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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7577384 No.7577384 [Reply] [Original]

Seriously its just ridiculous now. Why is everything down despite so much bullish news this month (sec acceptance etc). Even the september fudding didnt last this long and was much more scarier than the fud we recently went through..

I havent made any money in over a month because of this market, i mean i could be day trading but all my money i held up in coins pre-crash...

If this goes on for another week then i will have to go start applying for jobs (currently on welfare despite millions in crypto, but im fucking down $400k lol)

>> No.7577398
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im here to stay buddy

>> No.7577864

it actually just ended

>> No.7578009

I think it's over, tbqh

>> No.7578082
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Say bye bye bear

>> No.7578343

Eoy anon :/

>> No.7578362

Bitcoin is trash but it still has majority marketshare. Crypto won't go bullish until after the flippening

>> No.7578379

Around 5k. Just short and sit comfy.

>> No.7578508

when cryptocurrency, not blockchain has a real world use

>> No.7578557

bye bye bear

>> No.7578694

bye bye bear

>> No.7578767

Not for long, it will be back by morning or the next day at most

>> No.7578861

Keep telling yourself that. :^)

>> No.7578874

Have some patience, a shitton of people lost money, it takes a while before people are willing to invest again, besides if you have millions in crypto, take out a 100k so you don't have to apply for a job.

>> No.7579898

Kill yourself

>> No.7580662

It hasn't even been two months. if this is all there is then consider yourself lucky. In all seriousness it should last at least 8 months if not longer.

>> No.7580707

FUD doesnt cause bear market.

FUD only changes prices very, very short term.

So in September, that FUD was meaningless in the big picture, because we were in bull market. So the recovery is fast and it continues uptrend.

Right now, we are in downtrend, so opposite is true. Good news doesnt matter. It won't change the trend.

This is why TAs say news doesn't matter (except for very short term spikes)