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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7587125 No.7587125 [Reply] [Original]

>crypto is a zero sum game

>> No.7587160

crypto is in "trading crypto"? It absolutely is.

>> No.7587203

Only a brainlet who doesn't actually know the definition of a "zero sum game" thinks this.

>> No.7587338

Let me illustrate why you're a brainlet

Person A buys crypto at $1
Person A sells crypto to person B at $10

The price hovers at $10-$11 and person B is able to sell to person C at $11

The price still hovers at $10-$11, Person C is only able to sell to another person (D, E, F, etc...) at $11, the coin is now a utility token and value has stabilized in a highly liquid market.

Total gains: $9, $1, $0

Gains are not zero sum.

>> No.7587377

according to blockfolio data only like 40% of people win at crypto. thats a shitty win ratio. if a crypto was an online game it would get rebalanced pronto.

>> No.7587397

That doesn't mean it's zero sum.

>> No.7587545

it pretty much is, on an individual level and on a macro meta level. there is not enough instruments to manage risk and volatility. people can delude themselves that they will make it but most dont.

>> No.7587578

The absolute state of /biz/.

>> No.7587933

you can't actually be this retarded can you?

>> No.7587947

Math PHD here, you guys are dumb as fuck lmao

>> No.7587970

a real human bean typed this nonsense, crazy stuff

>> No.7588208
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>A puts $1 into the market by buying from devs
>B puts $10 in by buying from A
>C puts $11 in by buying from B
>Total money put in: $22

>Devs take $1 out of the market by selling coins to A
>A takes $10 out by selling to B
>B takes $11 out by selling to C
>Total money taken out: $22

Do you get it now? No money was created or lost. Whenever someone wins money someone else loses it.

>> No.7588345

this assumes that the coins aren't useful, the coins gain value because they can be used to perform something value. Otherwise you can call oil zerosum.

>> No.7588370

No one fucking cares that you paid the gubberment hundreds of thousands for MUH DEGREE. You are still a faggot

>> No.7588414

>price only ever rises

Have you spent last month in a coma or something?

>> No.7588429

Doesn't have anything to do with that.
The point is that in the end no more money can be taken out of the market than was put in. That's zero sum.
And in trading that means that threre's always winners and losers.

>> No.7588472
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absolute brainlets in this thread

>> No.7588634

I don't know if it's a zero sum game, but it's a zero sum gain for me, for sure.

>> No.7588734

your first time on the chan lad?

>> No.7588749

oil is purchased to be consumed. people who trade oil stocks do not purchase barrels of oil to sell on Ebay at a later date.

there are more nuanced arguments to be made, but trading crypto is more like trading futures in that sense, and as much as we can say about potential utility, there is no correlation to the value of the coin. people just like certain ideas better than others, and some projects get marketed better. how many apps do you use that consume ETH?

>> No.7588817

Basically this. If Donald Trump were to sign an executive order to freeze the price of oil right now... Every barrel of oil on the market still has a buyer willing to pay that price because it will eventually be consumed by society.

If the same were done with Shitcoin... Everybody would be an instant bag holder because nearly everybody who owns it owns it because they are delusional get rich quick investors and nobody actually wants their shitty bits.

>> No.7588828

some smart contracts consume ETH amd then lock forever tho

>> No.7588943

notice how I specifically asked "crypto as in crypto trading", "trading" being the keyword here. What happens in regards to marginal utility is unimportant.

>> No.7589013
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