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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 103 KB, 1024x698, Tl4SeWY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7594712 No.7594712 [Reply] [Original]

Only coin with no fees, instant, decentralized.
Team only kept 4.8% of coins for development.

This coin will be a hundred dollars EOY. Price has been depressed by BitGrail hackers selling on the market since october.

Prove me wrong.

>> No.7594771
File: 87 KB, 500x746, $$$$$$.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>technology not proven

bitcoin is king, secure and fast with low fees, enough said

>> No.7594817

>no fees, instant, decentralized

perfect scam detector

>> No.7594863
File: 3 KB, 271x236, crypto-Nano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what bugs ? some stuff happening with the node in exceptional conditions a month ago that has been easily fixed ?

Not related to NANO but shitty exchange admins

>technology not proven
No double spend/nano related hack since the inception in 2015, proven enough for me.

you can't be serious

>> No.7594865

>no fees

So how will it deal with a ddos?

>> No.7594870

inb4 double spend and erc20 memes

>> No.7594888
File: 15 KB, 400x400, GXuV0Xdj_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pascalcoin has a free operation (transaction, account buy/sell, or info change) per block, on-the-click instant. Much lower mcap and price atm. Infinitely scalable and it easily go head-to-head against NANO any day

>> No.7594896

show me an instance where this coins network was truly stress tested. nobody uses this shit so of course it's fast for now

>> No.7594903

PoW for sending > PoW for receiving.

>> No.7594946

Indeed, I own both pascal and nano. Pascal has this PASA thing which is both annoying and nice. Not really practical to buy a wallet but what do I know. Pascal language isn't widely used and name is shit but I can those things can change.

>> No.7594975

I didnt believe McAfee when he said what he said,but everything turned out true.
Hope Colin Lemahieu (the main dev, used to work for NASA before raiblocks) finds a way to fix this critical bug that is plaguing nano for months now.
Charlie Lee said its the best litecoin fork tho so theres that.

>> No.7594981

It's a DAG there's no reason for it to bottleneck like bitcoin. Every user has its own blockchain.

>> No.7594982

Even btc was fast and free, until it wasnt, but at least btc has always been secure and stable.

>> No.7595001

Raiblocks/NANO is a fucking scamcoin at this point.

>BitGrail having double spend issues
>Binance now having double spend issues
>Mercatox having Rai/Nano issues

Only Redditors unironically think this is a good coin.

>> No.7595011

You're mistaken, there's no critical bug in NANO and NANO isn't a litecoin fork. Also fuck McAfee

>> No.7595020

1. DAGs are a meme pipe dream that will never work. It's impossible to have a good, scaling network without fees.
2. The days of cryptoCURRENCIES are over. Coins that do literally nothing except existing are worthless.

>> No.7595037
File: 51 KB, 365x509, Elephantmary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plebbit coin GTFO

>> No.7595046

Exchanges issues have nothing to do with NANO. Either bad implementation (fixed in a matter of minutes on Kucoin and Binance), or shitty coders for bitgrail (easily fixed with a bullet in the neck).

>> No.7595065

So what if I send billions of tx to an exchange?

>> No.7595073

>1. DAGs are a meme pipe dream that will never work. It's impossible to have a good, scaling network without fees.
Of course it's possible, NANO is growing everyday. More than 2500 nodes, with no incentives.
2. The days of cryptoCURRENCIES are over. Coins that do literally nothing except existing are worthless.
NANO allows instant transfers without fees. No other coins can do that.

>> No.7595086

>exhange issues having the SAME issue with double-spends only with NANO "have nothing to do with NANO"
>being this much of a redditor

>> No.7595120

Well, you'd need a shitload of hashpower. And the hashpower to mitigate it would be 100 times less. Most of the nodes also got a minimum amount to allow a transaction, so you'd need huge hashpower and a shitload of coins.

But be my guest.

>> No.7595142

Yes. If there was a problem with NANO code, do you think it wouldhave been added on binance and OKEx, two of the biggest exchanges in the world ?

>> No.7595151

No it's not you idiot. If there's no fees what's stopping me from flooding the network with a billion transactions a second with my zombie botnet

>> No.7595157

a $10,000 gpu can send 6 tx per second.
I hope you've got a few billion dollars to spare.

