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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 2.92 MB, 1695x938, doyoufaggotshatemoneasasy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7555035 No.7555035 [Reply] [Original]

addictive as fuck lol and i made some money

>> No.7555081

the difference is that cryptokitties is lame as fuck and gay

>> No.7555199
File: 55 KB, 750x545, squatsandoats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i like this better than cryptokitties by a lot

>> No.7555242
File: 365 KB, 671x305, lotsa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's true I won like $200 in an hour

>> No.7555264

Lost some money on ethroll, but managed to get it back with Etherdungeon, safer method than gambling my eth away^^ but a bit frustrated that I'm stuck at constabtinople :/

>> No.7555311

There are people out there that literally cannot squat because of weak knees

>> No.7555336

It will come. there is a new adventure that was just announced and they always make training cheaper when they do that.

>> No.7555352
File: 1.16 MB, 1044x589, MOOOOONING.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


honest and heterosexual

>> No.7555355

I feel like this shit has to be rigged. They need to make money somehow right? They don't just give it out..

>> No.7555363


is that because of genetics or a lack of oats?

>> No.7555378
File: 42 KB, 180x332, RAREPEPE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey man they are giving me free money, im not gonna complain

>> No.7555380


the money comes from people training to get higher dungeons. The money goes into a prize pool and it gets split among the people trying to get it. It's all self-sustaining.

>> No.7555427

Lack of flexibility. I can squat all day on the balls of my feet but the moment I try to lower my heels I fall backwards.

>> No.7555519
File: 1.22 MB, 1193x657, 2018-02-11_2155a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biggest gains so far. Been playing for 3 days now. Can't wait for the next dungeon!

>> No.7555520

>literally the best kept secret in crypto

not anymore

thanks 4chan

>> No.7555533

and what do people in higher dungeons get? newbies make money while veterans lose? this makes no sense. You all shill this shit so you can loot more from newbie bastards.

>> No.7555539

holy shit that's a nice amount for a click

>> No.7555540

>new dungeon


>> No.7555559


>> No.7555560
File: 130 KB, 305x428, millenialpepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally some sense in this thread

>> No.7555566

people in higher dungeons get the money from other people training in it to get gear and a high enough level to participate in it. Level 2 people train in level 3 to get higher, but still make money while grinding in level 2 from the level 1 people.

>> No.7555589
File: 37 KB, 193x271, chomo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, just learned about this today. Sharing it with all my freinds nao.

>> No.7555598

Sounds like a pyramid scheme. I'd rather just let me money sit in ethpyramid because I'm lazy.

>> No.7555630

pls die ty

>> No.7555632

>it's another "pajeet forgets to change the name on his screenshots when he jumps proxies" episode

>> No.7555634

sure, you can also play safely and for cheap in the holyland dungeon which costs 0.001 to run, and has rewards of 0,002->0.02. The game pays you to play after a small (0.01 ETH) investment. If anything, it's a fun game to play for $10 for an hour or two to see if you like it

>> No.7555645

where does the money come from? someone has to lose money... this shit is a blatant lie. just like ethpyr but atleast there you can make some money.

>> No.7555663

how do i know what the training floor is

>> No.7555681

>fun addictive DAPP
>the eth network won't be able to handle it and will get DDOS'd

>> No.7555682

ethpyr is dead, justdcoin and ethdungeon so much better

>> No.7555686

>Ok so we've got a pyramid scheme
>but we don't want them to know it so lets call it a game
>which pays you passive income to play it
>which is just a fraction of your buy in
>and relies on a constant stream of new money to stay afloat
>just like bitconnect and davor was
>But it's not like them because you're playing a game to get your dividend instead of just coming back tomorrow
>and players might not get any dividends that day at all since we control the odds
>Perfect lets shill /biz/ and see how hard we can exit scam these fucks.

>> No.7555718

ye this is just the same shit, packaged up...

aint even worth calling it next gen pyramid.

>> No.7555721

how much do you have to pay to level up effectively?

>> No.7555752

i see the lame fudders out
tfw actually look, there are legit game mechanics

>> No.7555758

Looks like a scam.

>> No.7555807
File: 94 KB, 866x900, 1518311599818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit what amazing feedback so factual and evidence based. Totally worth.

>> No.7555866


Join the discord group all the information, strategy and tips are available their. Lots of players who are active.


