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7613641 No.7613641 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.7613652

t. Eurofag

>> No.7613654
File: 827 KB, 1092x1023, 245C217E-B233-4121-979D-6021DE45C626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No thanks europoors have weak hands so please don’t try to shake ours.

>> No.7613661
File: 74 KB, 526x567, Cat 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americunts will dump when they wake up- as is their way.

>> No.7613665
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Sure why not.

>> No.7613670

<3 you burgers

>> No.7613672

I think we should remove an american star too. Pick a state which is known for its absolute faggotry burgers

>> No.7613680

California- where it is a minor offence to knowingly infect someone with HIV, but you face jail time for misgendering.

>> No.7613691

I would never put my hand in a fatty, greasy burger hand.

>> No.7613696

t.euro signed

I would also like to state that the French are in fag fags.

>> No.7613706
File: 6 KB, 225x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know your also an American whether ur white or not u need to realize we are the most hated group demographic not trying to get shitty pity just saying ur just gonna get a bunch angry (yous) we have to earn their respect individually

>> No.7613707

i misgendered, also fuck all you pajeets china has strong hands rest are weak


>> No.7613711

>I would never put my hand in a fatty, greasy burger hand.

vile treacherous cowardly scheming french man detected.

>> No.7613724
File: 21 KB, 197x252, D315E6DF-0331-42A8-ADBF-2BC06109AD29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BaHaha no way BROTHER, we already out this shit back on track this month. USA USA USA

>> No.7613733

No french here.
I agree that the french are fags

>> No.7613758


switzerland checking in.

french people are indeed fags.

even the french part of switzerland is full of fucking retards

>> No.7613962

French and Spanish.
Am I only half a fag?

>> No.7613974

the european complex of inferiority toward France is soooo strong.

>inb4 you are french. No i'm not.

France is the great european civilization just deal with it.

I'm spanish btw.

>> No.7614001

Our first lady is a GILF. People can't deal with it

>> No.7614013


French pre WWI - proud conquering nation
French post WWI - absolute faggotry

>> No.7614015

Burgers are alright.

t. Spent 3 months on the west coast last summer

>> No.7614025

I rly like the French too they did so much

>> No.7614039
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yes, yes je concur

>> No.7614054

Franch here; you're cheeseland wood be dog shit without us

>> No.7614062

And no fucking poles - poorfags

>> No.7614069

came in this thread to save crypto, but i'm a frog
oh well
dubs decide if i dump it all

>> No.7614075

This makes me feel better I'm Northwest here

>> No.7614084
File: 932 KB, 1600x2560, Screenshot_20180128-230244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I approve this treaty. Please buy my nation's products like Monetha, Bancor, Mysterium and future's ico like promedium.

T. LITHUANIAN patriot which acts like ((())), but without long nose

>> No.7614092

I love u Mr French man I believe dumping is sound

>> No.7614095

Well, you have already dumped a great French empire, so what's holding you?

>> No.7614100

at least we don' t have a shitty accent and a broomstick up our asses milkdrinker

>> No.7614103


You are the most unlikable nation on earth. I genuinely mean that. I don't know what it is but, wherever I've travelled in the world, everyone instantly thinks you're cunts as soon as you open your mouths. I'm not saying you're a bad person. You're just instantly unlikable.

>really makes you think

>> No.7614118

2 WW on your own soil in 3 decades.

No other nation in the world ever handled that.

today's France is sick, no doubt about that. But France will rise again, no doubt about that.

>> No.7614151

the exact opposite of this.

>> No.7614156

>most unlikable nation on earth
You know that's not credible anon, why dont you tell me where the baguette touched you

>> No.7614162

I'm genuinely curious as to why you think this. I am not French but I don't see any reason to dislike he other than the current state their country is in. Pretty much everywhere is shit in lots of different ways if u ask me we all have our shit

>> No.7614197
File: 301 KB, 482x617, Selection_107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a burger on the paradisical Floridian coast where the sun burns hot and it goes down slow, I support this treaty. I will not sell today. Please please return the favor tomorrow.

>> No.7614202

Have you ever been to France? You will understand then.
Dutchfag here btw. I don't have a problem with most countries. And France is beautiful. The people in it are just shit and full of themselves.

>> No.7614226
File: 30 KB, 534x397, 1514206001651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FIDL out in force today. The reason everyone hates the French is that they're the most pompous stuck up cunts in the world. Not saying there aren't lots of countries with bad reputations now, sop don't go flaming whichever English speaking nation you think I'm from but the French just have an air of false superiority that rubs people the wrong way, especially recently as they've fallen further than almost any former super-power.