>> No.7595165

Nano, more like Nono amirite?

>> No.7595170

>No fees
Pretty much every coin would have that if users hosted nodes and mined for free

>> No.7595189

You're misinformed. You need to do a PoW to send a transaction. That's the limiting factor.
On my GTX1080 it takes a few seconds to send a tx, 1-2 seconds to receive.

>> No.7595207

So if I send from my phone it takes minutes and drains my battery?

>> No.7595208
File: 161 KB, 1199x589, EvmS8gx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mong, did you not read what I wrote?
Binance is having double-spend issues with NANO now (pic attached)

>> No.7595240

one internet connection fail and there goes your coffee payment

>> No.7595268

>NANO allows instant transfers without fees. No other coins can do that.

I guess you haven't heard of IOTA then. OP, you are seriously a brainlet.

>> No.7595269

What's the incentive to keep a node?

>> No.7595295

>happening in exceptional conditions
>low volume exchange trading

If you are too stupid to realize that zero fees on a digital currency is a bad thing, I have a bridge to sell you or some tron.

>> No.7595423

holy shit i didn't htink of that.

>> No.7595497

does your phone have 5 minutes of life?
a phone should be able to handle it in less than a minute, but i dont think anyones tried it.

>> No.7595498

"Pretty much every coin would have that if users hosted nodes and mined for free"

>DAG coin

Why are Nano/DAG coin detractors always retarded?

>> No.7595523

No, seriously, tell me. If I'm running a business that accepts payments in nano, I run a node and pay no fees to anyone, right, except my $5 a month for running the node?
What if I'm not running a business?
Or should I just assume that technology>everything else and just close my eyes to the fact that this solves a problem that is a non problem?

>> No.7595545

So a $10000 GPU can do 5tx/s and a phone over 1/minute? How does that add up?

>> No.7595558

are you a literal pajeet? do you think $5 a month is scaring even minimum wage cuckers from hosting a node?

>> No.7595629
File: 53 KB, 800x331, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, they say it's the technology behind nano.
Answer my question then. WHY WOULD I DO IT? Why would anyone but the people accepting payments would host a node? Even if it costs nothing.

>> No.7595631
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>> No.7595653
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>> No.7595673

you obviously wouldn't. happy?

>> No.7595698

No, binance is having issues of double SENDING, because they fucked up their implementation. This has NOTHING to do with nano code, or double speding.

>> No.7595740

Iota way slower than NANO. And that's if your transaction ever pass. REATTACH. But Iota is a good project for the year 2035. NANO works right now.

>> No.7595756

So, a society completely driven by greed, will?
So how many nodes there must be in total for this to work?
I'm actually genuinely curious, I want to believe in this shit.

>> No.7595774

Same incentive as owning a credit card machine. You run a node to accept payments.

>> No.7595807

I meant happenED not happening. Everything works fine now. This shows the reactivity of the team who fixed a bug in a few hours after its discovery.

>> No.7595816

Anything in the plans to future implement this?

>> No.7595844

yes, everyone fucked up their implementation... three exchanges now. It couldn't possibly be the NANO dev's fault at all.

You spend too much time drinking the kool-aid on /r/nanocurrency

Speed wasn't your claim- you said NANO is the only project with feeless transactions, and I said you're wrong and gave you an example proving it.

Also to claim NANO transactions don't have problems is a fucking joke. Sometimes its fast. Other times you're having to manually create the receive block yourself.

>> No.7595856

why would you pay $5 a month to run a node. Just install the node on any computer you own. it's free.
Other people who run nodes are enthusiasts like myself.

Why do people run bitcoin nodes ? It provides no incentives either.

>> No.7595871


>> No.7595876

i don't know if historical nodes are required or not.
if they are that's a point of concern.
libertarians will do it for the free decentralized market idea.
investors will do it to protect their 10% a year return
10% gains a year > $5 a month as long as your investment is more than $600.

If your business gains 2% sales because you accept nano, then its worth it to pay $60 a year if your sales are $3000 or more.

are you really this bad at math? you're worrying about the strongest point of nano.

>> No.7595903

Implement what ? It was metaphorical, businesses own a credit card machine to accept $/€ payments, business who accept nano will run a node.

