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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 5 KB, 278x100, logo_amway_en.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
758469 No.758469 [Reply] [Original]

So I have this guy and his wife talking us into joining Amway to manage our own business. I just can't trust them as it seems like a pyramid scheme. What does /biz/ recommend? Should i join?

>> No.758499

It is a pyramid scheme. It is a scam.

You won't be told at first, but you'll have to cough up money for their products to sell, plus all manners of books to read, videos to watch etc. You'll have to buy whatever - $100, $200, $300 a month worth of overpriced crap, which no one else will want to buy. You'll be pressured to enlist your friends and family into selling as well.

It's a complete scam. People who get into it are like people in a religious cult which tries to convert people. Just look on Google etc. for Amway scam and so forth.

One question is - why join? I made money (not a lot) buying stuff from wholesalers and selling it on eBay. I didn't have to send hundreds of dollars to my Amway uplines every month.

Just run, unless you're an idiot.

>> No.758509

Thanks a lot. I do eBay selling but wife is a bit too interested in this. Guess i now have to convince her to drop it.

>> No.758522

Is his name Blake? From Ohio?

Don't fucking do it dude. It's the sorriest fucking bullshit. Just look up the literally millions of reviews online about what a waste of time it is. There's a rule I like to live by: "If you can't explain it simply, you don't know it well enough". No Amway employee can explain Amway simply, no single person can.

The statistical odds of you BREAKING EVEN are so low that you literally have a better chance of turning a profit by going to the casino. For the amount of hours required to break even, you can make way more money working at fucking McDonald's.

There's a reason 90% of people who work for Amway are too embarrassed to put it on their resume or in their Linkedin profile.

>> No.758558

At the risk of linking a cracked.com article here... I think there's some good points. For example:
>>one case from 2008 showed that out of 33,000 IBOs, only 90 made enough money to cover the costs of their business. That's a failure rate of damn near 100%

Not spam.. but worth a read.

>> No.758643
File: 88 KB, 500x216, 1406679283787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol. The only situation where you won't lose money to an MLM is if you're at the top. If you can't join 'em, start 'em...