>> No.7614245

>do not include France
but anon
the Bogs are French

>> No.7614287

muslim living in the Netherlands here. I agree. Been to France five times (Champs-Elysees regular) and it's beautiful. The people on the other hand are stuck up ignorant baguettes

>> No.7614295

Yes California is by far the gayest state with the gayest people

>> No.7614329
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Not sure if I want to go their because of much guns and I don't wanna be around Muslims and negrows
>I Kno w have them here but I live in a very rural place and I stay here
I can't really agree with this or disagree I guess since I've never been around any in person but I read alot about their history I have great respect for their culture too I rly like King St Louis aswell

>> No.7614336

unfortunately france is full of mudslimes and other bottom feeders. without some serious chances to stop the cultural and criminal decline it wont be worth much in a few years.

>> No.7614355

Havent been to oregon or washington unfortunately. But every state ive been in all people of all races have been very friendly towards
me, except for one asshole in Reno. If my crypto works out Im definitly visiting again for a longer period of time.

>> No.7614367


If you're not a middle aged autist and you stay in any youth hostel around the world where cultures and young people collide you'll see the majority of people have the same opinion. It's a false arrogance that's completely transparent.

>> No.7614397

Which coastline, East or West?

>> No.7614411

The last time you frogs weren't cucks was during Napoleon. Great leader, too bad he lost. Now go get yourself raped by a mudslime, you cuck. France is done for.

>> No.7614414

Thank you anon u seem like a v nice person

>> No.7614419

Sir...can india join too ? Indo-Chan Frendship...

we do ur support and maintaince sire !

>> No.7614433
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The problem is they act like they're still a super power from their glory days (which are indeed extremely interesting and a great part of Europe's amazing history) but they live in a refugee infested shithole run by crypto-communists in a failing economy with no military to speak of, a dying culture and little to no relevance on the modern international political stage (except what Germany allows them to have in name only via the EU).

When you combine that with their attitude it rubs people the wrong way. The Spanish have all the same 'exotic' nature to English speakers with a much less abrasive personality (to English and non-English speakers) so even though Spain is a bigger shithole they're much more well liked.

You should look up Paris Syndrome and just never ever visit France. Keep the idea of their incredible history and romantic modern renaissance in your mind as fantasy but never go and actually see what France has become since the War. Germany crippled them mentally, financially and physically.


>> No.7614441

This is like Independence Day 3. We need all nations to unite to fight the evil weak hands. Except France.

>> No.7614455

Unironically, run into those guys on the regular

>> No.7614457

On the gulf between Naples and Sarasota. The weather's great, breeze off the water is just right, women aren't stuck up, taxes are low, and I have all the medium size city amenities I could ever want. I really can't complain. You?

>> No.7614481

>Youth hostel
Medium kek

Now go visit the actual country, from experience here's what I gathered :
Most asian people hate chinks
The butthurt belt of Europe hate both Germany and Russia, depend on the day
Serbia hate the US
India hate Pakistan and vice-versa
Every arab country hate Israel
South America country all hate each other, dont ask me why, they just do

Truth is France barely register on anyone's radar, except maybe ISIS

>> No.7614493

Daily Reminder: France is the cradle of enlightenment.

>> No.7614496

Yeah it's depressing and I know somewhat of the immigration issue I just try not to think about it

>> No.7614564
File: 7 KB, 215x250, 1502184680259s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can i help save crypto anon?

t. israeli (inb4 kys)

>> No.7614566

Terug naar je zandbak

>> No.7614574


>> No.7614593

Help whitey up

>> No.7614595


I've been to France. Les portes du soleil is one of the most beautiful and fun places I've been to. I'm not talking about the country itself. I'm talking about peoples experience of the French shitty attitude being similar throughout the world you absolute fucking autist.

>> No.7614596

I only want to nuke Paris after seeing videos of people walking around. Same with London but to a lesser extent. I will never visit either and I'm English. I just had to go to fucking Osaka and Tokyo didn't I? Cleanest, safest and biggest fucking cities around... Guess I'll check out east Europe next...

>> No.7614616

In between Melbourne and St. Lucie, decent weather (heating back up) but still got a strong breeze so not too bad. Just waiting for the Florida heat to come back fully to make me wanna kill myself.

>> No.7614627

hoe bevalt uitkering

>> No.7614628

again, the exact opposite of this.

