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File: 28 KB, 400x400, trump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7628205 No.7628205 [Reply] [Original]

Politics aside, is he a good businessman or not? Genuinely asking.

>> No.7628224

9 bankruptcies
yes anon yes
why are you asking ?

>> No.7628226

no, see Netflix show Dirty Money

>> No.7628243

Anon, come on this isn't /pol/ or TD why even ask a dumb question like this?

>> No.7628254

wrong board /pol/ack, we only talk about magic internet money here

>> No.7628282

Dude woulda made 3x as much just putting his money in an index fund
So no, absolutely useless

>> No.7628292

Literal garbage commie propaganda
Look if you can turn 1m into 4.5 Billion(estimates) you're doing something right. Whatever that may be...

>> No.7628294
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>makes hotel
>ends UP shutting down
>makes uni
>ends UP shutting down

He is not but he was lucky to be born in the us where the average ameriburger dreams of having a bimbo wife and becoming rich by backstabbing People which is the image he sold

>mfw the same People who waste money in Trump brands have the audacity to call supreme overpriced

>> No.7628302

please go bak to leddit and stop trying to exploit the autistic people of 4chan.

>> No.7628335

Went bankrupt 9x, got his start from his daddy's money, I'm gonna say no

>> No.7628341

He has very, very good lawyers.

>> No.7628347

No retard, another stupid ass argument formulated by poor people. Index funds DO NOT capture 100% of market growth, even if they did the fees would prevent you from making as much as that is. Fuck out of here with your copy paste garbage and do some research yourself.

>> No.7628374

>literal billionaire
>is he good at business?

If nothing else he's good at gaming the system, which is what is required to be successful. Like it or not.

>> No.7628404

capitalism is power in america and this fucker is the president. yes he's a good businessman and yes that means he's an evil piece of shit

>> No.7628431
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>> No.7628447

Hillary got most corporate donations and lost

>> No.7628499

>hating no Trump =Hillary shill

Lay down the pills polnigger

>> No.7628526

Soros is in Netflix so its definetly neutral about Trump.

>> No.7628648

He was bankcruppty on paper, good. He got money from his family? Yes. But see how many lotto millionaires or other money bitches cannot handle business and families loose all the money with a new generation.
The best was he managed to make a brand of his own name. This is real business. To get fucking paid for using your name.
>The Trump Game
>The Trump Steak
>The Trump Tower
Look at what he did with the New York skating park. You have to look back 20, 30, 40 years what he did and how he managed to get it done.

>> No.7628768

the (((bankers))) bailed him out because they saw potential in milking his brand. he's the perfect puppet after all

>> No.7628809

>hurr ma bankruptcies

Literally any good businessman that can game the system has claimed bankruptcy to offset losses, most cucks just take the hit, he didnt.

>hurr small loan of 1mil from daddy turned into over 1bil

Just about everyone in america has access to 1,000$, doesnt mean they would turn it into 1mil cash in several life times

Im not even political and dont live in the US but how anyone can say this guy isnt a hustler and good at the game is beyond me

>> No.7628829

he's dumb as fuck and if you can't see it you most probably are too

>> No.7628833

I've been browsing this site for 2 days and i cal tell 90% of you faggots are actually braindead.
- One of the richest and most successful people on the plant
-Bad bussinessman


>> No.7628839
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It's easier to turn a thousand into a million, than to turn few million into a few billion.
The liberal, as foolish as he is, would have you believe that Trump is some self centered bafoon who just got lucky. This wrong.
Once again we see the leftist projecting their own good fortune and stupidity on to others.
A few bankruptcies in some ventures getting to a billion is very common and making it in media does require an outgoing personality.
Donald Trump is probably the most successful individual of all time desu. He's made it across several fields and then ascended to the presidency in a democratic system. And his presidency has been far better than the last four behind him.

>> No.7628863

Yes he is good and a smart man. He plays dumb because its 4d chess. Just look at what he has accomplished

>> No.7628902
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>inherited most of his money that would have worth even more if he just let them in index fund
>most money not in any financial assets
>doesn't make any products
>any business he tried other than real estate was basically telemarketing tier shitproducts that failed
>only real source of money is basically just renting stuff

he is just a glorified landlord that used his celeb image to promote his places. I mean this is fucking merica even a fat kid with diabetes can become a celeb there

>> No.7628911

>potato IQ

>> No.7628968

he's not nearly as rich as he says he is. anybody who knows shit about business understands the man lies about his net-worth like no other. donald leases out his name to put on other people's buildings. he then includes that property value in his "empire".

get over yourself and your dumbass president. the world is laughing at you.

>> No.7628997

idk about drumpf bc thank god no burgerass
but it actually is easier to make a billion from a few million than turn one thousand in a million
every half retard knows this
kys underage altrightedgelord

>> No.7629003

>Donald Trump is probably the most successful individual of all time desu. He's made it across several fields and then ascended to the presidency in a democratic system. And his presidency has been far better than the last four behind him.

I remember when 4chan made fun of partisan lapdogs, yet now this kind of stuff is said unironically

>> No.7629015

>TV star
>everyone still underestimates
He's doing something right.

>> No.7629037
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To the people that think Trump became well known or was only successful because of the money his father gave him. Let me ask you something, why aren't his siblings just as successful? They all got the same amount of money after all.

>> No.7629041

literally better than every single person on this board.

>> No.7629075

>logic of a 12 year old

>> No.7629084



even if its half that, he's still one of the most successful and richest people on the planet....how mad are you?

>> No.7629088
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that doesn't really say much

>> No.7629089


>> No.7629125

He's a drunken master. Looks like he's fumbling all the way through, but somehow ends up on top.

You have to do Olympic level mental gymnastics to justify the idea that he's an idiot.

