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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 91 KB, 731x950, 1428286102349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
755142 No.755142 [Reply] [Original]

So I need to find a productive and less risky way to get $20,000 or $50,000. Its super mandatory and I need it in 4 or less years.

Escorting or a burglary is not optional. I would accept some illegal things though like drug dealing but that's risky and i don't know any kind of mechanism for that sort of job.This question is serious but i forgot to add that in title.I need it for a medical procedure and I won't specify what it is but thats what its for. What kind of job is good for this if you're a NEET.

UPDATE; I need it for 5 procedures im going to do.

>> No.755147

So 5K/ year or $420 per month?

Or 100$ a week?

Get a part time job maybe 1-2 days a week.

You could also work on freelancing sites kd you have lots of time during the week..

>> No.755148
File: 34 KB, 326x246, 1427258147750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.755150

$12.5k/year at most

Literally a minimum wage job, OP. If you want to be a girl bad enough, you'll put in the work.

>> No.755162

suk sum dik.

>> No.755176

>tweet at a bunch of high profile indie devs
>wait til one respond
>claim harassment
>start patreon

>> No.755182

You already done that thread it led nowhere. You've already been told to work minimum wage since you don't have any skills.

There's no shortcut to money.

Now can you please stop shitposting ?
For anyone wondering OP is apparently an insecured girl wanting nose and lips reduction, probably black.

>> No.755197

But a nose job and lip reductions doesn't cost $50,000. Lip reduction is, like, $5,000 tops. Don't know what rhinoplasty costs, but I'm guessing it's not $45,000.

>> No.755205


>$20,000 or $50,000
What does this even fucking mean? Do you think $30,000 can just magically fucking appear? Why not $50,000 or $80,000?

>super mandatory
Clearly an idiotic first-world baby

>4 or less years
The shittiest minimum wage job in the US can make you that money in a fucking year. What the fuck is so hard to figure out?

>> No.755236

Buy MDMA at $15/gram from Canada, cap it in 100mg capsules, and sell them at raves once a month. $400 profit easily. Your welcome OP, you lazy whore.

>> No.755245

Literally do mturk and paid surveys every waking minute of the day.
Enjoy having a worse life than an employed person.

>> No.755249

Get a minimum wage job you fucking faggot

>> No.755255

Oh hey, it's that vapid underage girl again who wants to "correct" her nose and calls it super mandatory.

You're never gonna make it.

>> No.755419

i want to do more than that i just told you a few
its more than that, read above its like 5 procedures im going to do

>> No.755420

yeah ik this seems foolish but its more than that i just gave u vague info about it

>> No.755430
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>> No.755431

>So I need to find a productive and less risky way to get $20,000 or $50,000. Its super mandatory and I need it in 4 or less years.
Get a job, idiot.

>> No.755446

What job is a good one? I want a way to get it fast

>> No.755466

That depends entirely on your ability to do well in a field.
What are you good at, interested in, or preferably both?

>> No.755487

seriously fuck off, you could work get a mcjob and literally make the amount of money you need in the amount of time you need.
4 years is enough to make $50,000. You don't even have to do anything illegal.
And seriously you are here, on an anonymous weebposting imageboard, asking how to make moneyz, even illegal stuff but you won't said what it is for? cmon.

Also, I still think you must be some trap faggot that wants to be the little girl.

>> No.756137

im really skillful and im into graphic designing and art i guess?

I did in the last thread including a few more procedures, oh and i am a female so no need for that.

>> No.756143

Can you stop bumping your thread ?
Either you post your face and explain what you want tto change and why. Either you stop that shit since you've already been told countless of time to fuck off and get a minimum wage job.
Go to Mcdonald for example since it seem that even picking a minimum wage job is too hard for you.

Also if you decide to post face timestamp is mandatory. Prove us wrong, prove us that you aren't a boy wanting a sex change. I bet you can't.

>> No.756233
File: 120 KB, 1023x682, op here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op here pls no bully.

>> No.756257

however much you want to, you'll never be able to change your .. ID

>> No.756751

obviously not op but yeah i cant post pics mainly bc i have no cam thus another reason why i need some money.

>> No.756758

Find a contact and grow weed. You'll make that in no time if you do it intelligently.

>> No.757325

ill try

>> No.757347

>no one posted solid advice like "suck 20,000 dicks for $1"

This board disappoints me

>> No.757350


>> No.758315

pls halp

>> No.758502

If you have a University degree, Teach English and spend like the locals. Otherwise, Panhandle.