>> No.7595938

if the network is ever heavily used it will consume all your network bandwidth, making it unusable for anything else.
But that's still years away.

>> No.7595940

>yes, everyone fucked up their implementation... three exchanges now. It couldn't possibly be the NANO dev's fault at all.
It's new technology and exchanges are having a few issues with the implementation. Nothing wrong with that. it's not a shitty ERC20 token.

>Speed wasn't your claim- you said NANO is the only project with feeless transactions, and I said you're wrong and gave you an example proving it.

I claimed NANO is instant. Iota isn't. What's your point ?

>> No.7595987

Considering more and more individuals get gigabit internet today, I don't think this is something to worry about.

>> No.7596015

Anyway, just buy this coin, you'll thank me later. Price is way too low for this great coin. It will skyrocket in the next months.

>> No.7596043

>What's the incentive to keep a node?

There is no incentive to run a node. Just look at the node map, lul. It only has a little over a dozen nodes, most owned by the devs.

>> No.7596052

No, what I'm worrying about is the fact that their only selling point is the technology. Which rarely ends up well without a good business plan.
Also, the voting system. Explain how their community voting is a good thing. Businesses are not run like this, fucking commie countries are run like that.
>Implement what?
A way for the people to use nano as a payment method? Like how paypal has been implemented via partnerships? But I guess everyone's gonna just run a node.
I mean cmon, guys, give me some serious arguments for this.

>> No.7596150

>being this dumb
Obviously the xrb.network website isn't working.

>> No.7596158

>Official representatives comprise ~52% of voting power
>Not a blockchai
>Not secure
>Reddit coin
>Fucks every exchange
>Heavily centralized
>Middleman attacks
>Not secure
>Double spending
>Not fucking secure
>FREE tx - Pajeet loves

>> No.7596200

Also, the voting system. Explain how their community voting is a good thing. Businesses are not run like this, fucking commie countries are run like that.

The point of crypton and blockchain technology and its derivatives, is to be decentralized.

>A way for the people to use nano as a payment method?
it's already being developed by the community. Check out https://brainblocks.io/

>> No.7596211

lots of businesses went through the pains of trying to accept bitcoin. they did some pretty technical shit to do it to, like scanning the mempool before transactions were able to be canceled.
if they did that for bitcoin, they'll do it for nano too. not that that should be relied on, but this is still pretty new and solutions will come out.

idgaf about voting, voting is necessary to adopt changes, as long as its not centralized i don't care.
communism is the epitome of centralization, by the way.

>> No.7596244
File: 31 KB, 750x400, Khaled-1-750x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nailed it

deluded bagholder trying /biz/ shill tactics

>> No.7596245
File: 1.13 MB, 1390x782, 20180211_190946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using Binance

>> No.7596274

Oh, it is working. Check again.

>> No.7596307

>Official representatives comprise ~52% of voting power
This isn't true.
>Not a blockchai
>Not secure
So anything that's not a blockchain is not secure ? That's a retarded statement.
>Reddit coin
>Fucks every exchange
new tech, a few glitches in implementation, nothing to worry about.
>Heavily centralized
Wrong. You're really misinformed, I suggest you learn a bit about nano before saying shit ;)
>Middleman attacks
This is FUD. Every coin is vulnerable if some hacker owns the entire internet.
>Not secure
it is secure.
>Double spending
there is not a single double spending in the 3 years the raiblocks/nano existed
>Not fucking secure
you already said that, and it's still false.
>FREE tx - Pajeet loves
everybody loves free tx. it's the future. You dont pay a fee when you give a $20 bill to your favorite crackwhore, do you ?

>> No.7596332

>Considering more and more individuals get gigabit internet today
Yeah in the civilized world, backwards burgerstan however.... Their local feudal lord's milking as much as they can on old outdated tech. why spend money on upgrades if they don't have to

>> No.7596343

It's not, are you retarded or something ? No nodes showing on the map. There are approximatively 2500 full nodes running.

>> No.7596348

OMG will soon offer instant payments in any currency crypto or fiat and scale to millions of tps. market cap is roughly the same as XRB. if you honestly think businesses/normies will adopt a buggy reddit memecoin over that then I dont know what to tell you.

