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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7634640 No.7634640 [Reply] [Original]

How many of you are actually buying this shit, and how many are just enjoying watching future bagholders and funny memes?

>> No.7634664

>how many people are making threads trying to create FUD in hopes of being able to buy bags for cheaper?

>> No.7634688

>so many nu-male fags with FUD that is so obviously shit. what has happened to /biz/

>> No.7634780
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the state of the board has gotten so bad with this meme it's honestly needing intervention by the mods at this point

>> No.7634803

>Intervention from stopping retards from liquidating themselves
Let nature run it course

>> No.7634875
File: 52 KB, 349x465, 032228CE-00AE-4239-A3D3-117FDCF0CD3A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically it’s a bunch of heartless fuckers that think it’s funny to trick reddit fags into buying into a shit coin by appealing to their ego and making them feel smart and that nobody else “gets it”. It’s a common phenomenon, easiest way to trick people. Just talk to a conspiracy theorist and the will use the same phrases that link brainlets do