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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 43 KB, 580x357, nano.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7556310 No.7556310 [Reply] [Original]

I heard that you can double spend nano, can someone please give me step by step guide how to do it? I really need it, I'm a poorfag third worder that struggles to even get $100, I have 5 nano, how can I duplicate them?

>> No.7556333

Send to my address pls no charge send back triple amount!

>> No.7556344


sorry, I only know how to triplespend

>> No.7556394

>I'm a poorfag third worder
Pajeet confirmed

>> No.7556451

You can't. You could have exploited Bitgrail's poor code in the past, and it wasn't even restricted to NANO. Worked with BTC and ETH as well. But I don't think that is possible anymore.

>> No.7556680 [DELETED] 

Say for example your address is:

The last 3 characters of your address is the routing number, in this case qzb.

To take advantage of the double spend feature, replace the last 3 characters with DBL, like so

The DBL routing code is a special developer code which was originally used to test double spending. If you look the block explorer (nanode.co), you'll notice that none of the addresses end in DBL because this is a reserved testnet feature.

Send your xrb to your own address with the DBL routing code (3ypxprnpdez495qbm1bb91qnymeduptff4kuekf8rh779agxkakn356iiDBL) and your nano will be doubled.

Be quick though, this will be patched soon

>> No.7556725

really? I only buy nano so I can double them, what a scam

>> No.7556726


>> No.7556991


>> No.7557075


>> No.7557121

Can someone try this to confirm
holy shit

>> No.7557142

I tried the 3 letters trick and it does not work

>> No.7557149

that's fucking illegal, delete that fucking shit NOW

>> No.7557182

u might have to wait a couple minutes, the one I saw they were 9 min apart
How is it illegal when its the developers fucking up

>> No.7557183

Delet this

>> No.7557191

wew whats going on in this thread

>> No.7557192

Actually works lol

>> No.7557193

come on tell us

>> No.7557196

hahaha, wonder how many idiots falling for this rn

(i fell for it xD)

>> No.7557201

WTF? Everyone, except the OP has single post in thread. It is like someone is brigading it and changing his IP. These NANO shillers/FUDers are getting weird.

>> No.7557213

Why did it work with kucoin

>> No.7557224

Can we talking about this tomorrow ?

>> No.7557226

Wtf did you just say

>> No.7557241

Binance was also down for more than a day after adding Nano due to "database discrepanices", they had to resync their entire database.

>> No.7557245

yeah like why do I get the feeling I need to buy nano

>> No.7557254

nanolets are fucked in the head, there's no saving them

>> No.7557268

That it is very weird to have a /biz/ post with so many anons with single posts. Somehing fishy today with the whole NANO shilling/FUDing is going on.

>> No.7557285

keep holding that shitcoin and waiting for that big zero

>> No.7557299

The FUD seems to be evolving.

>> No.7557300

Step 1) Find yourself an idiot that doesn't know how to code but built himself an exchange
Step 2) Exploit his inability to code by as much as possible messing with his ledger until a mistake becomes visible.
Step 3) Transfer the credit you gained off his shitty system and onto binance and wait until all such operations go out of business, and all the FUD around their existence being somehow the fault of Nano blows over, then sell your XRB for a lot of money
Step 4) buy a sandwich or something.

>> No.7557313

If you believe it had anything to do with nano itself you're an idiot. Franceso the scummy italian fuck made the exchange to steal everyones XRB. But when binance announced that it would list XRB he got scared because he knew everyone would withdraw. So what he did was make a verification step to withdraw but never actually verified anyone. The fucking prick is such a fuckwit so i hope he gets murdered/raped in jail

>> No.7557323

there is no exploit you dumb pajeet, if there were the price would already be 0
only idiots sell this low

>> No.7557482
File: 75 KB, 1766x382, doublespend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7557505


>> No.7557515 [DELETED] 

Just typing out >>7557333 from >>7557482

>> No.7557539

guys I spent $10 to transfer my bitcoin to binance and to buy 5 nano so I can double spend them, I need my $10 refunded or I'm done

>> No.7557565

big if true

>> No.7557569

now that biz knows of that it will be closed so fast, thx.

>> No.7557658


>> No.7557684

Are any of you lot going to tell me where this fud is being organised so I can help?

>> No.7557721

all this does is send your nano to an unknown account, forever losing it.

>> No.7557756


>> No.7557818
File: 3 KB, 290x174, my NEET fund.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7557861

Thanks just double spent tons of nano, now I'm a billionaire.

>> No.7558189

Gr8 b8 m8 8/8