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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 9 KB, 400x400, scC6JQJQ_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7621935 No.7621935 [Reply] [Original]


Why aren't you mining trtl, /biz/?

>> No.7621961

because I don't want to get keylogged, fucking pajeet scammer

>> No.7621978

This meme is just a joke at this point. Fuck off with the FUD.

>> No.7622018


>> No.7622045

This coin is shit, I would dump your bags before all the volume fades away you filthy pajeet.

>> No.7622480


devs completely fucked the launch of this coin
devs finally get on a tradesatoshi
devs change the code base literally when exchange launches
exchange broken
devs ban exchange support from discord

the absolute state of trtl.

>> No.7622537


>> No.7622702


its in the discord, they discuss it freely.

They will eventually get shit sorted out, no idea what will get some price action happening with this coin though. I actually can't believe it hasn't hit 1 sat yet.

I'd probably buy more at 1 sat, maybe, but probably not.

mkid kept buying, apparently he had more orders at 3 sats and is closing in on 1 billion now...

>> No.7622729

Shut the fuck up, Turtle Marine.

>> No.7622819

i'm not "turtlemarine"
fucking lol, its simple criticisms that are all true.

>> No.7622884 [DELETED] 

The fact this is still at 4 sats shows how resilient it really is

>> No.7622951

Never paid one cent for these shitcoins. Have about 4,000 of them from early mining and airdrops. Don't even care anymore. If by some miracle they're ever worth a penny I'll sell them for some free cash.

>> No.7623031

FOMOed in at 11 sats with $100 without looking back.

>> No.7623130

enjoy the bags

>> No.7623203

Can anyone answer, what is the circulating supply?
EOY 2018?
EOY 2019?
EOY 2020?

>> No.7623267 [DELETED] 

Will do, poorfuck. That's the amount that I piss away at two nights going out.

>> No.7623317

Will do, poorfuck. That's the amount that I piss away on two nights going out.

>> No.7623387


>brags about $100 for 2 nights going out
>calls someone else poorfuck

>> No.7623406

I unironically am. Have a small amount of them. If the devs don't just exit scam us I might just be able to make a decent amount from it.

One thread had "ranks" based on the amount you hold, anyone have them?

>> No.7623495

Well, it is what it is and the only scene I genuinely enjoy has its parties in quasi squat venues.

>> No.7623854

Guys post your wallet adress and i will send you 1000 coins

>> No.7623924
File: 262 KB, 1264x864, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, sir.


>> No.7623962


Would appreciate


>> No.7623977
File: 2.61 MB, 1280x720, 2018-02-13 18-19-33_1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt you but I wanna believe

>> No.7624416
File: 33 KB, 892x557, trtl_short_term_supply.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the supply in the next year or so. I even plotted it for you. You're welcome.

>> No.7624472

Are you sure that it's going to be that linear?

>> No.7624519
File: 138 KB, 1774x965, trtl supply.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7624570


>> No.7624632

fuck you nigger

>> No.7624657


Thanks Anon.

>> No.7624766

800k comfy here

>> No.7624808

Damn that's nice. I want to mine at least 100k, almost halfway there

>> No.7626022
File: 89 KB, 1010x598, 1517771540613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are some links for potential newturtlecoiners:

>TurtleCoin's homepage

>The TurtleCoin's subreddit

>TurtleCoin thread on bitcointalk.org

>Listen to the founder being interviewed (leave 5 stars on the blockzero itunes page, pls)

>Get Shells (TurtleCoins) for free

>Where to buy TRTL for BTC

>Play Turtle Trouble

>Further links