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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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7554612 No.7554612 [Reply] [Original]

ask your newbie questions here and you'll get an answer from a fellow anon

>> No.7554723
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Probably won't get a serious response but whatever. I have 5 LTC and $1,000 FIAT. What sub-$1 coin do I go in on to get 100x over the next year?

Also, how do you decide if a coin is shit or not?

>> No.7554878
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> I have 5 LTC and $1,000 FIAT. What sub-$1 coin do I go in on to get 100x over the next year?

I wouldn't buy anything right now, I believe there's a chance we'll be testing 5-6k again. BTC volume has gone down quite a bit and unfortunately all alts are dependant on BTC, there's a strong possibility that exchanges will change this before 2018 is over.

If you're still going to buy, I'd buy REQ, LINK, FUN.
RLC and ELF aren't sub $1 but they will be if there's another dip, in that case I would prioritize RLC and ELF.

>Also, how do you decide if a coin is shit or not?

Can require a bit of technical understanding, you read their whitepaper, look into their team, community, communication etc., look at the bigger picture. Do some research and thinking. I normally ask myself these questions, more or less:

>is it technically possible?
>are they entering a saturated market?
>what's their competition like?
>what's their team like?
>what's their history? any infighting, drama, hacks?
>how are they marketing themselves?
>are they communicating with people?

Only buy coins you 100% believe in.

>> No.7554926

I've heard that OMG gonna make some passive income in the future but I have it on MetaMask right now so what do I need to do next?

>> No.7555007

Thanks OP

>> No.7555548

it's planned for Q2, so right now hold or try to trade and accumulate more

>> No.7555653

What crypto should I buy considering that I have a net worth of 600 dollars right now. I have no crypto, no money and want to know what my best option is for getting started if I want to make any kind of decent gains.