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File: 33 KB, 800x223, stellar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7565700 No.7565700 [Reply] [Original]

>went all in on Stellar at the beginning of the year
>still down 46% on initial investment


>> No.7565752

You should always expect to hold for periods of time greater than 6 weeks.

>> No.7565832
File: 105 KB, 479x310, joHPhp7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bear market
>prices go down


>> No.7566091

Literally the best buy in crypto. Just hold and don't worry about it.

>> No.7566112

When do you think it'll start moving up again?

>> No.7566135
File: 654 KB, 1125x2436, IMG_7349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look how heavy these bags are

>> No.7566172

Are you me? I bought in at beginning of January at $0.69 for almost $2k... barely worth $1.1k atm

>> No.7566256


Lol bro you bought at ATH period... the market was obviously overvalued from BTC 7k+

With Tether bubble, dumb money coming in. I honestly didn’t think btc would hit more than 8k by eoy and I bought it would have dropped early Dec instead of Jan

>> No.7566282

Looks RUF

>> No.7566303


*i thought it would have dropped**

Anyways it’s a good time to buy and if you don’t have a day job just try to accumulate as much as possible with dips

>> No.7566319
File: 138 KB, 1189x451, Stellar-Lumens-XLM-Price-Analysis-11-February-2018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

40c then 50c then minor correction before go back to 70-80c.

>> No.7566340

>Dat feels when you have 5300 XLM @ 3350 Sats


>> No.7566345

>tfw FOMO'ed in with the FairX hype, people were saying it would be $1.5+ by end of January

>> No.7566382

I also have 12k xlm
but I bought them for 3 cts each lmao

>> No.7566420

keep buying

>> No.7566553
File: 527 KB, 1125x2436, IMG_7348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

show screenshot lmao

I would love to but I'm broke for the next while. I quit my job to pursue a digital product I'm building and I'm living on my savings right now.

>> No.7566852

I have exactly 12853 XLM as well.

It's a shame the rest of your portfolio isn't exclusively VEN though. Holding 1000, wish it was 10000 but maybe i'll still make it.

>> No.7567090

If you hold any amount of VEN and XLM you will make it

You’re among the few who have seen

>> No.7567140

This all sounds too familiar. I hate falling for the XLM meme. WHEN WILL THEY RELEASE FAIRX ALREADY?

>> No.7567166

>Not buying etc

>> No.7567657


>> No.7567774

bought the news last year ... never been comfier

>> No.7567824
File: 66 KB, 420x579, 1516758214520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$80 by feb 2019

>> No.7567913

Don’t forget about VEN China always needs to have its stupid knockoff.

XLM logo will be rebranded soon I imagine.

>> No.7567987

>went all in at 3 cents
>still up 10x my initial investment
laugh at the brainlet

>> No.7568074

Price prediction for XLM and VEN EOY?

>> No.7568233

I have 32k and planning to dump. Tell me a reason not to other than fairx.

>> No.7569046

4 days until FairX beta…right guys?

>> No.7569160

You're holding a project with great fundamentals.

FairX will be Q2-3 I'm guessing, given what the Michael Dowling reddit post suggested.