>> No.7555875

check this out too, fairer odds than ethpyr for early-mid buy ins, no whales

>> No.7555890


>> No.7555906

>Actual game mechanics
>But worked into a pyramid scheme

Are you trying to scam people, or just actually that dumb that you can't see this is an obvious pyramid scheme?

Their website literally outlines a pyramid scheme.

>You pay to train
>The money you paid to train goes into a dungeon
>Someone else gets that money because they've already paid to train
>You then pay more money to train for a higher level dungeon
>The people who have already trained for a higher level dungeon get the money you paid to train
>So on and so forth up the pyramid

The game literally relies on being able to have more people "training" than in dungeons or it fails. Which means the game relies on people buying in so people higher up can get paid back for their buy-in.

Which is a fucking pyramid scheme.

>> No.7556019

>not posting a link

are you guys SERIOUSLY gonna cuck me this hard?

>> No.7556065


I usually have good luck with these pyramid games, but this is the only one I took a loss on. So everyone above split my failed training profits before I gave up. ha.

I'll probably just stick to the trading card type of pyramid games instead; easier to come out ahead when you play them right.

>> No.7556099

You might actually be a genuine retard.

>> No.7556109


read the medium to understand the mechanics

>> No.7556123


>> No.7556136
File: 61 KB, 237x322, mech.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there was a post last week on /biz/ that this is coming out next thursday, get on ground floor then

>> No.7556138

Yep. It's a classic ponzi pyramid.

>> No.7556189


hahaha making money so far and i just started fuck you losers

>> No.7556204

its a fucking ponzi scam.


every fucking coin, every fucking dip and green candle is manipulated, this whole fucking market, even the gpus, the drivers, everything is rigger, forged, manipulated.

What a fucking shitstain. Since I got into crypto my life is less and less fun. Fuck crypto. Fuck you all.

>> No.7556206
File: 23 KB, 584x556, numbers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just LOOK at these payouts. A new one every few seconds. What are you waiting for? Get in here!


>> No.7556244

I sold everything a couple weeks ago and feel so much happier.

>> No.7556284
File: 201 KB, 857x781, received_1500338593412006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these pajeets daily shilling this garbage

Ethercraft launch sale ends in 2 days, it will be shilled hard after game launch. Dont say I didnt warn yoy

>> No.7556316

oh nice another straight up ponzi. fucking pajeeters.

>> No.7556345


haha ether craft scammers out in full force trying to fud this guy

>sir excuse me
>i am poor pajeet
>buy my jpeg
>i added timers to jpeg
>if you convince your friends to buy jpeg you will profit
>you can even trade one jpeg for another
>we might release game in six months

fuck you evercraft your drunk go home
make your own thread for your shitty "game"

>> No.7556369
File: 15 KB, 453x104, mafiso.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ethercraft isn't even a fucking game all you can do is buy jpegs and the main developer tells his customers to fuck off and die

>> No.7556378


>> No.7556409
File: 29 KB, 680x364, 1498300589145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all this co-op damage control
Il let non pajeets decide what the scam is

>> No.7556477
File: 137 KB, 1280x768, EtherCraft-Ethereum-Blockchain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dont have to think much to see the impact this is going to have on noatalgic crypto-rich neets

>> No.7556535

All hype just like fucking tron! Are the Devs related to Justin Sun?

>> No.7556643


>> No.7556839
File: 908 KB, 1492x962, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i spent money on ethercraft

i will not be that dumb again

>> No.7556974

>he'd rather buy after the game comes out

>> No.7557015

there were threads almost every day since it came out. buy aside from that, more people training their character = bigger payout.... so why wouldn't you want more people playing?

>> No.7557040
File: 2.53 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not much but feels good :)

>> No.7557072

how much you put into it?

>> No.7557090

Poorguy posts his own comment from the dev because he's been nothing but a tool the second I've seen him in discord

Do the world a favor
kys kys kys kys kys

>> No.7557130

atleast .2
training and game is a joke gl!

>> No.7557251

badaba ba bahh
I am loving this game!

>> No.7558292


>> No.7558600

pajets are shilling this for money. there are no free meals

>> No.7558850

No its because of lack of technique and mobility

>> No.7558914

desu i actually like this game.
culd be the first real "game" or it can be another flop like the rest of them.