>> No.7629126
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Great reply.

>> No.7629139

I need this in higher res

>> No.7629148

There's a difference between investing 1 million and investing 1m with your daddy bailing you out if your shit project doesn't go through

>> No.7629149

I won't be the judge of whether he's a good businessman or not, but it's an undeniable truth that he's a great marketer / advertiser/ bullshitter. Which is a very important trait to have as a businessman.
Whoever just says "lol he bankrupted 4 times he's shit" and thinks he has it all down is an imbecile who should never express opinions about anything.

>> No.7629156

Hes going to be successful in that his idiocracy is going to bring about the end of the great American experiment

>> No.7629183

>implying it didn't end with the creation of the Federal Reserve

>> No.7629193
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>only 4% of folio in liquid assets

>> No.7629204

He's a lucky charming swindler, so I'd say he's got a good business sense but is on the on the other hand a blight.

>> No.7629221

Did you really just compare having $1,000 to having $1,000,000? Have you You do understand that the more money you have, the more you can make?

>> No.7629282


its exponentially harder to make 2 mil out of 1 mil than 2k out of 1k....whats your point? he made billions out of millions, much harder than making millions out of thousands

>> No.7629286

Yes he's pretty good. Back in the 80's he had a reputation for getting projects off the ground and completed when other real estate people failed to do so on the same site. Yes he had projects fail and yes he had bankruptcies but none of those things ruined him. Lesser businessmen fall right off the map after that kind of hit, Trump survived.

>> No.7629351

>the world is laughing at us
>we couldn't give 2 shits about what the rest of the world thinks

>> No.7629357

next you say that WWE is real..

>> No.7629387


>Poor faggot making excuses

Do you realise how percentages work retard? If you make x % ROI it gets you equally close to your 1000x goal regardless of where you start

>> No.7629431

Every country gets laughed at. If you're not being laughed at, it's because no one cares enough to even criticize your country.

>> No.7629458
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if Trump sold all his inheritance and put the money in a boomer fund he would have 10 billion today but instead he has less than 1/3 of that

>> No.7629474

We've finally found the man who will end the spic nig cycle?

>> No.7629533

>just hodl bitcoin for 40 years
this is what you sound like
I didn't expect to see this degree of mental retardation of /biz/

>> No.7629563

>>makes hotel
>>ends UP shutting down
>>makes uni
>>ends UP shutting down

sometimes you gotta lose before you can win bigly.

>> No.7629578
File: 6 KB, 245x206, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comparing index funds with bitcorn
/biz/ ladiess and gents

>> No.7629589
File: 129 KB, 820x768, 23244449_1606354489400412_7970579401195150931_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>9 bankruptcies
>out of 530 companies
You're not gonna make it.

>If only he hadn't made thousands of jobs, THEN I'd respect him!
Whoever made that meme argument must be a teacher because the math is terrible. 200m at 8% returns for 35 years would be 2.9 billion, then taxed hundreds of millions. The President was worth 4bn and that's lowballing it.

This is the only proper criticism in this thread.

>> No.7629628

>started 200 businesses
>9 of them declared bankruptcy, and most of those later turned profit

>> No.7629630

its too bad your retard ancestors didnt realize trying to build a country based on slavery wouldn't be a disaster. if the white man in america is totally cucked today, he brought it on himself

>> No.7629645

>If he invested half of a 300m inheritance in 1999 then he'd have 10 billion!!!!
Maybe /r9k/ is more your speed.

>> No.7629657

He’s alpha as fuck and real Americans wanted a guy like him after 8 years of limp wristed, mom jean wearing, bicycle helmet wearing, unable to throw a baseball Obama

>> No.7629663

Damn, those .03% fees. And yes they do capture market growth you brainlet, index funds are the market.

>> No.7629701
File: 48 KB, 800x729, 1517263477423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he took control of the company and assets in 1971

>> No.7629703

The bankruptcy meme is the most obnoxious thing. Most of the people talking about all his bankruptcies don't even know how many businesses he had. It just shows that their weak minds don't even understand the importance of using percentages instead of nominal values.

>> No.7629726

In a strict sense of running a business, absolutely he’s not, but he is pretty clever at using people and exploiting any given situation. He’s proof that you don’t need much intelligence to be successful, at least not traditional intelligence - just ruthlessness and social skills.

>> No.7629797
File: 75 KB, 628x534, 1517360741272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah who knew that a business selling potato juice and a pajeet university were going to go bankrupt some day

>> No.7629829

>Paying thousands of people on payroll for 44 years with profits
>None of that goes into his net worth
You realize this is what you're complaining about, right? He generated billions more than his own net worth and it went to the community like a proper capitalist system, and you're upset.

>> No.7629882
File: 53 KB, 403x448, 1517263414864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and if he put the money in a boomer fund in 1971 he would have produced a lot more billions for the capitalist system

>> No.7629922

Remember when 4chan got taken over by bots, larpers and Russian agents?

>> No.7629935


>> No.7629945
File: 64 KB, 344x487, gates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


here is successful businessman who only needed one business to be successful silly coal loving Trump voters

>> No.7629967

He's a GREAT negotiator and he grew up in the business. It's not church. He's in the business to make money. You do whatever you have to do to make it. He' always done it pretty well and righteously. More so than the Clinton's. He's not gonna make the country great again because we've been tied for so long to corruption and the Rothschild's shadow is still cast over the world.

>> No.7630188

>lashes out on twitter like a teenage girl
>omg so alpha lol
I hate /pol/tards

>> No.7630211

No lol, he'd have 5bn. He says he has 10bn, the lowball estimation of his wealth is 4bn, the high ball is 7bn.

>> No.7630631

the only thing that he was good at was marketing his last name

>> No.7630659
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>> No.7630670
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He wouldn't even be a millionaire if his dad wasn't one.

