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7610172 No.7610172 [Reply] [Original]

Guys, how long till Nano recovers? I don't think it'll go up with the market as it recovers from the entire bitgrail fiasco. What are your thoughts?

>> No.7610184
File: 110 KB, 1066x600, D9D10D29-0001-4878-A1BF-49E99C957B8F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he still thinks the market will recover

>> No.7610348

This coin was abandoned by Colin, another person picked it up and then also abandoned it

Its a old ass coin from 2014 and its still broken on exchanges. It has shit fundamentals and limiting 1 wallet to like 5tx/s max is horrible for big exchanges or big business if it ever did get adopted

>> No.7610393

>blockchain can be stopped


>> No.7610409

people who understand how shit works know nano already peaked
of course nobody really knows its just my opinion

>> No.7610431

It will but everything other than BTC, EOS, ETH (if it scales) are going to eat shit. God coins only. ETH will die off eventually though. EOS will kill it. Cardano will go nowhere. 15 second block times instead of 0.5s like EOS.


>> No.7610477

nanojew isnt blockchain dumbass

>> No.7610506

he said market

>> No.7610536

LN will makes this obsolete. Get this buggy shitcoin out of here.

>> No.7610563


There literally isn’t not a single reason why LN Is superior to nano apart from the fact that more people know about it

Gtfo you faggot

>> No.7610577


Hey want quick and free transactions using bitcoin? Pay to open AND CLOSE a lightning channel LOLLLLLLL

>> No.7610701

>the absolute state of biz
Stay poor

>> No.7610728

Paying extra to open / close channels to a random someone when I just need to make a one off payment

>Corecucks: b..but you should keep the channel open in case you need to pay him again next time

>> No.7610729

Dat holocaust denial coin is dead boy.

Next time you invest try no to shoot yourself in the foot by investing in a coin that fucks with the people that literally INVENTED and ALLOWED you to play with crypto.

>> No.7610740

Idiots like you are the reason why it's almost impossible to have an intelligent conversation or debate on biz. Too many people who think they know wtf they are talking about spouting nonsense and regurgitating misinformation. If you don't know what the fuck you're talking about just don't even say anything.

OP. no sense in bringing up nano on here. Too many emotionally butthurt biz bros that are too salty and insecure. Give this time, it will rise.

>> No.7610757
File: 15 KB, 596x300, scam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit is a scam

>comes out of nowhere
>instant 100x lol wut?
>bitgrail pump'n'dump
>emergency rebrand to most generic name possible
>binance listing gives temporary spike in price
>freefall crash
>now they're getting sued kek

you've been warned

>> No.7610763

Who's been hurt except the idiots who left their coins on a shit tier exchange run by a mentally unstable wop? I've been holding for a while and it's done nothing but increase my bankroll.

>> No.7610765

What do you mean it was abandoned by Colin, he quit his job to work on it full time?

>> No.7610770


>> No.7610783

2 years ago when the project was in it's infancy there was some issues with the devs thinking about abandoning it or forking it into something else. It didn't play out though.

>> No.7610902

The coin/devs/devstack are trojaned, every exchange listing it will get fucked equally as bad. The keyword here being "allow" not going to shove the blupill on your moth anon.

>> No.7611191

What does 2 years ago have to do with present day? I guess you could say that it shows a major problem but where is the major problem? It's easy to set up an exchange with ethereum and bitcoin nowadays because they already went through their growing pains years ago. The bitgrail fiasco was merely a shitty exchange with a shitty developer. It was mainly ethereum deposits that were being credited multiple times. The issue of exchanges crashing because the wallet had memory corruption when transacting a lot has seemed to be long gone.

>> No.7611250

shows that devs are not committed. dont have a winning attitude. cant overcome setbacks. are willing to walk away at any sign of problems.

>> No.7611496

You just talked about how broken it is and how hard it's going to be to "fix" it and then two seconds later you're saying they're willing to walk away at any sign of problems. They even fixed the memory issue that was occurring in bitgrail. This guy also quit a senior developer job at a major company. I don't think he's willing to walk at any sign of problems.

>> No.7611553

lololol we'll see
now people are taking a closer interest in them so walking away is not as easy as 2 years ago. but their willingness to do so that time shows the weak moral fiber they are made of. probably engineered the bitgrail fiasco to force their hand.