>> No.7614631

this is the only correct foreign opinion itt
foreigners never understand paris and expats are not really representative of french society as a whole
paris is a containment zone for pretentious asshats
expats are turbo-parisians who are rejected so thoroughly by french society they go somewhere else
they export an image of self-righteous cunts when really the average frenchman is conservative, rural, and half-retarded
slow and stubborn, that's what real france is

>> No.7614640

>has'nt been to any other countries
>has seen them in the telly
>want to nuke them
>wants to pullute asia with his stupidity
current state of burgers

>> No.7614648

I'm not french, learn to read faggot.

>> No.7614662

Je moeder heeft een uitkering

>> No.7614671

Maybe you should keep your own autism in check then and not make crazy assumptions such as "the most hated nation on earth" when it's obvious you dont have the background to make such a guess

Paris is clearly trash and a tourist trap, do not visit, countryside is perfectly fine tho
If you really want the 100% white experience, you should try Belgrade, cost pretty much nothing too

>> No.7614689
File: 601 KB, 1920x1080, BAISE YOU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EAt my Baguette !
Buy the dip, chinese NY & Brazil carnaval ending soon !

>> No.7614740

I think our partnership should include a double action.
How about the Americans pump and we sell? Seems fair to me.

>> No.7614755


>> No.7614951

een advocatenkantoor bedoel je

>> No.7615129

Good, good. Just don't think about it and everything will be fine, anon.

>> No.7615162
File: 47 KB, 800x501, usa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back to work fagots

>> No.7615212
File: 17 KB, 283x519, 1518496604774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about u come up with an fucking idea that saves white races other than creating more cattle
My lifestyle will remain hedonistic until then

>> No.7615380
File: 489 KB, 940x529, 41585968_403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanna hear a funny story? Back in 2015 Denmark which was still somehow uncucked pulled a chessmaster 4d move. They announced in Lebanon newspapers they will reduce social benefits to arriving refugees by 50 percent and lo and behold suddenly a whole lot of them started to move to Sweden. I remember there was a lot of noise in the media about it because hordes of migrants choked the Denmark - Sweden bridge.


It's almost like they only cared about free money and social benefits, not safe place to stay from their war or some other shit. And look closely at that map. They still took a lot of damage but survived the major cucking. Take some examples from those guys in this beautiful eastern wall and you'll see the way. Also don't vote on pussy politicians that are sucking ahmed's dick.

>> No.7615392

>I will never visit either and I'm English
The absolute state of you

Been to Portugal, Japan, Taiwan and Hong Kong.

Lisbon was the only one with niggers selling selfie sticks but that was as bad as it got. Much better than Manchester with ninjas and homeless everywhere.

>> No.7615395


>> No.7615434
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>> No.7615482

Yeah same here in the UK. Shit hole cities (mostly) and decent enough in other places like Cornwall or the Lake District and other national parks in Scotland and Wales

>> No.7615563

>more muslims = green
lmao why not red

>> No.7615601

>2 ww on your own soil in 3 decades
>no other nation

russia you fucking escargot

>> No.7615618

What do we gain by a friendship with europoors who don't have enough money to move the market in either direction?

>> No.7615658

Hungarian checking in (middle Europe)
Holding 20k crypto and have 10k worth of mining equipment I hope I won't fuck this up

>> No.7615670

BTC bullrun to 100k started a few days ago, spread the news friends

>> No.7615715

THis is true. I don't know why. In Canada, everyone hates French Candians and French people in general

>> No.7616240

More green looks good, obviously, how else will you sell diversity to stupid goys.

>> No.7616270

The only way to save crypto is to kill Bitcoin and 99% of all alts.

>> No.7616364

Tame your 44% and Intermarium is in.

>> No.7616791

I wouldn't have a problem with Euros if they didn't talk so much shit.

>> No.7616850

Can approve, french people are fags.

>> No.7616919

WTF Hungary, how the fuck did you get to 0,4?
Remove kebab asap
t. Slovakia

>> No.7617682

Hungary was a major transit point to the Western Europe. It's a miracle they're barely affected.

>> No.7617692

Definitely remove arkansas

>> No.7617767

Green is the color of islam. Is this entire board populated by 13 year olds?

>> No.7617867

It's actually england or maybe Italy

>> No.7618076

faggot Frenchman here. BTFO, once again. I'm going to go chain smoke 10 packs.

>> No.7618501

>when a euroslime gives you limpwristed handshake

No thanks cucks

>> No.7618781

definitely california. that place is a nanny state shit hole overrun by mexicans. so glad I escape that cuck factory.

>> No.7619723
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