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7585935 No.7585935 [Reply] [Original]

>cant withdraw my xrb from binance

>> No.7585942

Why do you buy the worst possible shitcoins?

>> No.7585975 [DELETED] 

Sorry but if you're not on Binance yet, consider using https://binance.wtf/ redirects to my ref so we can get back 20% of trade fees!

>> No.7585989
File: 411 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] New Game__ - 09 [720p].mkv_snapshot_20.30_[2018.01.06_18.46.07].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7586041

Are you stupid, MichelinMan? Why did you ever buy NANO?
Vitalik just said that it is the worst ERC20 he has seen. The bug on the NANO token code allowed ETH to be double and triple deposited on Mercatox, Bitgrail and now Binance.

You should have listened to Vitalik and sold this off already.

>> No.7586078

It's really not that solid given that you can duplicate your NANO and every single exchange has problems with this particular shitcoin
Which part of the tech did you like it?

>> No.7586341

But all of that is just FUD
But in this market too much FUD MAKE ME LOSE MONEY!!!! AHHHHHHH I WANT OUT OF THIS SINKING SHIP at least until things die down

>> No.7586364

Now is it fud? You had to replace the last three characters of the address with 'ttt' and you received x2 the amount of nano

>> No.7586433


SELL IT NOW. You have been wanting to sell for weeks already and supposedly lost some in the Bitgrail fiasco. Now you have the chance to sell it on Binance at least and get your money out in Bitcoin or Ethereum.
Don't get kited into thinking that the price might go up still. It won't. To be honest, I don't think the token will last a month even.

>> No.7586545
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How much Rai? Also keep a calm mind, anon. It's still at #24 on CMC.

>> No.7586683

Only 200 NANO which is already alot in 3rd world terms. I am a flipfag

>> No.7586985

>Only 200 NANO which is already alot in 3rd world terms.
>I am a flipfag
Know both feels.

As I said, keep a calm mind, don't panic and wait until withdrawing is up again. Nothing you can really do until them unless you sell.
From what we know at the moment it's not like you bought into Bitconnect v2.0 so you'll be ok.

>> No.7587007

Momo anon, are you always awake or something? What timezone are you in?

>> No.7587949
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My timezone is +8
It's 11pm right now over here

>> No.7588012

wtf we must live in the same country

are you a full-on NEET?? because you've been posting all day

>> No.7588106

Not anymore. I go to law school now. I have no life outside of it, thats all. Im a loser kissless virgin

>> No.7588291
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