>> No.7611584

this was a clear PnD scheme
I put 1BTC on this back in November
Cashed out early jan for 40BTC
Easiest BTC I've ever made
Should have sold BTC when it was higher, but sold at 12k

>> No.7611838

Can you show me evidence that shows how long they stopped working for and when? I'm pretty sure back then it was only Colin developing this as a side project while working as a full time developer.

>> No.7612179

colin worked for AMD and qualcom.. hes very smart, elon musk level. it was his hobby, but because people fell in love with xrb, he now hes funds to do this full time. back then he made 0 money from this, but now hes working fulltime because the team has 5% of the supply to work with. hes very likeable and you can tell he's the next elon musk/ bill gates/ jeff bezoz by his geekiness

>> No.7612204


read this 11 page report analysis on xrb and youll know that this will go to triple digits... litecoin was $3 exactly a year ago and xrb is doing as many transactions as litecoin atm. its still very hidden

>> No.7612220


>> No.7612245

Bro, shill away your hearts desires but once you pull out the 'Elon Musk level' it automatically discredits anything you say. Be real, be honest. I got nano bags but that's just plain stupid to say.

>> No.7612259

no its not 54%.. they own 5% of the supply. Stellar's team owns 60% while ripple own's 80%. XRB is as decentralized as it gets. quit overexaggerating if you are going to claim 54% give us evidence with the ico token metrics... oh wait you can't even because there was no ICO

>> No.7612260
File: 110 KB, 586x500, wesleep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well sure, these folks gave it a good report. A betting man would go find older reports on coins that they have done and see if they know their ass from a hole in the gound.
But what do I know?
I'm just some dickhead that works for a living.

>> No.7612285

Nothing. Past performance is no indicative of future results. I'm confident in nano and wont' be selling anytime soon. Was just acknowledging the fud.

>> No.7612300

dude shut the fuck up bitch. i dont see you inventing a coin and creating a 1 billion dollar company.. this dude is younger than elon musk.. elon is 46 years old. im saying he has the intellectual capacity of elon and he has potential to do more you fucking retard. Colin created something new innovative and revolutionary which is a ecofriendly and 0 transfer coin similar to how Musk created Tesla a 0 gas and eco friendly car. you're mom must have dropped you on the head too many times when you were little if you can't even catch that

>> No.7612318


>> No.7612331

Nice one.. what made you drop 1BTC on it tho?

>> No.7612351

I don't get it. You just proved what he said about NANO.

>> No.7612371

Serious question, did the whole RaiBlock pump happen AFTER the hack?

I see there's talk that the tokens coins went missing in October or November, and it only started to rise seriously in December. It seems counterintuitive since a normal dump would tank the price, but is it possible that part if not most of the insane pump it had was the result of the hacker(s) manipulating the price so that they could dump higher?

>> No.7612373
File: 28 KB, 485x443, 773MDMTp1wP1T65tds74l4SHb_Me4Jf4kJE-SIpLkCc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7612375

yeah hes literally retarded. he links the representatives link and claims they own 54%... i dont even see anything close to 54%. im very certain they only hold 5% because they didn't have an ico

>> No.7612388

oh, another crypto currency token with the same deflation flaw as every other "currency" token? except this one is quicker?
get fucked, this is going to zero

>> No.7612390

Not FUD btw, genuinely curious.

>> No.7612433

You argued that the devs have 54% of the supply and show us the representative list, not the rich list. Instantly showing your mistake. Dunno if retarded or just mislead by others in /biz/.

Anyway, here is the richlist:

>> No.7612441

the hack happened in October. the hackers dumped XRB in December and January, which is why the price went from $35 to $10 now. there were huge sell orders on Kucoin and Binance to liquidate the XRB. that's why the price was heavily manipulated and dropped after it mooned because 17 million XRB were being sold over the last few months

>> No.7612476

Developer Fund
5,952,397 4.467% 46

I was literally correct, I said 5% and looks like its about 4.5% to be exact. fucking retard who said 54% go choke on your daddy's fat cock you are a little piece of shit to pull facts out of your gaping ass hole like that

>> No.7612536

>the hackers dumped XRB in December and January, which is why the price went from $35 to $10 now
But wasn't it in December that it went from $0.20 to $36?

If the hackers had dumped anything then, it seemed like it would have interrupted that growth, and if they didn't have anything to do with the pump, then I have trouble understanding how they would resist starting to dump as soon as it started doing 2-5x.

>> No.7612551

>unironically shilling a buggy version of xlm without security/smartcontracts/ico's

So many retarded redditor xrb shills in here, this place is infested.

