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File: 98 KB, 1363x683, EthPyramid stats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7619488 No.7619488 [Reply] [Original]

EthPyramid now got a stats page with daily volume and biggest holders. More stats to come!


Next upcoming translations is Russian & Arabic.
Devs are working hard oh so hard!

There is also a collection open that will be used for marketing. ETH address https://etherscan.io/address/0x25dd53e2594735b38a4646f62e5b65b4e4aa42bb

>> No.7619574

You can definetely see an upwards trend.

>> No.7619767

as long as the volume keeps picking up the dividends will keep growing and growing.

>> No.7619853
File: 86 KB, 540x542, bog ethpyr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It most certainly will, it's still very new as of now

>> No.7619906

>Arabic translation

Is getting mad dividends even halal op?

>> No.7619945

good luck to them to provide the russian translation cuz pyramid is used a lot to mean ponzi

>> No.7620123

Dividends is needed to spread religion too

>> No.7620724

cool. what do the stats tell you?

>> No.7620816

Lot's of biz fudders were claiming the devs "pre-pumped" this, but there isn't a single dev in the top 5 holders.

>> No.7620870

ok should i get in? sick of the markets right now and i want to get more eth without buying any

>> No.7620874

Well the biggest holder bought his tokens at the all-time high so people that buy in now is getting it way cheaper than him.

Other than that volume is picking up, the dividends is paid out 10% for every buy and sell so the higher the volume the more dividends being paid out.
The best thing for holders of this token is for the price to be volatile, up and down in waves. That creates the most volume and therefore the most dividends.

>> No.7620934

I honestly cannot believe that people willingly buy into pyramid schemes, these niggers can dump on you at any second.

>> No.7620937


Volatility is good and the devs keep on working on that! Nice project at last, a decentralized pyramid :D

>> No.7621047

idk there must be something to it if the developers are actively adding more stuff

>> No.7621181

Dump what on us?

Like already stated the biggest holder bought at the all time high. Buy in now to get in cheaper than the biggest holder, that person have been holding for over 13 days now.

I doubt he will dump now all of a sudden

>> No.7621210

I also wanted to add that dumping is good in this token, all volume is good. As long as you hodl.

When price goes lower because of a dump more people will FOMO in. The Hodlers will get 10% of all volume in dividends, its kinda simple.

>> No.7621247

so whats the catch here? why are you promoting this?

>> No.7621313

We make money off the exponential growth as this blows off.
We also make money of all the weak hands that don't know how to play this psychological game -- they sell at a loss and make us rich

And people DO sell at a loss for some reason.. All the fucking time

>> No.7621343
File: 7 KB, 307x203, divies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because im a hodler and want more volume.The more people trading or hodling the more volume which creates more dividends for me and everyone else. Im planning to hodl this for a very long time, re-investing all the incoming dividends.

>> No.7621416

oh right then you make your initial deposit back and the rest is just profit. that sounds good

>> No.7621774

kinda looks like volume is going upwards again, the contract is getting a lot of deposits

>> No.7621862

Fuck it I'm going in

>> No.7621971
File: 480 KB, 1157x872, Div-snek-cooler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7622157

Would there be any benefit from splitting this between two wallets? So you can hold one and dump the other? Would divs be the same if all just in one? I.e. is 2 eth in one account any different that 1 eth in two accounts/wallets.

>> No.7622359

I'd definitely like to know the answer to this as well.

>> No.7622382

If you sell your tokens you have to sell them all so you would not get any dividends from your own sell. So splitting it up in two or more wallets would give you dividends on your own sell yes.

Using just one wallet will give you dividends on your own buys if you already own tokens.

However unless you are a whale your own sells wont be that much dividends, but in practice yes having two ETH addresses would give u dividends of your own sell.

>> No.7622418
File: 4 KB, 150x150, shovel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


shit tier ponzi

get on the ground floor of the next one, will blow ethpyramid and ethercraft out the water.

discord will be leaked in /biz/ end of feb

>> No.7622468

So just hold one and sell the other at the top

>> No.7622488

eth pyramid is my retirement

>> No.7622822

As long as the ethereum network is running and ETH is valued at something, ya why not

>> No.7622861
File: 324 KB, 521x595, ponzibot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waa hahaha - is this Ponzibot again?

Ponzibot that mismanaged not just one, but TWO, pyramid websites into a nearly TWO MILLION dollar loss for people that bought in?

The same guy so suspected of being involved in the loss of the token that a 232ETH investor came looking for their money back, and Ponzibot made a 50ETH deal to sell out the rest of the team?

Uhh.. If you couldn't even bother using Smart Math in the FIRST contract, why would anyone trust you for the THIRD?

Uhh... NO.

>> No.7622925

whats the next big thing in eth ponzis /biz/? i just want to throw $10 in, "gameplay" is fine too

>> No.7623529

Bump for answers

>> No.7623997

i have a feeling this kinda is the big thing

>> No.7624334
File: 3.34 MB, 1600x3800, infographic-fancy-1.0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7625029