>> No.7596354

>communism is the epitome of centralization, by the way.
That's what I mean.
>it's already being developed by the community.
Hah, OK. So it's not a real business then. Kinda like all of the linux based distros on distrowatch. Developed by the community. Yet somehow, only a handful of people are using those.
> they'll do it for nano too.
Yeah, we'll see about that. It just stinks of bad business, that is all. You can't slap technology over everything.

>> No.7596368

desu if you're a pajeet in a shit country with 56K internet, you'll just have a light wallet. No problem.

>> No.7596400

>>Middleman attacks
>This is FUD. Every coin is vulnerable if some hacker owns the entire internet.
Are they though? As a 300 nano bag holder this is the only point I really don't feel has been answered. It's not a deal breaker, but it makes it worse than Bitcoin in this regard.

>> No.7596407

>OMG will soon offer instant payments
instant payments "soon", maybe, but not free ;)

>> No.7596434

Shut up grampa!! We dont need security! Nano coin is le best!! Narwal bacon to the mooon amirite xDD

>> No.7596442

>I suggest you learn a bit about nano before saying shit ;)
Redditor, please.
>everybody loves free tx. it's the future
What about the miners? Or is it just a waste of energy?

>> No.7596455

Why would anyone want to trade a currency where 12% of the tokens are compromised. Yeah 4.6% are held by the team, but over 10% are held by someone FOR SURE shady. Woohoo love holding coins where someone can singlehandedly fuck the value for their own gain.

>> No.7596459

binance tommorow comes out as insolvent confirmed, nano stole all coins from their cold storage wallets, I spoke with CEO on phone, he confirmed nano scam ruined him and cried in chinese

>> No.7596464

Hah, OK. So it's not a real business then. Kinda like all of the linux based distros on distrowatch. Developed by the community. Yet somehow, only a handful of people are using those.

You're aware that most of web servers run apache or nginx on a linux server, right? You know linux, developed by a community. And apache too, and fucking COUNTLESS of other services used by billions of people everyday.

Man I don't know what to tell you. Either you're trolling or you're really really stupid.

>> No.7596482

Don't even compare OMG to this. OMG has actual partnerships. I mean, the actual business around the world.

>> No.7596505

They are probably already dumped on the market.

>> No.7596510

The guy who made this FUD post assumes everything is hacked between the user and every nodes on the internet, including the user PC. How the fuck do you do that ? It's theoretically possible, but it doesn't happen in reality.
And if your pc hosting your wallet is compromised, you're fucked anyway.

>> No.7596517 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 500x250, oc4TYMz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a group of us who have been scammed by an exchange called coinsmarkets.com They went down on January 3 and are still not back. They originally told us that they would be back after a few hours but they kept making excuses after excuses and they've been down for 6 weeks now. The worst thing they've done is tell us on Feb 1 that they'd be back in a few hours, after being down for a whole month. This got many peoples hopes up but alas, it's Feb 12 now. We need your help to track these fuckers down. People are suspicious that the telegrams are being run by the developers themselves. They're banning people for saying it's a scam. Also some think that the ECA developers are in on this scam. They're 1 HOUR away from coinsmarkets https://i.imgur.com/9xdaKLq.jpg.. They're banning people for talking about coinsmarkets. Many people have done digging on this scam on Bitcointalk. We need your help /biz/




Please help, we need as many eyes on this as possible.

>> No.7596521

Uh huh. Every walking man on earth right now is using linux on their desktops/laptops.

We are talking about face to face transactions here. Not internals of a whole matrix.

>> No.7596560

Also, don't forget that linux is adopted by businesses, by millions of businesses.
You clearly misunderstood what I meant by various distros that are on distrowatch.
Don't mix linux and distro, please.

>> No.7596572

>Don't even compare OMG to this.
I agree, don't compare vaporware to NANO. OMG is a shitcoin.

>> No.7596584

ya i'm sure the whole world will switch over to some weird pajeet coin that breaks everything it touches just to avoid a fraction of a percent fee. good luck with that.

>> No.7596632
File: 146 KB, 971x817, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your (You)

>> No.7596659

You said things developed by a community of people aren't widely used. I proved you wrong.
Anyone sufficiently skilled can build a company and make a better service to pay with nano, and they could get a fee for every transaction if they succeed.
In the end you could pay with the free community service, or the "secure company" paying one.

