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763241 No.763241 [Reply] [Original]

1. Greece will be ejected from the eurozone.
2. Greece will go back to drahma.
3. Greece will go bankrupt.
4. Greece will join the euro again after hyperinflation.

What could possibly go wrong?

>> No.763248

5. Dinosaurs will put their money on gold and the remaining inteligent people in Bitcoin

>> No.763251

>what is speculation

>> No.763422

Once Greece gets ejected, will the Euro rise?

>> No.763436

Yes, but not because a weak Euro member leaving makes the remaining Euro system stronger. It will rise because there will be massive disruptions this will force the ECB to hit the panic button to buy everything across the board.

>> No.763604

It's like Apple kicking out Steve Jobs. You know; founding memebers?

>> No.763624

fuck greece and fuck the EU

>> No.763647

Greece wasn't a original member of the Euro...

They literally lied their way into joining the Euro zone... benefited from the increased low interest money they could borrow from the banks and basically shot themselves in the foot by leaving way beyond their means.

Basically they scammed the EU in order to borrow increased amounts of low interest money.

>> No.763676
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mfw finland is the new greece

>> No.763678

Parallel currency. Drachma will be valid for domestic transactions only. ECB will still prop up Greece's Euro obligations. Look at Cuba for example of parallel currency (although they are getting rid of it soon).

>> No.763680

ECB will buy up troubled Greek assets. Same as TARP in U.S. Political drama is sideshow to appease plebs on all sides.

>> No.763682

If ECB fails Greece, they will turn to Russia for financing. Read: Russian occupation of Greece. NATO does not want Russia to have another foot into Western Europe.

>> No.763695

So what you guys are saying is that I need to buy Euros right nos and wait?

>> No.763697

>1. Greece will be ejected from the eurozone.

No they won't, we will pay for their shit but our politicians will make it seem like we aren't.

>> No.763701


greece won't be ejected from the eurozone.

it's just a shitshow. western europe made so much dosh off of greece and is prepping for round two. the crisis greece is facing pales in comparison to the amount money we sucked out. Can't sell our honeypots. That's also why we keep pushing into the balkans even though they're unstable as fuck.

>> No.764643

>If ECB fails Greece, they will turn to Russia for financing.
Are you seriously claiming Russia has any money to spare?

>> No.764646

How so?

>> No.764652

I have a stupid question about inflation, if anyone can provide a clear answer.

Why does internal inflation happen?
Like, if the country had no imports, how would inflation happen. All the things in the country and made and purchased locally and everyone works for an unchanging amount of money, why would inflation occur, or is inflation simply a matter of human nature in that we ask for raises etc. to make it seem like we make more money but then once we ask for a raise they just increase prices of everything and so on.

pls respond.

>> No.764708

Printing money.
If on the gold/sterling standard, discovering gold, or the release of previously cached gold (e.g. there's a new tax, and minor noble families have to sell of their silverware. Suddenly silver pieces are more common, while the things they used to buy are not: silver savings are rendered less valuable.)

>> No.764721

What if money was electronic and not physical and there was only a set amount which never increased or decreased? Would inflation still occur?

>> No.764738

Yes, most likely, due to human nature and also lending.

The landlords raise the rent, so the store owners raise prices to pay rent. Inflation goes up as everything costs more to afford. You can actually have a system where the majority of people fundamentally have no money and aren't spending anything, yet prices still inflate rapidly because a few competing rich continue to buy things at higher and higher prices.

If people are allowed to use credit and take out loans, they'll do so to get by. Eventually all this causes a country to go insolvent. The former where the rich seize the entire wealth of a nation usually causes the people to rely on more rugged survival tactics and a black market, and the poverty pretty much causes all technology and progress to die.

If the country goes insolvent due to debts, the whole thing kind of collapses as there's suddenly no money and the billions of dollars the elites thought they had never existed to be taken in the first place.

Economics is complicated. Macroeconomics even more so. Inflation can occur even if no new money is being introduced into the system.

>> No.764743
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>implying they wont go grovel to get an extension on their loan