enthusiast. Millions of white girls only like black men. That is not a problem, I don't blame them. It is the future.

>> No.7644422


WHO DISS???? I dont care she sucks nigger dick, I'd still sniff her butt.

>> No.7644493
File: 121 KB, 680x345, 1517910069370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

99% of white women find blacks and ethnics repulsive.
Science has proven time and time again that that whites are the most physically attractive race.
Let's not discuss IQ and drug use/crime/single mothers and devolve into pol.

>> No.7644531

Except for everyone who bought for over $9300.

>> No.7644547

Would love to see her get pounded by that bbc.

>> No.7644553

sauce on the girl?

>> No.7644580

Science? Or media? I personally believe attractiveness is 99% media. Few examples here...

-Kim K look. Ever since she got popular people are in love with this look.
-Certain celebrities e.g Ryan Gosling and Jennifer Lawrence. These guys aren’t really that hot but Hollywood shoves then in our faces.
- K Pop. I really can’t tell you the amount of girls that are in love with K pop stars now.
-Black guys, needs no explanation.

Now before all of this, the only thing that has been represented is white people, we’re seeing a pretty big shift imo as the Western World becomes more diverse.

>> No.7644639

links/citations to that "science"?

>> No.7644809

Attractiveness is a physically quantifiable variable. White people have greater facial symmetry etc.

''Real life'' studies confirm this. On dating sites women of all races replied in the highest number to white men and the lowest to black men. White men prioritized asian and white women as first and second and blacks last after every other race:


DYOR. Cbf finding other papers.

>> No.7644851

who said there was anything wrong with it? the world needs cucks like you at the bottom so men like me can be on top

>> No.7644895

Maybe because they're building millions of dollars worth of mining equipment in Iceland just for bitcoin mining. Have you seen this shit? This isn't some made up thing, it's the future.

>> No.7644971

>Ryan Gosling
>Jennifer Lawrence
>not hot
they're both female fantasies, you mong
Ryan Gosling is the suave approchable french dude who can be both charming and manly
Jennifer Lawrence is the strong womyn who needs no man yet still feminine, self-insert by excellence complete with her blank face

>> No.7645079


Do an experiment, faggot. No real money involved. Just follow the market, and use one TA pattern -- ABCD.

Give yourself an imaginary starting balance of $100K. Spend an imaginary $2K on your first trade. Set your stop at 1% loss.

Do that, over and over again. Adjust your trade to 2% of your account balance as you go. You're going to take a good amount of 1% losses, sure.

But do it a month and see if you don't come out ahead. Then come back here, with records of all your imaginary transactions, and tell me "it's a gamble."

Protip: You won't be able to, because as long as you autistically follow those instructions, you'll make money whether the overall market is moving up or down.

>> No.7645105


Black men to white girls are what Asian girls are to white men - curious fucktoys and nothing more.

>> No.7645154

it's not science, post a reputable peer-reviewed paper and then we talk

>White people have greater facial symmetry etc.

lol, are you just pulling these "facts" out of your pants?

>> No.7645225

>t butthurt nigger

I told you do some research. Report back with your findings.

>> No.7645244

>predictable crashes followed by predictable ATHs
whatever, brainlet

>> No.7645345

You’re just proving my point. They’ve been portrayed that way thus they are. Send them down a busy designer street and see if they stand out.

>> No.7645458

> makes strong claims
> can't prove them
> when called on these, shits his pants and tells me to prove what he said
you're just stupid aren't you?

i'm white

>> No.7645479

You're an idiot. I have no time to educate you. An easy starting point it google. Simple enough to find the dating preferences articles though wasn't it?

>> No.7646333

semite is not white

>> No.7646379

Correction white men are the most attractive males for females however its asian females not white females

>> No.7646405

>n..no.... I technically have .00001% ownership of Amazon anon....

>> No.7646533
File: 7 KB, 179x282, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember /biz/, no matter how much you lose or how badly you fuck up in life, you'll NEVER be as pathetic as this specimen

>> No.7646561

Its the other way around you retard

The genes have resulted in the pop culture we have today

Africans are overrepresented in most western media compared to their share of demographic and still they are considered undesireable yet whites get almost no place in asian media at all(its almost exclusively asian anyway) yet they are still sought after by a lot of asians

No amount of screentime in the world will change that you can fucking put nigger shows 24/7 but ill tell you the result will be less viewers fucking retard

Kpop is its own story full of plastic surgery and so on and got almost nothing to do with natural looks anymore might as well place bogdanoffs against them

You think these kpop fangirls would take any korean guy off the streets? Hint: they wouldnt.

>> No.7646581

Because my dick does not lie
And sage...
Stop bumping these shit threads

>> No.7646694

>>n..no.... I technically have .00001% ownership of ALL THE POKECOINS
>>they're so hot right now I'm going to be a billionaire see you at the moon tehehe

>> No.7646960
File: 475 KB, 440x704, seagull.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7647079

I thought it was a statue at first.

>> No.7647196

I went to school with this kid and let me just say he's one of the gayest people i've ever met. Look up manatee park new smyrna beach and you can see where the pic was taken

>> No.7647231


It's scientifically proven that it's never a Chad that makes these kinds of posts.

It's always some white dude who was bad at sports growing up and won't have the charisma to climb, dominate, and conquer the corporate ladder.

>> No.7647302

AYY YO whachu meeen "do peeple"

>> No.7647372

Am i still in /biz/?

>> No.7647658

She's not white so not even mad

>> No.7647672

nigger detected

>> No.7647691

you missed the part where I said held long enough

>> No.7647695

sup bro I'm from port orange wanna go surfing?

>> No.7647747

wrong wrong wrong. Cba arguing with you but I'll tell you something that will probably make you depressed for weeks.

Go on Lookism, go find the user T Y G E R. Look at his collection. Cya.

>> No.7647750

>nigger didn't buy the dip

>> No.7647795

>Go on Lookism
yeah, don't do that

>> No.7647808

Why? Don't wanna take the red pill?