>> No.7596671

time to let this thread die. you can't reason with someone this retarded. the guy is probably an xrb dev on damage control.

>> No.7596685
File: 80 KB, 1263x800, Skycoin-Cloud-BB-Vertical-on_white@1x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feeless and instant coin that actually works and doesn't have billion bugs like Nano. And it isn't a one trick pony.

>> No.7596688

Everyone will use a fee-less crypto for payments in the near future. It will be the fastest adoption of a technology, ever. I hope it will be NANO. But who knows.

>> No.7596716

for payments NANO > OMG
Prove me wrong ?

>> No.7596747

refer to: >>7596560
I explicitly said linux based distros. NOT LINUX.

>> No.7596754

it's a blockchain, so not scalable, and not environment friendly.

>> No.7596783

It doesn't require mining :)

And it is infinitely scalable. :)

>> No.7596784

if nano is adopted by millions of businesses, wouldn't that count as GREAT SUCCESS ? It would but just like Visa, but better.

>> No.7596804

Did you just google "Skycoin blockchain" to see if it was a blockchain coin? lmfao. DAGs are for FAGs.

>> No.7596812

>environment friendly
Fucking hell mate... As I said earlier, communists, communist everywhere.
"The skin is green. Once you peel it back the insides are red".
Indeed it is it seems. Even in crypto.

>> No.7596826


So it's not feeless.

>> No.7596830


I can't believe you fell for that bullshit. This is Iota's ternary processors level shit.

>> No.7596841

New code integration always produces bugs. You'd know that if you've developed enterprise software of any kind. So just because they've had integration issues doesn't necessarily mean there's something fundamentally wrong with it. ERC-20 based tokens will integrate easily because erc-20 has been around much longer and its integration bugs worked out long ago.

I'm not saying nano is going to make it, but just because it's had integration issues on exchanges doesn't mean its shit.

>> No.7596844

>if if if if
>The team has no partnerships.
>Community developed
>Community driven

>> No.7596854

That isn't for Skycoin. It's for a side project called Skywire that has nothing to do with the coin :) They're building a new internet.

>> No.7596857

Well, it is. If you don't pay anything, it's feeless.

>> No.7596869

the fee is a few seconds of your CPU's time.
I bet you're the kind of guy that stoops over to pick up pennies

>> No.7596894
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This coin's spot in the limelight is done...On to the next speed king

>> No.7596895
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>> No.7596907

>They're building a new internet.
tf does that even mean?

>> No.7596926

>nothing to do with the coin :)
>litterally on the skycoin website

Anyway who cares about skycoin. NANO is the future.

>> No.7596929

Nah, you guys just confirmed it.
My mind is settled regarding this coin now, thanks.

>> No.7596932

So using CPU for PoW is feeless. Okokok

>> No.7596945

Look everyone Redditard can't do math.

>> No.7596954

You'll only find out once Skycoin is suddenly 10b mcap and you start feeling FOMO.

>> No.7597005

Jesus.. I didn't think it was this bad.
Oh wow...

>> No.7597007

I have better things to do with my time than argue with a 17 year old redditor. we'll see which solution gets adopted soon enough, boy.

>> No.7597011

Yep. You're welcome.

>> No.7597045

You're aware anyone can change his representative, right. Those don't own the coins. They just have the delegated voting power because users are too fucking lazy to set a different representative.

>> No.7597063

Are you retarded? The skyminer has nothing to do with Skycoin consensus. Do I need to spell it out for you DAG fags?

>> No.7597080

Lmao is NANO and BCH the most pathetic alliance of bagholders? Get COSS onside and you've got the ultimate team.

>> No.7597084

Hehe, I win. Bye. NANO > * for payments, anyway.
Can't beat instant and feeless.

>> No.7597119

YOu said
>It's for a side project called Skywire that has nothing to do with the coin :)
>The skyminer has nothing to do with Skycoin consensus

I guess you're the one who's retarded.

>> No.7597159


OP sliding posts so his submission stays on the first page of /biz/.


>> No.7597179

HAH, so it's even worse. No one actually gives a fuck about this shit.
None of you NANO fags have addressed any of the questions I've had anyways. It's been very informative, thank you.

>> No.7597181

I think Nano has a good chance.

