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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 133 KB, 360x202, Dungeon Atlantis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7576592 No.7576592 [Reply] [Original]

This is so cool

>> No.7576629

what is this

>> No.7576640

it's the new one at etherdungeon

>> No.7576651

fuck off with your scheme

>> No.7576652

must be underwater this time

>> No.7576668

I love the artwork

>> No.7576680

oh fucking awesome, I played there and made like 400 in 2 days, but it slowed down a lot. is it getting busy again?

>> No.7576704

not much habbening now, but soon. This new dungeon is going to be awesome

>> No.7576721

Really waiting to buy a dungeon. that's where the real cash is at

>> No.7576814

Excited AF for equipment reforging and atlantis

>> No.7576850 [DELETED] 

>> implying devs are ever going to give back to the community

>> No.7576879

It's not a scheme ... There is an entry fee like many other games and then you can pay more to progress or grind out challenges to level up for free

>> No.7576896

your game sucks and your code is shit. kill yourselves

>> No.7576906

implying that any dev is

>> No.7576918

nocoder here, but the game is fun and strategic

>> No.7576942

game theory, waiting to claim loot before anon

>> No.7576945

nothing better on the market.. I could go play some shit p2w mmo or grind here and make $$$

>> No.7576988

a little stressful and sometimes monotonous, but if your good and tight you can make money
a lot like poker

>> No.7577014

and like poker, the shills no how to play

>> No.7577019

Yeah that's the basics for now. I'm going to grind to Atlantis on Wednesday

Can't wait for more features this game had insane potential and I want to be on the top of the leaderboard

>> No.7577040

Pajeet doesn't even realize we can see his ID and that all of these are by him.

Fucking stay away from this game if you see it being shilled this hard by one person.

>> No.7577074

the perpetual loser always blames the cards or the dice.

>> No.7577110

no sir, you can't see me, sir, I'm behind seven proxies. kek

>> No.7577153

didja know biz is the new containment zone

>> No.7577164

will this take me to the moon sir?
pls sir. my family is poor, i eat shit sir

>> No.7577178

okay i admit game sucks in the current beta form. contract is floating 10 eth and the end game vision for the game is

"The ultimate goal of the game is to achieve a truly decentralised, zero fee block game, in which the owner of the core contract will be ejected (set to null), so no one will ever be able to perform any owner functions, such as charging and withdrawing any “developer fee”, updating game settings, and so on. At that time, all the rewards will be earned by the most skillful players of the game!"

Remember playing adventure quest or runescape back in the day? What if kids nowdays could log into the equivalent running on the etherum blockchain and make money while wasting their lives playing games.

All it takes is development. People will always spend money on games, but what if games paid the users back instead of hoarding all earnings?

This is why I play and support etherdungeon

>> No.7577216

libtards over-ran pol with their mixed race cuckoldry and now they brought the fat asses here

>> No.7577253

so after the beta its only gas to play

>> No.7577270

b-b-but i don't want to buy a dungeon if they can get it down the street for free

>> No.7577338

this is the perfect game for you my fren, I once too was shitting in the streets of Bellflower. Now I shit in the streets of Belaire

>> No.7577339

yeah dude! that's the vision for the game. Right now it needs to save a small portion for a continued development fund(just speculation as to why the contract is floating so much eth.... devs need some sort of incentive to work)

>> No.7577426

does that include the successful challenge money

>> No.7577537

why does it stay in the contract

>> No.7578258


>> No.7578263

Keep in mind that any money players have earned but not yet cashed out is also stored in the balance of the contract. Since you can win small amounts depending on the pot and how many people managed to challenge it before your transaction got mined, a lot of players probably have some dust in there that is barely worth the gas to withdraw. You'll find a lot of players choose to cash out every 10 challenges or so.

>> No.7578316

hi norse, go back to shilling ethpyramid please i have 20 tokens locked up in there and i want more divs

>> No.7578386

Haven't you heard? I'm all in PoWHG now.

>> No.7578511

Get out of here with that upside down hourglass snek shit

>> No.7578524

It adds up so quick, I forget how much is in there>>7578263

>> No.7578542

is ethpyramid still a thing? I thought everyone bailed

>> No.7578577

do you believe it is going to reinflate. That's faith there

>> No.7578602

check this out. Many names you know are in https://etherbags.surge.sh/

>> No.7578606

Is it just eth players are owed??? I doubt it... Dungeons masters are paid a portion... Who are the current dungeon masters??? ^^

>> No.7578628

trending on Phil's game related

>> No.7578639


>> No.7579345


>> No.7579455

Is this a bot posting?

>> No.7579754

No bots are impossible

>> No.7579788

Get wrecked.


>> No.7579843
File: 779 KB, 1419x1024, ethercraft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7579848
File: 76 KB, 750x745, 1517755826402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah its just a slide thread

>> No.7579882
File: 129 KB, 861x500, 24e44q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7579925
File: 231 KB, 1417x915, hot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7579926

if your game was actually fun you wouldn't have to shill it. this is just a teenager branded casino where at any time the owner can just take all your money. also look at this carbon copy 31 follower twitter it looks like the shit i installed adblock for


>> No.7579979
File: 779 KB, 1419x1024, ethercrafter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ethercrafter detected

>> No.7580083
File: 779 KB, 1419x1024, ethercrafterr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ethercrafter detected

>> No.7580155
File: 605 KB, 687x586, san.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've never fallen for any eth "games"
might get into decentraland if it proves itself desu

>> No.7580178
File: 779 KB, 1419x1024, eethercrafterr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ethercrafter detected

>> No.7580335

tired of building bots and spamming the free items in ethercraft while jerking each other off to pictures of corn?

come play a real game at etherdungeons!

>> No.7580534
File: 781 KB, 859x483, congrats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

much win game wow

>> No.7581013

Wow that's fucking awesome I'm going back to play

>> No.7581042
File: 2.14 MB, 1462x884, train.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha im making money again fuck the fudders I TOLD YOU

>> No.7581508

it smells like shit in here

>> No.7581549

so stop shitting in here

>> No.7581633

at what point does it become possible to actually profit from this

>> No.7581662

nice poomunity you have here

>> No.7581702
File: 87 KB, 450x109, lotsa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made money after my 2nd day after only spending .02ETH

>> No.7582204
File: 15 KB, 160x160, fire-emoji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

etherdungeon is homosexual t b h
throw your money at etherhell instead
it's got fire, an actual jackpot, a smart contract even a tard could audit, and you can make dividends off op once he realises his shit game will never get popular and FOMOes 2 weeks from now

>> No.7582226
File: 1.06 MB, 1419x1024, eethercrafterr2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah no
ethercrafter detected

>> No.7582249

If you don't play like a dumbass you can profit day 1

>> No.7583114
