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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7568759 No.7568759 [Reply] [Original]

How do I get into software sales at like google, ibm and oracle? These people make like 250k a year help

>> No.7568825

who is this fucking worthless whore that i'm gonna jerk off to

>> No.7569022



>> No.7569080


learn to read. and many are making way more. If you sign a 10 million+ contract... yea you're getting way the fuck more than 250

>> No.7569114

this roastie unironically looks like tekashi 69 kill yourself op

>> No.7569129

you like hairy arms, faggot?

>> No.7569159

How to detect bitter virgins

>they call unattainable girls "roasties"
>they post BRAP memes to cope
>they hold altcoins

>> No.7569166

well I fucked your dad so yeah I do

>> No.7569226

How to detect roasties

>your post

>> No.7569260
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>> No.7569294

>gif reaction

>> No.7569333

wow sure is black twitter in here

>> No.7569469

with the amount of times you say "like" you should work at facebook :D

>> No.7569680


N O P E............lets be rational here buddy

>> No.7569901

its true. I make that selling SaaS/IaaS products

>> No.7569935

No you don't. kek......you are a larping faggot

>> No.7570034

we're not talking about your fucking geico insurance salesman brainlet we're talking about enterprise software sales where the deals are 6-7 figures per contract.

>> No.7570210

My uncle makes that at oracle

>> No.7570341

OP I have not worked for any of those 3 companies but to answer your question most of the senior sales roles where you can make 250 require a STEM degree/some engineering experience + 10 years successful quota carrying sales experience. once you get there its a pretty sweet gig but your early years in sales while you gain experience are fucking brutal. ultra competitive, long hours, high turnover, etc

>> No.7570346

could you recommend any books, articles, videos, audiobooks on software sales? I would like to know more how the whole process works, from A to Z.

>> No.7570497
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>> No.7570535

Nigger any sales job is commission based and the base salary if any wont be near that high.

>> No.7570573

just b yourself

>> No.7570600

>>8 oz Chicken

>> No.7570641

this is the best source of free info I've found: https://www.saleshacker.com/library/
CustomerCentric Selling and SPIN Selling are good books to start with. to be honest though a lot of it you have to learn on the job and some people just arent going to be good at it no matter how hard they try. communication skills and emotional intelligence are hard to teach.

>> No.7570681

Thanks anon.

>> No.7570742

I've seen it. Silicon Valley is a fucked up place that needs to be nuked. They don't even sell working products they sell snake oil then act all conceited, go home to their hapa kids who hate them..then and get their checks snagged + balls crushed by their asian wives.

>> No.7570815

sales seems god awful

>> No.7570868

I work in Silicon Valley. Nobody who’s any good wants to work at Oracle or IBM.

>> No.7571590

My uncle works for Oracle selling software, he barely makes 100k/year what are you on about
The one time he made it big because of a contract the government fucks it up demanding 50% of everything

>> No.7572262

nice hairy arm

>> No.7572571

it's this fuck race traitors