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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 18 KB, 639x639, hst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7595881 No.7595881 [Reply] [Original]


'...'One of the big 5 countries in the world has approached us with a really interesting opportunity that we're already moving to contract stage on, which when we announce, I think is going to shock the world'

Also with the news of it being listed on "one of the highest volume exchanges in the world" by a dev at a conference about 2-3 weeks ago that's still scheduled for 2-3 weeks from now (potentially Binance since they can't confirm it, possibly Bittrex or one of similar volume), I'd stack up on this before it explodes. Also there's been a huge sell wall for the past few days that's been basically broken on Kucoin right now.

>> No.7595901

if you aren't already holding this as >=25% of your portfolio you are a bad investor

>> No.7595911 [DELETED] 

Good exchange. Sign up with https://binance.wtf/ redirects to my ref so we can get back 20% of trade fees!

>> No.7596013


>> No.7596059

i have 10k hst

will i make it?

>> No.7596153

Forgot to add that the entire team's extremely active on Telegram and they answer every single question you have. They're also not pajeets so that's a plus.

>> No.7596159
File: 531 KB, 900x1200, niggerbabyinabucket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7596238

Tell me exactly how and why this token is and will become increasingly valuable. How do you need the token and how does the project work?

>> No.7596260
File: 111 KB, 625x773, 1516347043830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DYOR you fucking moron. You expect to get spoonfed free money?

>> No.7596339


>> No.7596469

is this a yes?

>> No.7596693


>> No.7596771
File: 7 KB, 230x219, sadpepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw only own 2.5k tokens

>> No.7597106


You'll get a good 25000$ from it soon enough to play around with don't worry.

>> No.7597908

That'll uniroincally be worth $500k EOY.

>> No.7598133


>low total supply
>focusing on 1 issue predominately, rather than trying to save the world (IOTA)
>major connection already
>major exchange coming up
>Aussie team. have nothing but good things to say about Australians (ancedotal)
>no fucking pajeets
>tackling an issue (democracy corruption) in a time where barely anyone trusts the voting process in any Western country
>will get feelgood bux from the UN for helping savage nations in Africa for helping them run non-corrupted election
>already being used in the real world

I can go on and go. HST is 2018's ETH IMO. Take it or leave it.

>> No.7598228

Yes. If you want to have shill threads, you gotta shill the project.

>> No.7598261

>Big fucking news about UN appear for this absolute undercover state of the art shitcoin
>Everyone sold

Still kekkin

>> No.7598405

So they are attempting to monetize votes?

That sounds like a shit solution imo.

Hey its election time here are your hst tokens to cast your vote with. They are also worth $4 each! Cant see how that could go wrong...

>> No.7598623

Yes it sounds so retarded but the project seems solid

>> No.7598674

The absolute state of /biz/

>> No.7598733


Go ahead, enlighten me on why this would be a good idea. Money mixing with politics has worked out so well for us this far

>> No.7598796

God is this some weak-minded FUD or are you really this stupid? Because creating a near-trustless platform for voting is putting money in politics right? Please go hang from a tree. This board has really turned to shit.

>> No.7598798

Nice bait, I'll give you a 6/10

>> No.7598813

Shill us on the tokens and why they're going to be valuable. Will the governments use the tokens when using the voting technology?

>> No.7598883


>Tokens = votes
>Tokens are worth a set amount in fiat and can be bought and sold on exchanges

How is this not monetizing votes again?

>> No.7598893

You're trying too hard now. Move along, pajeet

>> No.7598958


You still havent addressed anything.

>ur wrong kill urself

Oh wow it really is that easy

>> No.7599073

>tfw bought 3k HST in November at 30c, my first investment

>dumped it since I FOMO'd into all missed moon missions and thought it would take too long to moon

>tfw lost almost all of my money trying to trade

Just now realizing if I sold at 5$ and shorted BTC at 3x leverage, I'd have 30k$+ and could of bought back when it was 1$ with those 30k$+

At least I learned from my mistakes and am now confident into my investments, but fuck me it hurts.

>> No.7599353

How safe is this project? I have a had time choosing between this and Omisego and as a poorfag I feel like diversifying wouldn't be the way to go.

>> No.7599454


100% safe. Their team is the most transparent and responsive team on Telegram and youtube I've ever seen. You woull hardly find anything better than this, I'm not even selling you this coin, but that's just how it is.

These aussies know what they are doing and are not afraid of answering any kind of FUD. Even Developer is always on Telegram answering things in details.

>> No.7600289

General breakdown on how this works. Correct me if any of this shit is wrong

MiVote quotes (For example) $3 a vote to a business looking to do a 100,000 person vote.

MiVote purchases the $300,000 worth of HST tokens to be used in the voting. It is not 1:1 vote to token, it's whatever price they quote the votes at.

Tokens are used up and burnt in the votes. (??)

For example the Same-sex marriage "vote" in Australia costed like $122m by the government. MiVote could have done it at 1/5th of the price.

My only real concern with this project is ETH scaling since it's somewhat dependent on transaction times.

Other than that it's probably the best project in crypto atm

>> No.7600355

Anyone who can chime in about the scaling issues? Have they addressed this problem?

>> No.7600686

I think they said they weren't against splitting off into their own chain.

Otherwise, ETH has quite a few scaling solutions incoming anyway