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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.90 MB, 312x250, FedoraTip.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
762706 No.762706 [Reply] [Original]

>How do I get rich starting with $100 and no original ideas, good sir?

>> No.762709
File: 163 KB, 1280x720, video.yahoofinance.com@fd2e44ac-cbec-3fb5-89a3-e97edd3be382_FULL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.762712

Suck dick

Buy life insurance and kill yourself

>> No.762718


>make a funny video about something and name it something like WHITE MALE SLAPS BLACK WOMAN
>put it on youtube
>buy 100-200k views for the video
>spam the hell out of it
>dat sweet youtube ad money
<suck dick
<kill yourself

>> No.762720

>tfw no money to pay bills for my grocery business
>actually considering putting an ad for craigslist to suck dick so i can pay bills
>worried someone who replies is a customer of my business

Not sure if this would be good or bad for my rep.

>> No.762724
File: 59 KB, 213x320, 100startup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gee, I dunno.
If only there was some kind of book based on this premise?

>> No.762730

buy $100 in condoms
sell your butt on craigslist a hundred times at $10 each

there. 10:1 win ratio

>> No.762820

>start with 100$
>make a book about how to be rich with 100$
>publish book
>profit ???

>> No.762824

Putting the fedora down real quick, have you ever thought of just living in your grocery business?

>> No.762826


>> No.762828

Get a job. Live with parents or in a slum with low rent. Minimize living expenses. Buy stocks.

>> No.762851

I require a $100 deposit.

>> No.762861

you don't

>> No.763230
File: 580 KB, 251x200, 1413871328006.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

˃he can't even white text

>> No.763245

How you do dis?

>> No.763246

>get suspended by adsense

>> No.763247

Buy items at garage sales/craigslist and flip them on ebay.

>> No.763704

˃Like this

>> No.763709

˃Like this?

>> No.763721

˃You got it

>> No.763752

I know how to turn $100 into 1k(no, it doesn't involve sucking dicks).
I just need to find a way to get 100 people to register to a site and do a menial task. I just don't know how to make it look secure and convince them, any tips? I might share the method if you help me.
And no, I won't steal anything. All legit.

>> No.763770

I'm building websites for a living, what do you need specifically?

>> No.763780

the site already exists, I just need to convince people to join it.

>> No.763796

what's it about?

>> No.763810

let's say, it's some sort of outsourcing...ofc I can't disclose everything

>> No.763827

I can't fucking help you if you're being this vague

The menial task could be clicking a button, answering a question, or giving you their social security for all I fucking know

The website could be a 1998 looking piece of shit or a $1299 template made this February

Who are you trying to market this to? Indians? Pakis? 14 year olds? Unemployed 50 year olds

Either way, good luck, I'm out

>> No.764233

You don't. You work diligently at random jobs until you find something you like, then you work your way up and specialize then you find a niche i nthe market then yo ustart your business at around 40 with minimal investment cash and if possible not a lot of money on loan,

>> No.764259

I can turn your $100 into $500 in a week or two. You can repeat the process and if you're smart enough, make a couple thousand or a hundred thousand in a years time.
