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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 78 KB, 626x781, man-smiling-with-arms-crossed_1187-2903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7576641 No.7576641 [Reply] [Original]


My co-worker took out a loan to buy bitcoin when it was $17,000 USD. He is now in a very severe depression.

He told me that he comes here for business advice. What is this place? Why do I have to post a picture to make a topic discussion? I just typed in "man" on google and used a random image.

Anyways, where do you all get your information from? Do you understand that you are ruining people's lives? He lost over 55 thousand dollars. That is more than a years salary for many people. What is wrong with you people?

>> No.7576678

Let's hope your co-worker offs himself for the sake of everyone

>> No.7576694

Don't blame us for the market, he bought a dead cat. Nobody shilled him into buying BTC. We just push shitcoins - you know, the ones not on coinbase.

>> No.7576715

Are you kidding me? He's an ER nurse you asshole. He saves lives every week.

>> No.7576724

0/10 bait nice try fag

>> No.7576738

nice larp

>> No.7576754

>He's an ER nurse
Perfect, he can do it on the job and save money on the ambulance ride

>> No.7576768

>now he's in severe depression


>> No.7576777

I'd love to know how you contribute to society, you fucking little prick. I'm reading through this website and it's absolutely disgusting.

>> No.7576785

hahaha. dumbass some lives arent worth saving. havent u seen the world population charts. its a fucking bubble. he's harming the world by saving lives

>> No.7576793

>level 10 autist tries to sound like a normie
>cannot be normal for a couple paragraphs with heavy review and constant internet checks for how normal people speak to each other

kys OP

>> No.7576794

Nice trips faggot. Fuck off and never come back kike

>> No.7576803

that's the point. we are the neets and border line retards that can't contribute to society. get the fuck out of our board!!!!!


>> No.7576831

he should consider himself lucky he only lost 55k, im at 100k loss as of now

>> No.7576856

well loss from my ATH, I'm still way up from my initial investment

>> No.7576940


if youre for real, then that fucking blows. this isn't a place for investment advice. The most I get out of biz is I hear about new shitcoins or developments in shitcoins that I wouldn't have come across up to me. Then its up to ME to figure out what its worthwhile to act on.

That said, just tell him to hold on for a while. In a few months he'll probably be back above his principle. Trading is a process of moving money from the impatient to the patient.

>> No.7576994
File: 52 KB, 700x525, corn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm down about $750k from my ATH, but I'm still about $450k above my principle, which is about $800... so feels good man? not sure lol

>> No.7576999


>> No.7577029

kill yourself larper

>> No.7577275

he is NEET
poor NEET

>> No.7577488

How do you sleep at night!

>> No.7577644


it goes up it goes down.

You know, it's funny, one day some time ago I lost $20k and I got tunnel vision, doubled over in nausea. At the bottom of this dump I had lost $900k and I I just didn't think much of it. The market hardens you to short term movement after a while.

>> No.7577718

Greet pigs get slaughtered

>> No.7577791

fuck off dyl

>> No.7577973

this website is a joke. fuck off all of you.

>> No.7578122


hey friend Im just trying to help

>> No.7578141

This is a public image board, if your friend is taking investment advice from this place without vetting the information himself, he is an idiot. 90% of what is posted here is crap meant to scam or troll people.

>> No.7578153

man you really think holding up this schtick is doing well for you, don't you?

>> No.7578182

low quality bait

>> No.7578229
File: 55 KB, 570x570, 1517718865085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you understand that he was a retard to buy in ATH with that amount of money when only getting information via word of mouth on 4ch of all places?
I mean, it sucks but all of those with significant investment here are adults or kids that struck it lucky with minor investment - point being, man up and take responsibility for your own actions

>> No.7578236

>Never used 4chan
>Knows how to reply to posts

0/10 OP you utter faggot.