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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7546028 No.7546028 [Reply] [Original]

Put about 50k into Bitcoins when they were about 16k each, thought I was so smart when it went up but I got too greedy and didn't sell, now my portfolio isn't even worth half of what I put into it.

The worst part is it wasn't even my money. I had to take out a loan, and since my credit is ruined I had to resort to a mob lender. I'm to pay them back by the end of this month at 11% interest compounded monthly.

What do I do lads? I need this money quick. Thinking of just going an hero since I'm so freaking depressed. Can't ask family cause I'm estranged from them after getting caught stealing from my parents a few years ago.

>> No.7546064

>steal from family
>have shit credit
>take mob loan
>buy high, sell low
Put it all on black, bitch.

>> No.7546065

LARP threads are so interesting.

>> No.7546077

You were gonna lose the money anyways gambling on loans. Stop being stupid and make money to pay back your loans then work 9/5 everyday and don't buy shit you can't afford.

>> No.7546148

Mate I don't have a degree, and I'm not gonna make 50 grand by month's end working at McDonalds. Maybe I sell a kidney or something but I doubt I can get very much for it cause I use to be an alcoholic.

>> No.7546208

Thanks for holding my bags! Did u think crypto is going to take over the world?

>> No.7546217


>> No.7546230

Not my fault mate I'm generally careful about my investments but I got memed, John McAffee said that Btc was gonna be 1 million each soon and I didn't wanna miss out.

>> No.7546489

Yeah try being in it for more than 3 months you fucking idiot.

Bitcoin is a long term investment, not a fucking few week get rich quick scheme

>> No.7546544

How the fuck is it a long term investment if its price spikes and crashes so quickly you delusional fucking idiot, it's retards like you that fooled people like me into buying your shitcoins anyway, get fucked.

>> No.7546568
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>John McAffee said...

If he told you to eat shit, would you do it??

>> No.7546608

"Mate", you'll deserve it when Pakis take your homeland from you out of your sheer sloth and lack of motivation to improve yourself

>> No.7546622
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Post your best sweeping attempts bois

>> No.7546643
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ok, this is a pretty good larp; you really capture the angst of the normans

>> No.7546656

Kill some people for them. That should be more than enough to cover your debts.

>> No.7546670

Lying fag

>> No.7546683

put what's left in bcash, you will thank me for it

>> No.7546691

what do you think a long term investment is? kek

>> No.7546717

Sell your stack and flee the country. You could probably live on the top floor of Ponte with 20k

>> No.7546725

I could get you a loan, but I guarantee it will be much worse than whatever these guys do if you don't pay it back under 60 days

>> No.7546792
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>delusional fucking idiot
Now now who is the fucking retard trapped in a debt situation due to shitty memes and taking john mcscatfee seriously?

>> No.7546824

100x leverage short BTC on Bitmex.

Ride or die anon

>> No.7546834
File: 85 KB, 1280x720, bcash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah put it into Bcash, and sell low buy high.

>> No.7546865

>Bitcoins, plural
>not Bitcoin

Just kill yourself instead of worrying about it, faggot

>> No.7546990

>buy $4 kneepads
>Suck 50,004 dicks at $1/pop

>> No.7547022

if 11% is the annual rate you didn't do that bad for a 0 collateral loan

>> No.7547152
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an hero if you lose everything

>> No.7547208

>11% compounded monthly interest

Nice LARP. I used to work with mob guys. Standard rate is at least 25%, sometimes even as high as 50%.

If not LARPing, you got a good deal bro. Enjoy your fingers and legs while you still have them.

>> No.7547319

does 'the mob' really loan out money to anyone that asks? I don't believe either of you.

>> No.7547368

Solid advice, from old school /biz/. Can't go wrong with kneepads and a heap of motivation, anon.

>> No.7547378

Do you sign any papers when you borrow money from the mob? I'm guessing you don't.

>> No.7547405

It's a payday loan shark

>> No.7547453

Regarding your situation, the only thing I can think of is to give them back what's left of the money. Then join the military (navy?) and hope for an overseas deployment. Keep re-upping as long as you can.

>> No.7547486
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>borrowing money to buy ath

>> No.7547507

No, not just anybody usually. They won't give you shit if they don't think they can get at least the original investment back plus a little bit more, otherwise it's just not worth it. It's a business, after all.

The exception is when they know you won't pay and they'll "make an example" out of you. It keeps the other suckers from defaulting.

You also have to be a really, really desperate shithead. That's their customer base.

>> No.7547533

imagine fomo'ing this hard, I cant

>> No.7547564
File: 26 KB, 709x212, IMG_7395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even memeing, do this before you kill yourself. It's literally your only hope. I lost a bunch of BTC trading shitcoins and was able to make it all back and then some using high leverage on Bit mex. Don't do 100X, do 10-20X leverage and set a stop loss. You can make everything back in one day. If you're a burger just [redacted] up with a proxy. If you're going to do this though [redacted] up through my [redacted] as you'll get a 10% discount off the fees. [redacted] is in pic lel

>> No.7547626

>>John McAffee said...
>If he told you to eat shit, would you do it??

Well c'mon man, it's John McAffee..

>> No.7547680

McAfee literally murdered an old guy for killing his dogs and also eats literal shit from his paid girlfriends.

Look it up.

>> No.7547732

You need to get on an exchange where you can either long or short with leverage,

Once BTC bottoms, you need to long all of it on leverage. It's the only way you'll make up the losses, because this shit isn't going back to 16K again.

I'd aim for the 5.5K area. Use enough leverage to go really big, but only enough so that once you buy you can sit through a 2-3K dip before getting liquidated.

Legit advice man. You have no other options. If you're not a skilled trader, don't try to short. Just wait for the bear market to bottom out and max leverage long.

Don't goto cash first, just use the BTC as margin.

>> No.7547804

This is actually a shop.
First click is never a mine.

>> No.7547814

Yeah why not

>> No.7548028

he also has gotten affidavits from every one who said that shit admitting they made it up in order to get money from showtime

>> No.7548073

Cash out, go to a casino, and put it all on black

Literally higher chances than BTC ever recovering

>> No.7548221

You borrowed money from the mob, to put it in highly speculative crypto position?

There is no advice we can really give you here I guess. Give them back the half, tell them what happened, and see if they kill you. You were going to an hero anyway, better to play the 50% odds they might let you live.