What does that tell you about him being a good businessman or not?

>> No.7630705

No he is not.
BUT he is the best president in the history of the United States of America.

>> No.7630751

>Dude woulda

>> No.7630767


>> No.7630784



>> No.7630856


CHECK OUT NETFLIX’s DIRTY MONEY, CONFIDENCE MAN EPISODE. Trump fucks are bag holders. Good luck with your trump bag suckers.

>> No.7630874
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>> No.7630895

Hard to say because he essentially inherited a couple hundred million dollars. His dad was under investigation for fraud in the 70s so he was put in charge as a figure head but his dad still ran the company until he died. A couple years after that Trump was insolvent. But he was already a celebrity for being a playboy rich kid so his brand alone carried him. I think he genuinely had to have made some good real estate deals, I mean was well connected to his father's business partners obviously, and he didn't have to pay taxes for a decade or more. But we have no clue to his finances so its hard to say. He only reported a couple mil in liquid assets in the few financial disclosures that have ever been released.

>> No.7630910

>scared of going outside

>> No.7630951

Of course. I read his book, the art of the deal. Let’s just say he talked Hyatt into funding a hotel and paying to maintain it because he had a plot of land and a plan. He still gets 50% off that project which is the grand Hyatt in Manhattan.

>> No.7631000

ooga booga bix nood

>> No.7631024

Thanks to trump:

-higher debt ceiling
-worse health insurance
-worse taxes for everyone but 1%
-twitter war with North Korea (which will get frighteningly real)
-highest turnover rate of any white hkouse admin
-world now officially thinks we are a joke. And they’re right. Buy guns. Shit is gonna get real this year.

>> No.7631037

-liberal shitstain detected.

>> No.7631141

he drove his fathers HUGE legacy to the ground.
Crashed it with all the prestige.

OMG I can feel his fathers pain

>> No.7631159


This liberal shitstain promises to defend you and your boyfriend with my two new gen 4 Glock 19s when Shit goes down.

>> No.7631161

Out of like 500 companies you fucking faggit

>> No.7631202

I am sitting with my gen4 g19 with 31 rounds right now.
Don’t need your help pussy boy.

>> No.7631259


If I ever make my way to buttfuck Ohio, or Nebraska or whatever flyover state You live in, I’ll still fight side by side with you. Even though you’re a faggot.

>> No.7631291

What fund captures full growth? None of them asshat. Vanguard has one of if not THE best index funds and only captures 80 percent of the growth. Add that with the COMPOUNDING fees meaning your increase is further diverted to them(they provide good service to you long term so im not complaining) and you dont actually earn the same as the S&P 500 so stop using that as a comparison. Or better yet find me a fund that has returned an average of 9.83 percent A YEAR(Average s&p earnings) over 40+ years and ill shut up.

>> No.7631315

In Seattle, faggot.
Any other assumptions you pretentious neet?

>> No.7631317

we can only laugh at you dumbasses, liberals or rightwing.
Go get children, get em in debt, fat and stupified.
While trump is cutting securities for the poorest of your fellows, right now (seriously, they're cutting even food stamps)

I hope you can use your guns soon ;))

>> No.7631327

Yeah but after his first 500m dollar project you cant criticize him as his daddy was never that rich

>> No.7631351

I don’t need food stamps.
I don’t have children.
I am in pharmacy school and don’t even need to work but wish to be productive.

Lazy fucks like you might be affected. I am benefiting greatly from trump.

>> No.7631356

The best one that America had since Reagan.

>> No.7631404


Yep, tax less and spend more, they were both all in on short term gains to get reelected and let future generates pay it off. Fuck them.

>> No.7631438

>ignores that national debt went from 8 trillion to 16 trillion under obama.

t. Reddddit brainlet.

>> No.7631453


>> No.7631478

Neither do I, and I wish to be to :)

Great going, pal.
Do you REALLY benefit?? ... I guess we'll see at the end. All I am hearing about the US is giving me shivers.

Except for the landscape, the over-friendly people, and apparently NYC is pretty cool.

>> No.7631541

Oh, a European perhaps?
You’ve been mislead by the BBC and our own news outlets here.
Frankly I’m not impressed at all with Western Europe and besides the historical aspects I have no desire to ever hear about that shithole. Especially Germany. I hope all is well for you and your cryptos pal!

>> No.7631554

How many millionaires are there?
How many billionaires are there?
You're fucking retarded if you think it's easier to get to a billion from a million.

>> No.7631556
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>> No.7631573

Muh 1%ers. If I am able to have a better quality of life because of this man and his policies then thats great. Jealousy of the bourgeoise will do nothing to help you climb up to the top

>> No.7631609

apparently if he just put all his dough in an sp500 index fund his net worth would have been 200-300% richer

so no not really

>> No.7631625


lmao Bush caused most of that debt, continuing the classic republican tax less, spend more policy started by Reagan. We are still paying for all those decades long entitlement programs, tax cuts, and wars started by bush. Actually Obama increased spending less than any president in modern history because the republican before him fucked up so much.

Its the republicans signature move, run on tax cuts (free money!) during economic booms, then spend and print money like there is no tomorrow to prop up the economy as long as your 8 years last. Then when it collapses in the twilight of their administration blame it on the democrat if they get elected.

>> No.7631686

>continuing the classic republican tax less, spend more policy started by Reagan
except republicans didn't control congress under reagan

>> No.7631725

I don't watch tv.
I travel around a bit, and may I say that the US is not the only country being fucked right now.
But at least I don't have to fear financial troubles if I get sick. I use public transport, it's quite nice.
And even while life is not always easy, I can somehow still count on the system to catch me if I loose it all - can happen.
(Oh, btw., the schools and colleges are free).

