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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7585940 No.7585940 [Reply] [Original]

Skycoin, the only coin that had any economic sense

80% of coins available for miners, where the mining is actually doing something useful rather than pointless calculations like BTC

If you aren't in on this then you are a fucking SINNER

>> No.7586244

so the proof of work is processing internet traffic proxy passthrough?

>> No.7586296


>> No.7586305

the fuck is skycoin

t. new on /biz/

>> No.7586309

what happens if someone uses my node to go to cp sites?

>> No.7586327

U just block them

>> No.7586346

and all ur doing is forwarding the data

its only the sender and reciever that know the content

>> No.7587079

Pretty sure all the traffic is encrypted so you won't even know what sites people are visiting.

>> No.7587096

nothing its just like better thor

>> No.7587155
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>> No.7587362

Why would anyone want to buy this coin from me at a higher price on a later date?

>> No.7587418


Exactly. Anyone who wants to earn profit from this will just mine and dump. I don't think a lot of people will actually buy the coin.

>> No.7587452

There is only 21 million of these. It’s not some ten a penny shit token

>> No.7587708

Completely missing the point.
We already have more than enough coins that serve no other purpose other than to be listed on exchanges. This one is even less speculative as the coin is the byproduct of a process that does serve some real life purpose and could be mined even by idealists not looking to "make it" (further diluting the market)
Noone has a reason to be hoarding these. Its value has no reason to go up. Things that have a reason to go up include: tokens that will be staked in a node on a decentralization platform providing a solution for a real world problem currently handled by man-in-the-middle rentseekers. I guess.
I really like the idea of skycoin, but it should have launched before fucking bitcoin to stand a chance.

>> No.7587756

But it's name is SKY which is up there where moon resides. How can it go lower? it's named SKY not Earth .

>> No.7588033

you earn skyhours if you hold it

>> No.7588365

Yes, but what are skyhours actually useful for? Just for monetary transfers? Do you pay for a service with them? What's the service? They would have to be cheap enough for the service to be competitively priced.
A skyhour is generated for every skycoin every hour, and the total supply of skycoins is 100 mil. 50% burn rate on transaction. Not really a payment mechanism is it.
Lets say I buy 10k$ of skycoin right now. How can I make money off them assuming best case scenario? If everything goes according to plan.

>> No.7588388

skyminers will provide internet to people and they will pay you in skyhours for the service

>> No.7588788

So end users will have to buy the skyhours to use the skycoin internet? Since they already need to be on the internet for that, the point of skynet won't be to be an alternative, faster / cheaper internet provider, but to allow true anonymity on the internet. A proxy right now costs like 20$ for 10.Let's say skycoin's proxies will have an extra layer of security and anonymity that can bump them up to double that, 4$ per proxy. How many people need to be anonymous online? What's the best case market penetration? How big even is the market they are trying to penetrate?
Am I reading this wrong? Are these guys actually going to lay fiber and create physical layer infrastructure?
Am I reading this double wrong? Is this not even about accessing websites, but for hosting them?
Not even trying to fud. As a brainlet I am having big difficulties understand their business model.

>> No.7588861

Why don't you DYOR instead of asking brainlets on BIZ to spoonfeed you?

>> No.7588887

their plan is to initially work on current internet and skyminers and in the future build special antennas and be able to completely bypass ISP infrastructure

>> No.7588966
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Because I am a wagecuck checking biz on breaks while I code shitty corporate websites during the day and drink to forget every evening.
I'd love nothing more than to be able to do my own research - to have enough time AND enough smarts. This is not currently the case however.

>> No.7589166

Unless skycoin has cheaper rates than a VPN and has same or better security, as well as the speeds and usability than a VPN then I doubt people would use it. I might as well go use tor with a VPN for that matter.