>> No.7612612

Take a look at this guy >>7612220
Seems that there are also retarded NANO fudders.

>> No.7612750

>developers decide to give away the XRB by faucet
>make faucet based on captcha
>captcha solving bots appear instantly and siphon a LOT of tokens
>b-but developers fund is only 4.5%, they don't own more

it's not like they would tell you you retards

>> No.7612757

Hey, buddy. What happened? You just disappeared.
No explanation of why your statement was false? No counter argument? No apology?
To be honest, that is pretty weak from you.

>> No.7612796

>95% of Bitcoin is actually held by the supreme leader Kim Jong-un
it's not like they would tell you, you retards

pretty easy to make baseless arguments like that

>> No.7612902

Hah, I guess the FUDer just got rekt and now he is hiding.
No worries though. He will undoubtedly make a new thread soon about NANO being a scam or an ERC20 token that Vitalik hates.

>> No.7612967

>baseless arguments
fact: XRB was distributed by faucet
fact: captcha method was chosen and implemented by developers
fact: there were functional captcha solving bots on the faucet
conclusion: suspect #1 for running bots are developers. suspect #2 are random pajeets.

>> No.7613003

pretty much he went into hiding mode like a fucking little bitch. that's why he chokes on his daddy's cock every night cuz he's a little kid and comes onto /biz/ just to talk shit and runs away he gets pwned

>> No.7613053

Anyone has an answer to this instead of telling people to suck it? We know that Bitcoin's move from $100 to $1000 was substantially helped by market manipulation on Mt.Gox (https://bitcoinmagazine.com/articles/study-late-2013-bitcoin-bubble-fueled-suspicious-trading-activity-mt-gox/)), since the Bitgrail hack happened in October and the price only started rising in December, before dumping in January, how likely is it that the hackers played a role in that pump, and to what extent could they have done it?

>> No.7613056

fact: BTC is mined by computers
fact: North Korea has computers (see picture for proof) and is need of money
fact: the mining was very easy at the beginning, possibly allowing someone to gather a lot of BTC
conclusion: suspect #1 Kim himself owns most of BTC. suspect #2 distributed amongst most of North Korean upper soldier ranks

>> No.7613058

BitGrail update

What follows is a brief and due update to respond to allegations and innuendo against our society.

Bitgrail S.r.l. reiterates that all the coins, with the exception of NANO (of which about 20% remain), are safe.
All the previous bugs of the exchange that led to losses (very small) in other currencies (ETH for example) were obviously solved and healed directly by the company weeks / months ago.
The hack on NANO obviously does not concern any of this. In this case, as already mentioned several times, it was a theft.

We reiterate that we have filed a regular complaint with the competent authorities, reporting the information regarding the hackers and the exploited bugs (not attributable to our software).
We will not give detailed technical information on theft publicly.
As already said, there are ongoing investigations and those in duty will have all the data, all the tools and our full cooperation to clarify every aspect of this matter.

We do not believe, however, that social networks are the right place to conduct investigations as it is happening overseas with the NANO Dev Team that has, deliberately, accused the CEO of BitGrail S.r.l. to want to cover up the incident.
Accusation that as a result endangers the life of the exchange in primis and, not minor, of its CEO.
Also (and not only) for this reason we have filed a further complaint for aggravated defamation in the press (as the newspapers all over the world have reported their defamatory statements) against the developers of NANO.

As you could read from the chat disclosed without authorization by the Dev Team of NANO, in recent days we have been confronted with Colin LeMahieu and Zack Shapiro, showing us available, to find a solution to the mismanco.
The managing director of BitGrail S.r.l. he proposed a fork as a hypothetical solution in order to return the stolen coin to the legitimate owners.

>> No.7613067

The reaction of the two DEVs of NANO was unexpectedly of total closure to the dialogue.
It was therefore impossible for us to evaluate other possible solutions by mutual agreement.
Please note that up until the day before the incident, we cordially entertained daily contact with Zack Shapiro on issues related to NANO and BitGrail.

Returning to our site, the reason why, temporarily, the main features of the exchange (trading, deposits and withdrawals) are disabled is solely for legal aspects being defined.

Finally, we have a recovery plan ready to communicate as soon as we are sure of its legal and accounting feasibility.

Further press releases will follow shortly.

Thanks for the attention.

Bitgrail S.r.l.