I know it's far from perfect, and we are all getting fucked politically. But I'm proud of the solidarity here.
Even as a migrant (inner-european), I really want to give the next generations the same inner peace and opportunity as I have.
It's just a nice life, u kno! (Also: no guns..)

>> No.7631741


They controlled the senate.

>> No.7631757

I feel like this thread is on the wrong board

>> No.7631765

>I don't know what a personal bankruptcy is

>> No.7631792

College is not free.
How much is your tax rate? I know in Denmark they’re paying 40-60%.
That’s absolutely ridiculous.
No guns? Cool. Gonna ban box trucks next?

>> No.7631879

>No guns? Cool. Gonna ban box trucks next?
>A gun's primary purpose is for doing harm to other individuals, serves no other purpose
>A box truck's primary purpose is delivery and transportation, could be used as a weapon because it's big and heavy
Yeah anon they're the same

>> No.7631887

>autism confirmed

>> No.7631901


Plus in the bush years they controlled the house too and push though massive tax cuts, massive entitlements to their constituents, massive deregulation, started multiple wars. All these things are STILL being paid and we will be paying for them for decades. Somehow conservacucks blame that on Obama. The only thing Obama spent on was the stimulus which kept the bottom falling out after the collapse the republican's push for deregulation and easy credit caused. Besides that Obamacare was designed to be entirely funded but it was intentionally sabotaged by republicans with a death by a thousand needles.

>> No.7631955

This is /biz/ pal, everyone knows that bankruptcies is a great way to play the system.

Why do you ask? He's a billionaire and there's only ~500 billionaires in the US alone.
Doesn't that answer your question right away?

>> No.7631966

I think I'm in the bottom 25%...
But I get a good chance, after working for years the government is currently paying me for going to university.

I just don't understand why americans are always so angry against europeans or other countries.
You know, many people fear the US, the CIA and the enormous military. Many hate the killing acts.
But why can't we have a decent conversation?

We could talk about energy for example.
I have 100% coal and nuclear free energy, and it's costing me 6 to 10 (maximum) cents (EUR) per kwH...
Now, you can't tell me we can't get around without nuclear or coal, when I am doing it right now. We should all be smarter god damn it.

>> No.7632022
File: 18 KB, 248x189, getaloadofthisguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he actually believed Trump when he said all he received from his dad was $1M
you realize his dad bailed out his casinos, loaned him way more than $1M before he died, and left a shitload of money and property as an inheritance, right?

>> No.7632032


Most US doesn't. Understand the US government is held hostage by republicans. Democrats won the popular vote for both the presidency and congress. The current leaders are not representative of the people. Most Americans hate 90% of the stupid bullshit and have to put up with it too.

>> No.7632054

Ok, foreigners have to pay 400 EUR per semester.
And yes, I am paying 38% corporate tax / income tax. It's ok...
And rifles are free to buy, and handguns have to be licensed. But not many people actually have guns.
It's just the culture, I guess we don't need a penis enlargement... why should you have a gun???

>> No.7632067

Guns have a better purpose. Protecting yourself. Hunting. Target shooting.
But yeah you can enjoy cucking if you want. Life isn’t all peaches and cream sweetcheeks

>> No.7632100
File: 86 KB, 608x1077, 8FC8D287-55CA-487A-9403-FDEF6B8395D0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The “majority” pays far less in taxes.

>> No.7632114

Although I am willing to converse like a rational adult I can understand why some Americans are harsh with critical Europeans. Liberal Europe is like a little bubble which only exist for as long as the US subsidizes its defense (and their society remains high-trust and homogeneous). It would be impossible to generate enough power in eco friendly ways to satiate the globe. Further, hydro and other "green" electric sources just shift the ecological damage from the atmosphere to the local ecosystem. There is nothing wrong with nuke plants and you are retarded.

>> No.7632131

So it’s the same as the USA? And you’re being a pretentious fuckhead again.
Shall I remind you that you’d probably be German if we didn’t save your ass? You’re not superior in any way. Just different.

>> No.7632153

Turning tens of millions into billions makes you an objectively good businessman

>> No.7632199

Those taxes are way too high. You’re not getting anything free, you’re getting ripped off to cover for other lazy dipshits.
I grew up poor as shit and we always had state heath insurance for free here in USA for the poorest. Still do.
Your gun laws are reasonable and comparable to here.

>> No.7632229


No shit he promised them tax cuts (free money). But who actually got meaningful tax cuts that will actually out pace the inflation caused by the massive trump deficits funded by QE? Only the ultra wealthy like Trump himself truly made out.

>> No.7632243
File: 424 KB, 900x900, Brainlet-Hilldog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Trump didn't win!! He only "won" thanks to the system that was written into the constitution hundreds of years ago!!1"

>> No.7632254

>less than 10 bankruptcies
>hundreds of successful businesses
>millions to billions
>became president of the united states of america
Yeah, I'd say he's a rather successful businessman if you look at it on a financial and economical scale. He's successful on multiple fronts.

To even imply that he's stupid or a failure in any way is delusional. He's deceptively intelligent which makes him dangerous.

>> No.7632263

No. Hes failed in business tons of times, and most of his "success" is from throwing money around until people cave and give him what he wants. He came from a rich family and that is the only reason he is as rich as he is now. You have people that started from much humbler beginnings that are 10 times wealthier than he will ever be.

>> No.7632264

Wait until you receive your tax return next year jackass lol.

>> No.7632275

no. he was once and continues to be bankrupt

>> No.7632293

nice theory. But I get the feeling europeans are always seen as "socialist", "communists", as if these were the workings of the gay devil.

I don't know, it seems different to me.
I have never seen a gun shop in my life.
And by "rifle" I mean those long things the hunters use. Not the military style rifles.
I have also never seen a gun in the hands of a civilian...
I'm not cucked, I liked shooting in russia once. Fun. But something is different in that whole regard...

