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7600850 No.7600850 [Reply] [Original]

>recently turned 18.
>senior in HS.
>only have a 110 I.Q (tested by doctor) and bad ADHD.
>constant brain fog
>have awful grades in school becuase of this.
>KHV dateless, no friends
>slightly below average soical skills but say strange/ inappropriate things often.
>have 5k in a savings account, 15k worth of crypto, 50% NEO 50% ETH, and around 5,800 worth of NVDA stock.

How am I doing for my age, biz? What should I do once I graduate HS anons? I don't think I could get into any UNIs, if I managed to I doubt I could pass, if I went to Uni it would be completely paid for, i also have no expenses and I can live at home for however long I like. Should I become a NEET for a year and just play vidya all day? What would you do in my shoes? Any advice for a young anon starting out?

>> No.7600921

start microdosing lsd, everything will become clear my child

>> No.7600945

I would work a part time job to get by for the next three years while immensely studying the crypto space. Then you'll be a millionaire by 22 or 23 at latest and get to play all vidya you want for the rest of your life.

>> No.7600949

Trades. Especially if you can get an apprenticeship of some kind quickly out of high school. If college really isn't for you by accepting that you are ahead of most of your peers. Many will insist on college and get a bunch of debt then drop out or get a shit tier degree.

>> No.7600992

bro can you please hook me up with some information on this? I have some acid but I never considered micro dosing before.

Do I cut the tab into a little quarter or what?

>> No.7601025

You sound almost identical to me, I never really got my IQ tested though so no need to larp.

You have a lot more money than people your age. I worked at a bank at your age and saw checking accounts all day. Most adults keep less than $1000 in their checking and savings accounts combined. Don't get in any debt, go to college for free if possible, and network like crazy. Being a NEET is unproductive and will turn you into a cracker degenerate like 90% of /biz/.

The only difference between me and you is that I sold a Instagram page for 50K cash by the time I graduated and invested in Litecoin and cashed out at $200. I'm 21 and I'm sitting on 250K in the bank going to school for economics and entrepreneurial studies. I'm still super cheap.

>> No.7601030

Do whatever makes you happy and wealthy.

>> No.7601034

stay away from drugs and alcohol
don't lie
never trust a woman
get plenty of sleep but wake up early
everything else should take care of itself anon
lot's of smart people never make it
stay humble and keep grinding

>> No.7601069


this contains literally everything you need to know

>> No.7601169

Thank you so much!

>> No.7601174

Nice job buddy, 18 here. I dont really have much of a stack after the crash, bought in at ath pretty much. Managed to flip a little during the dips but all I got is peanuts...

>> No.7601303

get into uni or whatever you eurocucks call it. make sure you choose a cheaper school unless mom and dad are paying. try to minimize debt. major in something with decent employability.

while in college you should try to get some extra money to put into crypto. hold your ETH and NEO for the entire time. never sell that shit unless doing so will set you up for life. 15K in those coins now could be hundreds of thousands of dollars if not more by the time you graduate.

college is fun anon, you will be forced to meet new people and a couple of them will be your friends for life. but the real point is to get some sort of degree so that if all else fails you have something to fall back on. then if you make it in crypto you're set, but if crypto collapses you're not totally fucked.

get it out of the way now. don't put it off and be that old faggot going back to school at 28. college is pretty chill and way more fun than HS or sitting around wagecucking for 4 years. just live in the dorms and then get an off campus apartment or some shit after a couple years.

>> No.7601305

eat fats and protein, get exercise, cut out carbs and glue-10s and crab-16s the fog is dietary. you need to train yur mind. get adderall but dont take 20s take 10s unless ur like 200 plus lbs and want heart arrythmias