But can you please stop with the fucking smiley ;) bullshit on here. Everytime I read something and people end their sentences with ;) or :) I want to slap them for basically putting in extra effort for coming off as a 15 y o smartass that doesn't know shit.

>> No.7597183

I proved everyone of you fudders wrong. I'm going like a fucking prince.
Bye !

>> No.7597218

>I think Nano has a good chance.
It doesn't it, the NANO fags proved it themselves.
>I proved everyone of you fudders wrong
You proved that you are wrong.

>> No.7597263

ssh bby is ok

>> No.7597371


anyone can choose a different representative which is not the official representative
if it came down to an important vote, wallets can choose a representative that's not an official one

>> No.7597380

Holy fuck this guy is clearly paid to make the Nano community look dumb as shit.

>> No.7597440


Nah I agree with the OP faggot on the double spending thing not being an issue in the long run. It is not a direct NANO problem, more of an indirect one. Exchanges are not used to dealing with a DAG coin and that results in them fucking up. I still somewhat blame the NANO team for this, because I expect them to tackle this in advance (especially as they work with the exchanges during the listing process). It might be that KuCoin, Binance and OKEx fixed the thing within minutes after discovery, but it shouldn't have been something left to discover in the first place because NANO devs have been coaching them during implementation. Mercatox and BitGrail different story.

The BitGrail shitshow did hurt the price. And I think it might take a while before that blows over. Indeed IF it doesn't turn out that one individual now owns 12% of the supply, that is.

If that's the case they can start over or just call it quits, but NANO will be worthless.

However, by the looks of it it seems more likely that BitGrail sold the missing NANO to the market in order to delay their insolvent fate.

>> No.7597446

You're a fucking dumbass if you think the double spend problem is not part of crypto protocol and somehow related to exchanges. Fucking look up what a double spend is and how bitcoin and nano solve it. There is never a "problem" of double spending involving a centralized force because that force can make sure none occurs. Which bitgrail was so shitty that it could even do that back in October November. BTW it wasn't "double spending" nano it was "double spending" ethereum, litecoin and bitcoin. You would deposit ethereum and be credited like 2-10x as much then of course people would buy nano and withdraw it.

Some of you guys are such fucking idiots that you literally don't know what double spending is. That is like some idiot trying to explain to me why his shit yugo is way better than my lambo even tho he doesn't fucking know what the fuck a horsepower or transmission is. It's like that little retarded guy that's trying to explain something to you and you're just thinking he's so fucking wrong that it would take hours to explain and plus I feel kinda bad for him. That's literally how stupid some of you sound.

>> No.7597450

seems like your obsessed with communism. its a fucking coin i has nothing to do with politics.

>> No.7597514

I see the mentality behind it.
No working business model, all about technology, community driven and other such utterings.

>> No.7597515

>if it came down to an important vote, wallets can choose a representative that's not an official one

This is not how it works. Go read the fucking whitepaper you lazy piece of shit.

>> No.7597548

Well I am in it to make some money. Am I a communist now?

>> No.7597568

No, it's just that you are gonna get burned, that's all.

>> No.7597606

Yeah maybe. I don't expect to, but I agree that it is a possibility. As with any other crypto.

>> No.7597634

So many pajeets in here that think this coin is worthless. LMAO. Screenshot this now. top 5 MC EOY. Guaranteed.

>> No.7597699

There are some really promising gems out there.
Nothing is guaranteed though. I don't want to sound like a massive flaming faggot FUDer of NANO, but fucking hell this thread opened my eyes about the project a bit.

>> No.7597833

Skycoin - pay fees with coinhours (gas) hur dur itz feeless

>> No.7597923

skycoins has nothing to do with skycoin, you know.

>> No.7597960

You pay 1 bitcoin for their miner and they give you the miner and enough skycoin to make up for the bitcoin minus 600 dollars worth for the miner.

Let's give them our shitty coin and take bitcoin and sell them our shit miner for 600 bucks. Doesn't make any sense.

>> No.7598187

>secure and fast with low fees

>> No.7598283

Omisego is going to be the crypto payment solution since its crypto agnostic. Saying we only accept this coin so you must hold it is ridiculous if it doesnt have huge market dominance

>> No.7598375

The thing is there can be other ways to be crypto agnostic such as using request as a way for a company to be crypto agnostic. Although it would have like a 1 percent fee.