>> No.7632297

He's a really good salesman, anyway.

>> No.7632322

yea, that was not a real gun... still liked it, I instantly wanted to shoot some animal dead.

>> No.7632332

>tax refund

Good job exposing yourself as a poorfag. You're not on pol, this is biz. Everyone here owes a shit tone of taxes. I have a wage cuck job with withholding and I'll still have to pay $15k this quarter. You are a poorfag sucking trumps dick, you couldn't be more of a cuck.

>> No.7632401

“Military style”
>semi auto ar15

Whatever you say faggot Hillary voter.
I got in eth at 29 and ans at $6.
Eat my ass.

>> No.7632411

I don't know, you say I'm not getting anything, but the gov is literally paying me to go to university right now... and all the other things, I can see with my own eyes all the things I get.

It's nice to hear that your state is organized that well :)
I've heard many good things about americans helping each other out. And that they are friendly. But I don't see that on the internet or in politics. Quite cruel if you ask me

>> No.7632445

I’m sorry to inform you that you’ve been mislead. Maybe I have also in regards to your country.

>> No.7632474


Then how can you not absolutely hate the republican tax plan which closed the like kind exchange loophole? Everyone making it in crypto is getting fucked by that. Makes me doubt you have any significant gains.

>> No.7632475

Warning: Trump is preparing to make a run for it. This is a one off warning to start moving your holdings to your wallets or decentralized exchanges.

>> No.7632525

I don’t plan on pulling any out in cash through an exchange. I bought in with cash in person and cash out chunks in person, through my btc broker . Sucks to be a douch with no connections huh?

>> No.7632578

We at heart are free market fuck you capitalists. Europeans are much more for a social collective common good which is fine and dandy. Your problem will lie in letting millions of welfare sucking refugees. As for our scary military sure there have been abuses but not many against any european nations, our firepower is focused in the middle east which i agree is fucked. but our badass military also provides a stability in the world so some fuckwad like kim jung or putin or whoever thinks twice about usurping or attacking some nation.

>> No.7632638

>Check out George Soros's propaganda company
There's a reason every single netflix show has BM/WF when it's the least popular pairing in real life. You're watching a PR firm.

>> No.7632656


Doesn't matter, the republican plan specifically makes all crypto to crypto trades a taxable event. How can you not know this? You are either poor or you are a tax evader, or you don't even live in the US. Either way you're not part of the 10% that pays 90% of the taxes. You're a poorfag obsessed with trump when poorfags get fucked the most by trump, the republicans and their spend and print, easy credit / debt fueled short term economies.

>> No.7632685

Yeah and you probably think you're redpilled too.

>> No.7632693

yes, theoretically nukes should be the perfect power source.
Since this is /BIZ/, how genious would be using GRAVITY as a power source?
hey autist! Come in here! JUST DO IT!!!

sounds a bit like propaganda... don't project problems onto us, we project them onto ourselves just fine.

>> No.7632722

i could also be a good businessman if my pops gave me big money to play with..

>> No.7632795

its just common sense. a business cant survive if its not charging its patrons or spending more that it can take in. and im not for all these bullshit proxy wars and i think 90% of every world government is corrupt. I think just assuming everyone is inherently good and being a total sjw moral fag for every situation is a good way to fuck yourself. and nice im a redpill loser argument too faggot. Not everyone who thinks like me is a pol tard

>> No.7632796

>politics aside
bahahahahahahahaha c'mon dogg

>> No.7632857

im just saying we as americans go our own way. the world has hated us for it since 1776. We will elect a Mad man like trump to say fuck you to our establishment politicians. And if you guys dont like it then suck it because you dont have the balls to do anything in your own countries even. The world is not fair

>> No.7633059

I think the hate started in the 1970s...
Many great ideas were copied around the world, dat's tru...

Since americans can take risks (they say), here's a plan for silicon valley money:
1) Send a turbine down the sea, generating electricity
2) At the bottom, split H2O into H2 and O
3) With buoyancy, send the turbine back to the surface
4) Release H2 and O
5) Send it back to the bottom

... it's /biz/, nonetheless... where the autists at? Can it be done?

>> No.7633104

He delegates to others.
That being said he was trained to stay rich, and he avoided substance addiction.

I think he is a sociopath.

>> No.7633256

fuck. i hope he leads us into recession.
Houses where I live in 2009 were down 50+%. people who bought then made a killing when we recovered.

I am so ready.

>> No.7633453

I want to argue you but yeah americans are becoming less educated as time goes on. I blame schools and colleges overvaluing their increasingly shit tier educations. Only hope is online shit like Khanacademy or something otherwise we're all gone.

Even then at least im not a street shitter though...

>> No.7633512

Don’t take our word for it, read his book the art of the deal. You’ll get a good enough picture of what kind of businessman he is/was.
The responses you’ll find here are
>i don’t like him so he’s terrible
>others explaining why that’s not true
See? It’s already happening. Fucking first post
>index funds are the market
Heavy sigh

>> No.7633572


he has a point, you pay much less in fees in an index fund than you do from a stock broker trading. still for brainlets with no balls as crypto will pay out 1000x an index fund.

>> No.7633620

I’m sighing at the idea that an index fund is an identical representation of the market. It’s simply not. An index fund is merely a portfolio stocks designed to track an index, which usually don’t contain every stock imaginable.

>> No.7633714
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>> No.7633753


What do you consider the market? Popular index funds track indices that people use to measure the market, like the S&P500. When people compare mutual funds to the market, they typically compare it to the S&P500 which most mutual funds fail to beat regardless of what the "real" market performed.

