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7618721 No.7618721 [Reply] [Original]

Ok biz, I have a career fair in about 3 hours. Im a junior engineering student with a 2.5 GPA and really need a fucking internship or a COOP. How do I sell myself?

>> No.7618740

Put on a Texan accent and act as gruff & gritty as you can.
Wear overalls, a helmet and thick gloves to look the part

>> No.7618766

Take a shot before hand so you have some confidence. Charisma can overcome a lot of shortcomings

>> No.7618778

Don't try to sell you're experience (you haven none), focus on selling your ability to learn. You want them to know that you're the guy who can figure out how to do what he doesn't already know how to do, without needing someone to hold his hand.

>> No.7618788

>2.5 GPA
Not going to say it is impossible but you are going to have a really hard time. I had a friend with a 2.7 GPA he was barely able to find a job once he got out of college.

I believe his strategy was apply literally everywhere and take the first one at any wage.

>> No.7618806

Took 2g of phenibut instead :)

>> No.7618817

Also this was Computer Science. Not sure what field you are in.

>> No.7618856

Industrial Engineering

>> No.7618874

These two put together, and just relax, don't let them see any of your anxiety.

>> No.7618895

would it be autistic to lie about how I taught myself crypto technical analysis and tell them how I made good money from that? Obviously Ive been losing money in reality and its not like they are gonna check my blockfolio

>> No.7618902

Beautiful. That's what I use but because you said you were 3 hours away I figured it would be too late.

>> No.7618942

Why is your GPA so low? Stupid or lazy?

>> No.7618944

I took it 4 hours before the fair starts, I should be right in the zone then right? Im also prolly gonna grab some coffee soon

>> No.7618992

Little bit of both and have no interest in my field like at all, but its too late to quit now

>> No.7619161

Yes, don't do that.

>> No.7619210

If your overall GPA is a 2.5 then you should have been making A's on all those bullshit gimme classes that schools make you take. Otherwise a 2.5 in engineering isn't the worst thing ever, but it is going to make that initial internship hard to nab. Suffice to say you shouldn't provide it unless otherwise asked.

In the end you should follow the other anons' advice and play up what you do know. Actual experience and skills will eventually outweigh a GPA because employers know college is bullshit anyway.

>> No.7619871

Yeah just apply everywhere and interview everywhere. You're kind of fucked imo. Def don't talk about technical analysis because it's astrology for brainlets. You sound pretty dumb, so talk about crypto if you want as an interest but only if you actually understand how it works which you probably dont