>> No.7598442

If you have your skycoin in your wallet, you generate 1 coinhour per sky per hour. It is impossible to reach 0 coinhours because you burn like 50% of your coinhours per transaction and you get coinhours when someone sends you skycoins. So yes, it is indeed free.

They need money for development and you get to buy Skycoin without driving the price up because of the low liquidity. It's a win-win situation. Besides, all the information is available to make your own miner, they even encourage it.

>> No.7598499

Omisego and Request Network will make this shitcoin obsolete.

>> No.7598562

You connect to the wrong wifi. I hack the wifi at Starbucks or some conference. Is that not enough?

>> No.7598598

no node incentives = no security.

>> No.7598624
File: 906 KB, 2544x4000, 1503396029227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait what the fuck is wrong with me? This shitcoin already is obsolete. I need to go to sleep. Goodnight nano bagholders. I hope you don't kill yourselves when this shitcoin reaches 10 cents again.

>> No.7598631

Holy shit. Some retarded reddit xrb shills in here. Bugs being exposed left and right and they still keep on regurgitating the same sentences. All that for a worse xlm without potential or security

>> No.7598673

Sigh, if I only threw in $200 when this was first shilled.

>> No.7598678
File: 351 KB, 480x480, 1516070260794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It literally takes me the same time transferring eth

>> No.7598680

Only 4.8%
You do realise thats a boatload?

>> No.7598902

ofc not :D

>> No.7598910
File: 104 KB, 814x758, xrb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Price has been depressed by BitGrail hackers selling on the market since october.
Distribution for this scamcoin ended in october. The team was made aware of potential losses on bitgrail but removed it as FUD.

>> No.7598928

Absolutely NO bugs has been exposed yet. Prove me wrong. I'm waiting.

>> No.7598957

No, it doesn't. Eth transfers take like 1-5 minutes the good days. Nano transfers take about 0-3 seconds.

>> No.7599034

They want to make an exchange pair of skyhours to skycoin. Skyhours are the fee. It is not feeless. It is essentially gas. To call it feeless is really disingenuous.

>> No.7599093

Also EOS and steem.

>> No.7599677


>> No.7599803

I am constantly amazed at this.
Feel bad for a friend that shilled this shit for me. He was up 6k and then this..

>> No.7600171

>49 posts by this ID
Hey bud you haven't replied to me yet! Did you kill yourself? Are you part of of the team? Do you wish for this thread to die?

>> No.7600767
File: 4 KB, 151x150, zcl2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill leave this here..

>> No.7600996

>the meme of how new raiblocks is and its hard to put on an exchange

this shit was listed on bittrex TWO YEARS AGO and it got delisted because of the SAME ISSUES OCCURRING NOW

in two god damn years nothing happened, you know why? because this project was abandoned multiple times by colin and he only came back on the scene after the price pumped




>> No.7601006

well then how does it work?
please tell me you don't think users wouldn't transfer funds to a new wallet if they had to, then assign new rep

>> No.7601339

Who give a shit about your shitty bittrex exchange? I don't even know this exchange because it probably has no volums.

It works well on Binance.

>> No.7602003

exchanges have had plenty of issues with eth, xmr, et al

shit point anon

>> No.7602459

you know whats different from those coins? is that they fixed the exchange issues. Xrb has the same issues from over 2 years ago

>> No.7602595


>> No.7602931

please research the coin 1st.

there are no "miners" in the traditional sense as every wallet mines it's own transactions.

>> No.7603122

So this is basically an IOTA clone, which is horseshit, with bugs included + some new bugs.


>> No.7603386

>hasn't even heard of fucking bittrex
proof normies are in crypto

>> No.7603393

kek. bullshit you dont know bittrex and no it does not work well on binance hence why they had to freeze withdrawals. this coin not only is shit but it turns everything it touches to shit. also, you are an absolute faggot that should go back to plebbit with the other 15 year olds. maybe you can convince them to buy this scam with their allowance money you pathetic cuck bag holder.

>> No.7603443

he absolutely has heard of it he's just trying to downplay them as a small/unknown exchange because they delisted his buggy pajeet coin. hopefully binance will do the same soon so no more kids lose their allowance on this turd.