>> No.7633895

Leaf here, I admire the American experiment; the ideas of personal freedom and individualism. It's a shame that your politicians have been bought and sold for 100 years. At least worse than the rest of the West.

>> No.7633922

he spoke to a lot of government officials throughout his life. people valued his opinion. so he must know what he's doing

>> No.7634025

I'm a lefty soyboy, but I'll give him credit where it's due. On one hand, he probably wouldn't be where he is now if he had been born poor. On the other hand, he turned ~$10 million into billions.

That is to say, he's absolutely a good businessman, but he probably wouldn't be a billionaire if he was born poor.

>> No.7634133

but he makes billions a year now

>> No.7634153

The market is the supply and demand of... everything. All capital. All financial products and instruments, all commodities.
For example SP500 is just stock of 500 companies. That doesn’t include their bonds. It also doesn’t include any derivatives or other bonds, bills, CDs, etc. There is way more to the markets than just equity of prominent companies. The only way to get a truly accurate representation of the total market is to own all assets, which obviously isn’t possible.

>> No.7634154
File: 42 KB, 736x655, comfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the deficit is increased thanks to trump signing the budget bill, the military budget is now higher than when we were bombing Iraq 24/7

does this sound like a good business man?

>> No.7634166

>If I had a rich dad, I would've become successful like Trump.

>> No.7634174

He's an awful politician but a pretty good businessman.

>> No.7634551

>In a strict sense of running a business, absolutely he’s not, but he is pretty clever at using people and exploiting any given situation. He’s proof that you don’t need much intelligence to be successful, at least not traditional intelligence - just ruthlessness and social skills.


>> No.7634732

You think he actually does anything business related? He just paid other people to do his business for him. He doesn't do shit.

>> No.7634733

I don't understand modern-day republicans
>Obama is bankrupting this country
>the deficit is cripplingly big
purposes spending bill which add billions more to the deficit

>> No.7634892
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cry more faggot

>> No.7635079

>100% of market growth
Nigger tf you talking about. He meant if he invested in the dow or sp he would be richer now. Commissions are like

>> No.7635086
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>> No.7635140
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>le genius bankruptcy move meme
I'd love it if you told me how one uses a bankruptcy to offset losses

What happened was very simple. Trump borrowed a lot of money to build the Taj, it crashed, he had to pay the creditors. The creditors accepted an offer of some cash (which is why he sold a lot of his assets) and increased equity in the holding company of the Taj.

>> No.7635195

He grossly inflates his net worth. Third party valuations put his net worth at closer to a billion.

Except he didn't actually make all the money himself. Benchmark for business talent is return on investment. Trump's is very average at around 7-10%.

>> No.7635235

lol @ all of these soyboys saying hes not a good business man.

He grew real estate in Brooklyn NY and Manhattan, developed his own brand, own reality tv show, knows political figures and celebrities, and is the president of the most powerful country in the world.

GTFO and go back to jerking off in your socks

>> No.7635446

He's a good salesman + has his rich dad to bail him out when he fucks up which helps.

>> No.7635577

what's retarded about the muh index fund is that the baseline assumption is that he received all of his dad's net worth in the 70s.

...but his fucking dad didn't die until 1999. and he has 3 siblings and a mom, so how does DJT get 100% of the net worth. retarded

>> No.7635688

I think he'd be broke old man with a reverse mortgage of mar a lago were it not for the apprentice

he's a lazy layabout silverspoon trust fund boomer

>> No.7635751

Terrible businessman. He would have been worth more if he put his money in an index fund. He hasn't released his taxes because he lies about his wealth. Don't give me that audit lie, the IRS has said it isn't an issue.

Way better president than Hillary would have been though.

>> No.7635833

Because he started running it in the 70s and he pays himself an absolute ludicrous salary of 250 million. For comparison Tim Cook, CEO of a company a hundred times bigger, makes 12 million. He bleeds the organization dry then invests in joint ventures with Trump Org, whittling away at the value of it while increasing his own.

>> No.7635841

>Way better president than Hillary would have been though.
lol at believing these. it's one party, big business plutocracy rule, kiddo. would literally be no different. hillary prob would have pushed for a medicare for all bill tho

>> No.7635842

Well 96% of Trump's businesses have been successful when 50% of businesses go bankrupt. So yeah he's clearly a good businessman.

>> No.7635868

no, they base all that early net worth on a quote FROM HIM. he was just talking shit to a reporter about how he's soooooo rich. so they used his shit talk to "prove" he was worth $200m in the 70s. it's so dumb

>> No.7635940

To all the memers saying he got money from his dad or whatever, explain why his brother isn't at all rich.

>> No.7636059

Nigger I'm not talking about that. Read my post. Whatever the value of Trump Org when he started running it in the 70s, he practically inherited all of it.

>> No.7636139

Because trump inherited the CEO position. He started to pay himself nearly all of trump org's profits (his present salary being 250 million) and reinvested it by forming joint ventures between him and trump org using the money he paid himself from trump org. He basically moved all of Trump's Org assets to himself.

>> No.7636182
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>Anon asks about the most famous Businessman in the world on Business & Finance
>Business & Finance

>le Back to /pol/ xDDDD

>> No.7636218

By which country? The Phillipines?

>> No.7636264
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So nothing to do with him being a dead alcoholic?Weird.

>> No.7636324
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fuk off dumb faggit you don't need 500 companies to be successful

>> No.7636326

Of course he is smart, has multiple successful businesses, was able to have a top reality TV show and be it’s star, beat life career politicians with less money, has a hotter wife than most on this bored

>> No.7636329

>Democrats won the popular vote for both the presidency and congress
WRONG not for Congress

>> No.7636362

And then you have yourself, a loser who doesn't have any money at all.

>> No.7636400

Trump is good with the economy, perhaps that's the best thing he is good at.

