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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7571628 No.7571628 [Reply] [Original]

How do I get a job in finance as a white male in Canada?
>Inb4 you don't
I need a solution or a way to get one overseas.

>> No.7571784

finance only hires women these days, sorry. Im beong serious

>> No.7571828


>doing math


>> No.7571863

Which countries still have men in there? I'm willing to relocate if I can. I just love the field and want to contribute.

>> No.7571964

Sorry but you are too highly privileged to get a job as a white male. You probably aren't even gay, so you have no chance.

>> No.7572030

My sister is a vice president and all she has is a liberal arts degree. Reroll to be born a gilr.

>> No.7572053

Step 1: stop posting your trashy anime waifus

>> No.7572385

I just posted an angry pic I'm not an anime nerd
I need a solution for reality.
Would pretending to be gay help?

>> No.7572515



>> No.7572572

How do I get an American firm to hire me?

>> No.7572676


Be white. Sound white. Redeem your white privilege card at the local chamber of commerce.

>> No.7572795

Get a finance degree. Do Coop, network.

>> No.7572862

Lmao @ this thread. Do people actually believe this FUD about white males being discriminated against? this isnt some US public uni.

>> No.7572888

Have YOU tried getting a professional job in canada while white? It's pretty tough mate.

>> No.7573023

Yes, and faced literally 0 discrimination. Granted, I'm from BC not Ontario, but it's still hilarious to me that you blame your own ineptitude on racism.

>> No.7573059

what are you talking about? The financial sector in america only hires women too

>> No.7573063

I'm not OP, I'm actually from BC and have only had overt discrimination once in a job application process, but given the stories that come out of Ontario I would not be surprised if it is much worse.

>> No.7573182

it's probably just BS there too tho. I hate Wynne but MRAs are the worst.

>> No.7573280
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It's not just white men these days but men in general. I'll share the story of a colleague of mine
>black guy
>PhD in our field, multiple high impact publications
>dude is a genius in every sense of the word, also a great guy
>applies for job
>he's the only male candidate, 8 females
>he's easily the most qualified and intelligent, by leagues
>comes down to him and a woman
>hire woman
They hired a woman who met the minimum qualifications and that's it, not the most qualified. Men everywhere are fucked.

>> No.7573347

>Would pretending to be gay help?
Yes, 100%. I'm completely serious.

>> No.7573393


>> No.7573403

>they didnt hire my autistic friend therefore my sample size of one passes an significance test
Hope your field isn't stats retard.
Also maybe the guy just hated niggers?

>> No.7573450

How much are you making a year and do you just have a BBA?

>> No.7573469

My point is he was out-diversified by a white woman. My only hope is all this female-centric hiring backfires catastrophically in the coming years

>> No.7573588

$72k (only 24 fight me) and a BA (Econ)
did it ever occur to you she may have had a better interview or resume and that you lack insufficient information to make a judgement let alone any significant sample size.
>Walks into interview interview smelling of moth balls and KFC
>wears his nicest Naruto shirt
>Ayo waz gud Cuz I got a PHD n shiieeet you watch Shonen?

>> No.7573636

72k cad? feels bad anon thats like 50k usd

>> No.7573644

Her publication record and experience aren't a secret. Purely based on qualification it wasn't close.

>> No.7573724


The big banks love hiring shitskins and chinks. I did a co op on RBCs trading floor a year or so back and saw all this shit firsthand

>> No.7573811

That's not how salaries work my silly Yankee friend. Besides At least I didn't larp like most retards do.
A) I have gotten jobs over women and minorities that are more qualified on paper. B) A LinkedIn isn't going to give you all the info.
C) maybe he is over qualified.
D) I can't believe your silly anecdote has any baring on your life.
>most of BC is chinks and pajeets.
>almost all finance students in Beedie or Sauder are chinks
>All of Econ is chinks
WTF? why aren't they hiring more white guys from criminology!?!?

>> No.7573862

I got a job in Finance without a degree. Literally just sale skills landed me a job as an account manager in a trading company. Now I work support/retention in a trading company. It's not 'real' finance as in banking, but it is a lot of fun

>> No.7574023

just hodl until trudeau is out OP. that cuck will be the fucking death of us

>> No.7574064


Except the best undergrads in Canada for business are Ivey and Schulich, both of which are filled with white guys the banks don't want because it hurts their shitskin/chink/female quota

>> No.7574182

Scheer is a fag who might not win tho. Turdo isnt too much of a retard on policy he does dumb symbolic stuff and speaks like a retard but the old guard keeps him in cheque mostly. Its Freeland that is gonna sink the fucking country that champagne Frog needs to take over their party.
Business isn't just finance+ those schools are back east. Id be surprised if the actual finance or even accounting sections weren't overrepresented with Asians.

>> No.7574974

Meh, I might try to laterally move in there.

>> No.7575075

Schulich finance job wtf?

Schulich Civil eng grad here...

>> No.7575095

Can you become transgender and they'll let you in?

>> No.7575243

Now you’re thinking