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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 26 KB, 250x250, appc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7635780 No.7635780 [Reply] [Original]

Its happening today.

>> No.7635851

KYS its never gonna moon its a piece of shit

>> No.7635995
File: 280 KB, 1572x1404, 435345345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I legit listened to biz one time and bought 2 eth of APPC and it literally crashed 10 minutes later, fuck that shitcoin and hope you get cancer.

>> No.7636378

this coin really is cancer, bought my eth of bags a few months ago at $3, had to sit on them while the price dropped 50%, sold at the next opportunity and ever since it's bottomed out. a little too happy to see this crash and burn so all the filthy pajeets can fuck off

>> No.7636524

this coin is why ill never listen to biz again

>> No.7636585
File: 71 KB, 575x382, carry-heavy-bag - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same. I'm still holding 27 bags out of spite. I'll sell if it gets close to breaking even.

>> No.7636771

I put my lifetime savings in at ath, im readly for god to take me away from this shit planet. im too dumb to be here

>> No.7636871

Its rising to $1 today. Unload if you want to.

>> No.7637474

fuck off sage

>> No.7637512
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Fresh snap from another thread i posted in
All in too

>> No.7637582

Palm Beach- Teeka

>> No.7637583
File: 6 KB, 220x229, palm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow you fell for it even worse than I did and you didnt think of unloading your bags the entire way down or briefly at $2.50-3.00?

>> No.7637748

Fell for the hodle meme
Hur dur you only lose when you sell
I just got into to crypto so i was still finding my feet, i would like to say crypto was fun but it wasnt, i only briefly saw green then just red for the whole month
$200 isnt even worth withdrawing
I feel pretty stupid letting 4chan meme me into this crypto crap /g/ was right its just a fucking scam and anyone getting in now is going to lose and be paying for everyones lambos

>> No.7637754

Lol when did biz ever shill this coin, I've only seen the majority shitting on it

>> No.7637790

Have some patience, BTC is bound to fall again and alts will go with it

>> No.7637815

HODL used to be a good meme. Times have changed.

>> No.7637888

1k wasnt a small amount of cash to me, i mean im not missing rent payments because of it but i eat alot more 2 minute noodles these days

>> No.7637919

Every time I see a thread for this coin, I go and check the price and its down another 1000 sats. Fucking kek at anyone still holding this.

>> No.7637984

Nice trips. In the future always use stop limits. 10% below your buy in is good. Move it up as the price increases. Don't let unrealized profits go to waste, nor let your stack dwindle to nothing.

>> No.7638333

But i think im out, no lambos for me, not that i was gonna get a lambo im not a car person i probably would have just lived a super comfy neet life until i was was dead at age 55 because my heart couldnt stand the stress of weighing 800 kg
It was a nice dream but its back to reality now, $200 might as well be 20 cents in crypto these days
I was depressed all month but trying to tell myself it doesnt matter
Fuck but it does, i just wasted a thousand fucking dollars

>> No.7638524
File: 112 KB, 1200x675, 1518370733331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting jeeted this hard
>mfw I used to shill this a few weeks ago
Big APPC announcement on Wednesday moon soon get in here lads

>> No.7638530
File: 198 KB, 320x320, fun.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the obscure shitcoin appc will moon before FUN does.

>> No.7638634
File: 28 KB, 443x332, IMG_2404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why anon?

>> No.7638811

Trips twice in a row
If this was one of the old give away threads that used to pop up from time to time i would be set

>> No.7638848

Gotta separate the wheat from the chaff

>> No.7638862

I just fucking started

>> No.7638911
File: 98 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20180213-225821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I'll never listen to biz ever again. Valuable lesson for a couple hundred bucks. In hindsight I wonder how I could be so lazy to not do research. Aptoide is a website for poor third worlders to download pirated clone apps. Why would this coin ever make money? My gut tells me this will never be over a dollar ever again, but I'd rather lose it all then sell for an L

>> No.7638965

Gotta do it early. It's like hazing in the army. If you're too much of a pussy just quit and go back to sleeveless flannel shirts and Malboro menthols you bogan

>> No.7638978


Biz definitely shilled it. I remember it distinctly. Oh there was just a coin burn, half the circulating coins are gone, CMC still hasn't updated this on their site, when people find out this will immediately double in price, you guys must hate money if you don't get in now. They love using that line. You don't hate money now do ya?

It went straight down from that day on. Hindsight though everything was going up that point before everything went to hell. Terrible time to buy a shit coin

>> No.7639008
File: 103 KB, 1200x900, 1518093109223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont forget "big announcement on Wednesday"

>> No.7639045

I just have no idea how to recover from this, do i just stay in this shit and wait for it to go back up or just go buy some KYS coin, im sure faggots like you will make that coins price surge above bitcoin itself

>> No.7639100
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>> No.7639427

>appcoin, canyacoin, powhcoin
/biz/ did a good job justing itself even ignoring the crash.

>> No.7639429


The APPC Telegram is pretty rich. Bunch or third worlders with terrible English telling themselves how it's about to be $10 soon. Fucking delusion

>> No.7639902

This coin has potential. Could be $5 by EOY, if not 10.

>> No.7639942
File: 26 KB, 373x395, IMG_2396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$5 EOY
>paid $4

>> No.7640004

Buy some more to lower your average buy price.

>> No.7640228 [DELETED] 

>Didn't research
>Didn't know aptoide is essencial lying a store to download pirated apps whose users would never buy a coin to pay for anything

>> No.7640253

please some pnd group out there target this

>> No.7640298

>Buys blindly with zero research
>Doesn't know aptoide is essentially a store do download pirated apps whose users will never get a token to pay for anything

>> No.7640336

Just hold till EOY

>> No.7640384


>> No.7640401
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>> No.7640408

Stop being a victim. Treat it as a great $800 lesson. Grab your cash from that and go all in on ETC until 2 or three days before the airdrop (early March). You won't make a fortune - but these fucking clowns will buy anything if it comes with a set of steak knives (Callisto or whatever the fuck it is). Then find one more coin that can double and go all in again. No stop loss on your ETC trade. Start a stop loss on future trades. Read this shit board every day. About 2 % of it (maybe I'm being too generous) is worthwhile. Learn to work out which advice is good and which isn't. Then research the good advice. Build a body of knowledge and you'll be back above your former stake in 3 months and ready for the next Bull market

>> No.7640617

Thanks for the advice anon
Probably the only sincere thing i have read here in months

>> No.7640736

thanks for buying my bags faeggot

>> No.7640758

haha thanks buying my bags lol. stay poor faeggot