>> No.7636433

>billionaire with 500 businesses
>most billionaires don't need more than a dozen

That's a startlingly low average success rate for all those businesses bankruptcies notwithstanding

>> No.7636450


3.1 billion you liar

>> No.7636464

>its exponentially harder to make 2 mil out of 1 mil than 2k out of 1k

You're a fucking brainlet holy shit

>> No.7636484

Less than 2% bankruptcies

>> No.7636496
File: 17 KB, 157x153, 427993AA-CE95-43C9-BFFB-F52BD1C96BF9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are literal 95 IQ plebbitors who migrated to this board in the hopes of coming up on hidden gem advice about the worlds most elaborate get-rich-quick Ponzi scheme who took out 150k loan and turned it I to a pseudo-science degree talking about this man taking $1mil and turning it into billions. They unironically bring up 9 failed companies and ignore the 530+ (a 98% success rate).

Holy fucking hell. The absolute state of libcuck r*dditors. How sad is your life? How fragile is that ego?

>> No.7636498

most of his businesses are things like casinos, golf courses, and hotels you fucking retard.

>> No.7636539


A case study in projection

>> No.7636568

I dont know he is successful business man or not

>> but sure he is successful man
>> fuccked countless women
>> gold plated his names
>> literally fuccking presudent\\\
> way better presi than before niggar

>> No.7636578

I dunno he made like 400,000% on his initial million dollars. Seems pretty good to me.

>> No.7636646

You’re projecting onto me your projection. Now what, mr 95 IQ? Is there a reason this is the go to for all retards that can’t formulate an argument? Do you actually think anyone reading into this conversation is going to take your side when reading that pitiful, situational buzzword after I wrecked your anus with objective fact you can see with your eyes? Do you actually think you can walk away from any and all arguments with muh projection?


>> No.7636685

>i could also be a good businessman if my pops gave me big money to play with..

>> No.7636694
File: 424 KB, 400x354, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys do know that a business is just a bit of paper work? He releases a brand of water bottles and it's a new business. He sells steaks and he makes it a business. Most of this actually fail but can't go bankrupt because no loans were used on them. He just winds them down.

>> No.7636841

That's still success. If it makes him net gains, it's a success.

>> No.7636880

the goal is to make yourself richer anon not to make other people richer, bankruptcies can be used as a business strategy

>> No.7636944

>he made money successfully but not by my arbitrary, narrow standards of ‘’’success’’’ heh checkmate it doesn’t count because I said so
Wew. Just. Lol.

>> No.7637080

t. baby boomer

>> No.7637113

So roughly a 4% bankruptcy rate on a nationwide average of 50%. Sounds extremely successful.

>> No.7637160

He sold his name so well that the buyers were forced to hype him as a genius businessman, pretty slick.
Hasn't done anything of note in recent years though, sadly.

>> No.7637232

>closer to a billion
That's a flat out lie.

>> No.7637246
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He made the profitable moves with what he had at the time he had it.
Does that make him a good businessman? Well, that's not really an easy answer.

>> No.7637426
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I bet you think the US beat vietnamese rice farmers too right? go back to the nursing home, it's time for your meds and diaper change.

>> No.7637523

For a long period, I held Vechain. I have to admit that I received some good gains in % on Vechain.

The main reason why I invested in this altcoin was a result of their great marketing techniques and a strong community.

Over time I became more experienced in investing into cryptocurrency and instead of listening to what others had to say, I start looking at whitepapers, the quality of development teams, leadership, advisors etc.

Ones I reviewed my portfolio I recognized that some of my coins and especially Vechain did not follow the criteria of (controlled) speculation and does have some critical red flags. These red flags I want to share with you.

Vechain does not have a whitepaper
There is no knowledge about their developers
There is no Github activity.
Their website is a that of a very low quality.
They mention on their website the release of a so-called Clou(n)d platform in Q4 2017. I started a Reddit post to ask what a clouNd platform is. Nobody could answer me. I tried to ask the Vechain devs in discord, nobody was able to contact me since they were working on their main net.
The coca cola kid is clearly a sign of insiders trading.
Low-quality partnerships brought as HUGE partnerships. For example the DNL GV partnership, there is clearly a partnership, but DNL GV gave an official press release that DNL GV cooperated with Deloitte labs to create blockchain, so I would like to know how exclusive this is. The PWC partnership is a partnership as a third-party provider, the partnership with Liaoning Academy of Agricultural Sciences is brought as something big, while Liaoning Academy of Agricultural Sciences only published one article in the whole of 2016-2017. In short: Any partnership has some way or another some flaws.
Some advisors of Vechain have still Lorem ipsum on their website.

>> No.7637979

Trump invested in Manhattan real estate right around the time NYC hit rock-bottom in the 70s. His father forbade it and most at the time were avoiding it like the plague, but he did it anyway.

That has to be the smartest move he made. It is the 70s equivalent of buying cheap BTC in late 2014 - after the crash, when it was a joke, but ahead of the curve for the 20x from the 2014 ATH we ended up getting last year

Unless you earn on a similar plane, you will be speaking way out of turn and look retarded. Some leftist that works "undercover" at Wal-Mart has no room or place to talk about another man's billions, let alone call him a sad failure. Then again, the left does tend to project what it feels about itself onto everyone else.

>> No.7638105

He is an idiot. He thinks global warming isnt real. He thinks if you spray hairspray inside it doesnt pollute. He thinks vaccines cause autism.

>> No.7638218

Thnx haven't seen this one yet, time to add to collection

>> No.7638317

Look at those bankruptcies as a proportion of income. His Atlantic City blunder cost him a billion fucking dollars. His tiny branding seals that opperate under their own LLC make his bankruptcy rate look better

>> No.7638339

Initial million dollars. What a fucking joke. Going to ignore his inheritance and the 3 million dollar casino chip loan?