>> No.7613069
File: 187 KB, 970x546, north-korea-kim-jong-un-computer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot the picture, but don't worry, I deliver

>> No.7613106

Oh don't get me wrong I predicted 80-150 eoy and 30k in 4-5 years if adoption goes as planned. I'm just really trying to understand the points against it cause so far no one really has any good ones.

>> No.7613133

Friends of mine had significant amounts of nano on bitgrail when it collapsed. They wont tell me hiw much. Europeans, so probably no chance to get it back, right

>> No.7613136

nice https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Appeal_to_ridicule you got there. i can play too -
fact: women are whores
fact: your mother is a woman
fact: you're son of a bitch!

The subject is XRB, not BTC. Creators of XRB are known. Creators of XRB also had knowledge necessary for running the bots along with motive.. but hey, whatever makes you sleep at night..

>> No.7613209

>Finally, we have a recovery plan ready
rly makes u think

>> No.7613252

He can't really do more than give back these 4 mil that he has left. So that is all one can imply from the statement.
If he actually tries to say that he can give all of it back, then he is lying. Not sure what would be the point of that though anymore.

>> No.7613293

First, he'll pay 100% back to victim group A which represents 10% of all those who lost money
He'll then gamble/arbitrage the 90% he's got left
If he's successful, he'll pay 10% back to victim group B.
He'll then gamble/arbitrage the X% he's got left, depending on how his gamble succeeded

If all his gamble attempts succeed, a small percentage gets their money back and he can claim he got hacked AGAIN
simple really

>> No.7613414

AHHAHHHAHAHA bomber is so fucked. This just keeps getting better and better.

>> No.7613553

>Oh don't get me wrong I predicted 80-150 eoy and 30k in 4-5 years if adoption goes as planned. I'm just really trying to understand the points against it cause so far no one really has any good ones.

seems like there's no major flaws against it xrb's tech. my friend who is a programmer looked over the code and said it was pretty much flawless. there's a $500,000 reward if you can find any critical bug. only problem is incentive to run nodes, however there are already 1,500 running nodes, which surpassed the # of nodes that Bitcoin cash has. there is a lack of marketing as most nodes are located in USA/EU and barely any in Asia. They do not have a marketing manager for Asian countries, which is like 50% of the crypto market

>> No.7613566

He's baiting you you fucking idiot

>> No.7613602

EOS, my sides. No one gives a shit about that paedo coin

>> No.7613611


>> No.7613628

>Cardano will go nowhere

I want you to remember your statement and eat shit in 6 months.

>> No.7613655

Holocaust denial coin? What?
And are you implying satoshi is a jew?

>> No.7613683

>my who is a programmer looked over the code and said it was pretty flawless

aaand you're a shill. no sane person would state that.. out of curiosity: how long did it take for your 'friend' to look it over?

>> No.7613748

why would i be lying? if he found a bug he would win $500,000. this project has been developed since 2014. it took bitcoin 9 years to take off. its been 4 years for xrb. i see that it will really start taking off end of this year. he programs for a very big Fortune 500 company thats all you need to know

>> No.7613805

Poor bagholders even Charlie Lee said this is his least favorite Litecoin fork, take from that what you will...

>> No.7613831

>Poor bagholders even Charlie Lee said this is his least favorite Litecoin fork, take from that what you will...

its not a litecoin fork dude. and lets not forget charlie sold all his litecoin at ATH of $380. what price is litecoin right now? just lol. stop embarrassing yourself

>> No.7613884

Poor bagholders even Vitalik said this is his least favorite ERC20 token, take from that what you will...

>> No.7613975

ok, i'll bite - let's assume you didn't make him up:
if he programmes for Fortune500 company i really doubt he would be spending tens of hours on shitcoin-codereview for free ;)

>> No.7614090

i introduced him to raiblocks in Dec and he bought a semi-large investment in his portfolio for xrb. so yes if someone is investing their own money they would review it for free especially if they do it as a profession :)

>> No.7614870


>> No.7614893

good. please make a thread in which you post his face when the next exchange goes off the cliff with XRB as there was a problem with it in literally every exchange that touched it ;)
or when colin exits, whichever comes first..

>> No.7615145

yes sir i will be the first to tell you. just give me your telegram or reddit username

>> No.7615259

oh, it's retarded, i didn't know :/

>> No.7615301
File: 296 KB, 1024x768, 1518128863155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so much fud for nano. Drop your bags, so I can pick them up. I can't wait when this coin hits top 5 and every monkey brainlet here cries.

>> No.7616346
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