>> No.7638401

Those outcomes does not prove he is smart. He thinks aerosol can’t pollute if sprayed indoors. He thinks global warming is a hoax, he thinks vaccines cause autism. Just listen to him try to improvise a speech. Go watch one of the debates. The man cannot formulate a series of cohesive thoughts.

>> No.7638447

This is such a retarded talking point. The Atlantic City bankruptcy was his entire net worth. The only reason he isn’t penniless is because he inherited enough to be too big to fail. He got a ducking $430,000 allowance per week from the banks after being in default. You know what happens when someone with a small business loan goes into default?

>> No.7638673

I'd rather shoot you with something that's not a sidearm

>> No.7638733

>His Atlantic City blunder cost him a billion fucking dollars.
That's not true at all

>> No.7638807

thank you Reddit for once again using this as an argument without considering the context.

>> No.7638940

hes knows people and had money. and now he's a billionaire. don't discredit someone due to inheritance. What he has is his. Don't think the only time something is valid is if they start from nothing. I came from a middle class family. I made my father put in 15,000 dollars into crypto over a few months. Now Im a millionaire. People tell me the only way the money I have is legit is if I worked for it. I have it. Thats all. people will always try and discredit others

>> No.7638950

>gets loans of 1.5 billion.
>fails a business and gets shifts losses to others and gets a few million.
Wow what a businessman.

>> No.7638976

Well the point is that having a billion dollars in 2018 does not automatically make you a good businessman. A good businessman beats the market returns while generating wealth for others.

>> No.7638991

having a billion dollars means you're doing or did something right. You have to understand the magnitude of this money.

>> No.7639010

I'd say he's a good business man
sure he's had his failures but nobody bats 100 and if his failures outweighed his successes he wouldnt be where he is right now

>> No.7639057

so youre saying one person being more successful makes everyone less successful a complete loser?

>> No.7639067
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>steers entire media narrative through low effort shitposting

lashing out like a teenage girl?

imagine being this fucking retarded, please kys

>> No.7639080

The devil shits always on the largest pit.
If you already have money it is really hard to become poor.
I don't think he is a good businessman, he was just lucky to be rich from the beginning

>> No.7639150

Thats not true. You've seen it happen time and time again people lose everything once they get an inheritance

>> No.7639328

>1 percent differences in demographic subgroups
what is this supposed to represent exactly? more poor people want more shit as long as it isn't them paying for it?

>> No.7639398

It really doesn’t though. He inherited at least $40 million 45 years ago. Along with his father co-signing all of the early deals. If you understood the power of compound interest you would realize that turning $40 million into a billion in 45 years is not that impressive.

>> No.7639435

You also don’t get how it is easier to beat standard returns when you have more money. When trump defaulted in his casinos the banks gave him an allowance of $400,000 a week. Do you know what happens when a small business owner defaults?

>> No.7639662

Most of the regulatory changes that led to the 2008 crisis were passed under the Clinton adminstration. Yet you insist on regurgitating party line nonsense. Not to mention your unwavering support for mandated healthcare. It hurts me seeing how retarded the average American sheep is. We truly are fucked as a nation.

>> No.7639719

>I made my dad pay $15k that he had lying around for magical internet money and it worked, dont discredit me

>> No.7639885

Im an actual european, please leave.

>> No.7639895
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No, he inherited hundreds of millions of dollars from his father and from his positions he gained simply for being his father's son, and then throughout his life he failed to beat the S&P500. So he's a failed businessman. If I inherited as much as he did and just stuck it in an index fund I'd literally be richer than he is.

Even ignoring this he has a history of bankrupting most of his attempts at new businesses, even a fucking casino. How the fuck do you bankrupt a casino?

>> No.7639978

Are you fucking stupid? What the fuck can you do with $1,000? You can start entire businesses with $1m

You can make more money exponentially easier the more you have since you can take more risks without dying of starvation you fucking retard

>> No.7640055

Jeff Bezos is worth over $100 Billion. Trump is somewhere around $3 billion. He's a "poor" billionaire.

>> No.7640087

>tfw wen your business is found money laundering for the russians.
>be president
>assets seized by federal gov't

>> No.7640194

The tax payer, or citizens in your country, are paying for you to go to uni. Thank them every day.

>> No.7640238

Can i ask what is the purpose of such a machine.

>> No.7640266

>purposely ignoring that there’s only around 500 billionaires in the USA.

>> No.7640268

Huh, reasonable anons on biz, how rate.

>> No.7640275

>watching netflix

mass cleansing of newfags when

>> No.7640278

Because he asked about business, you dumdum.

>> No.7640289

Just like you yourself have invested, I'm sure.

>> No.7640304

>argument of a redditor

>> No.7640347

His point still stands. Trump isn't a friend to crony businesses and that was made clear by businesses during the campaign year.

>> No.7640403

>Everybody is just too dumb! They're all dumb together!

Anon, this is a symptom of thinking outside of reality. Consider that you may have a case of TDS.

>> No.7640474

>the world is laughing at you
That's Trudeau tho

>> No.7640754

Lol. Dude Trudeau is the cuck of all cucks.

>> No.7640766

>muh indexfunds
Oh yes why do any real business ever when everyone can just invest in extremely overvalued index funds without having any idea what they are doing.

You indexfaggots should really kys

>> No.7640768

Your points made me realize that he's employed thousands of people over the years and has probably resulted in a few billion in tax revenue. Impressive.

>> No.7641064

>Doesn't pay a dime, earns millions instead
Sounds like a good businessman to me

>> No.7641085

its pretty decent logic. if its so easy with daddy money why are his siblings not as rich? really? is that a hard question to answer.

only a retard would not see the argument to be made here.