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7539962 No.7539962 [Reply] [Original]

>be in lunch room with boss and manager

>they are reading a paper and i notice paracetamol at its lowest ever and made a comment that is a really cheap price

>boss asks who i live with and i said my self, my mother and my brother

>he replies with "but they don't talk to you do they?", i didnt know what the hell he meant and said i dont understand", he replies with "well your mother has had 25 years of putting up with you, we've only had 1 year"

Decided I wasn't going to dignify his bullshit with a response and walked out. What does he really mean?

This boss as well is disliked by most of the workers that have been there for years and have briefed me on how the boss knows nothing about the company or what its about and tries to pull strings as if he understands it. I was able to contradict him one time because he almost fkd a job up and he called me a smart arse even though the other workers even said I was correct

>> No.7539984

shit small talk

>> No.7540002

probably ego tripping

>> No.7540015

He's just busting your balls, beta faggot. Should have asked him how long he'll let you suck his tits.

>> No.7540024

he really fkd with my head hey.. i actually got pretty pissed off and went a bit crazy because i felt so low after he said it

>> No.7540094

>Not replying "Well i've putting up your mom's cunt for 2 and you don't see me complaining"

>> No.7540101

Buddy has nothing better to do in life op don’t let it bother you.

>> No.7540102

it means he's a narcissist. they put others down in hopes of raising themselves up. you did the right thing- leaving a toxic situation.

>> No.7540185

Don't give a fuck, really. Now is the moment for you to sit and wait. If he was truly joking around and is a nice person - which he probably isn't - he'll notice you was upset and will come up to apologize. If not, and you notice he's still acting like a kid towards you and other employees, just quit. Seriously, you don't have to put up with bullshit like that just because he's your boss. He's your /boss/, not your owner.

>> No.7540277

You failed his shit test.

That's when you fire right back at him with something at least half decent.

That's how respect points are earned.

>> No.7540280

>walked out
lmao. what a beta faggot, should have stood up for yourself fag

>> No.7540300

If you want to show him who's really boss, go to HR and complain about it. They won't be able to fire you or you can sue. And I mean they won't be able to fire you like EVER. Then you can do pretty much whatever you want at work. Dick around all day, whatever. Tell HR you're feeling less motivated because you're scared he's going to belittle you and degrade you again, and that it has really affected your emotional psyche and you're wondering if they'd help you by paying for you to see a therapist.

Make your therapist appointments during times when you're supposed to be meeting with your boss.

If they call you out, tell them your therapist says you're probably subconsciously avoiding him because he's done so much psychological trauma to you.

Keep pulling stunts like this until he fucks up and says some shit to you again (he will, for sure). Go to HR about it. Stage an emotional breakdown and tell your psychologist about it.

Tell HR you're too emotionally unstable to go into work. Stop going to work altogether.

If/when they fire you, sue.

Live with a few million dollars because a judge decided this guy has fucked you up so much you can't work for someone else ever again.

After you collect the money, go into the office and let him know you're all better and feel great and are enjoying retirement and you just wanted to tell him to go fuck himself.

Walk out. Win.

>> No.7540342

he did by leaving. anything else could've lead to some fucked up conflict. he doesn't need that in his life, he's not going to end up in a fight and then jail or permanently injured because he allowed someone else to drag him down into it.

it's a loss for the employer already, him walking out.

>> No.7540352

you should have instantly hit him with another smart ass reply, now you look like a bitch

>> No.7540366

and by leaving he blogposted how he felt bad
what a victory lmao

>> No.7540382

Yay, capitalism!

>> No.7540387
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Fucking THIS.

Do it, faggot.

>> No.7540390

That’s something a little girl would do.

>> No.7540397

eat shit, retard. go get hit by a car.

>> No.7540418

he cant do anything thing because hes his boss. Hes going to hear about it later down the road. No matter what he loses. HE has to take it till he moves on from his job

>> No.7540439

>I get into fights because I'm insecure and want drama

we know

>> No.7540442

If it's a shit job, OP, you might as well do something about it

>> No.7540454

I would've insulted him right back. Fired? Good, who needs a wagecuck job in 2018

>> No.7540483

Being a little girl is better than being some beta faggot like you who just takes it in the ass or does something retarded like fires back at the boss and loses his job where he had an advantage and could have been in a position of power.

Don't worry, I'll keep your low IQ our secret.

>> No.7540512

i like this meme

>> No.7540572

you seem like you were never properly socialized as a child

this is like "ribbing" where your friends will bust your balls, where you might make a comment and your best friend says "thats pretty gay dude! hahah" and tries teasing you about it.

You have to learn how to give it back to the person taking shit, if you let yourself get walked on and be the victim, they'll just keep doing it because it empowers them and they realize you're pathetic.

Depends on the setting and my mood but if my boss said something like that,
>"but they don't talk to you do they?"
I'd reply with something like
>"not really but if I get lonely I just call your mom/wife"

or something like that - if he got offended, or tried some shit like "my moms dad asshole" or whatever, I'd just reply smugly "that sucks dude" laugh, and either leave or eat my lunch and pretty much consider the conversation over.

I dunno, lots of ways you can handle it, but getting butthurt and feeling like shit is probably the worst thing you can choose to do.

>> No.7540586

>tries to buddy up with boss and manager
>calls ibuprofen paracetamol
>doesn't understand boss' question
op, the most cringe-worthy autist thing you did was comment on ibuprofen, but you had to call it paracetamol. not even acetaminophen ffs.

>> No.7540606


>> No.7540625

I didn’t say he should get into a fight. Just that he should have some self respect.

>> No.7540646

well what i dont get is that he was extremely angry after he said it, almost like i didnt showed that he got to me, im presuming sociopath

>> No.7540649

I've only had to put up with you for the one thread but already I see his point. Just kys now op

>> No.7540651

nah, what his boss said was insidious. it went beyond banter.

>> No.7540665

i though this mighta been a stock or high-end drug but OP chimed in to say 'wow tylenol is really cheap right now'

>> No.7540706

Now now OP. You see, you fucked up. Instead of walking away like a cowed little girlikin, you shoulda stood up, looked him squarely in the eye and said

>"I know you are, but what am I?"

>> No.7540709

that's not ribbing, that's a direct targeted insult intended to look like an innocent comment. if OP gets angry his boss will start going "woah dude it's just a joke calm down" and will play the victim, if OP doesn't get angry his boss wins.

you're either naive or attempting to manipulate OP.

>> No.7540712

>sue company for harassment
>something a girl would do
Actually, yes

>> No.7540720

well he was really angry after the break...dunno what the hell his problem was because initially he insulted me

>> No.7540727

Are all of you literally retarded?

>well thats still longer than ur mon probably did lol

>too bad ur stuck with me for now

>some other generic good natured ribbing comment

Ur literally retarded?

>> No.7540730

Op is probably autistic. The best thing for OP to do is go on a killing spree. It’s the only way normies learn

>> No.7540746

it may have legally, but it depends on the company culture. the real world isn't some utopia where everything works the way it should, you have to know the environment you're in and know how to survive in whatever jungle it may be.

running to HR or becoming butthurt and feeling miserable is not the solution in real life and this guy will continue getting walked on for the next 50 years if he doesn't learn how to give it back to people the same way he gets it

>> No.7540772

>what is #MeToo - the post

>> No.7540810

You've just encountered someone with a personality disorder, probably narcissism or sociopathy. There's nothing you can do about it that's normal, because he isn't normal.

It's really understandable why that would hurt so much, but by being hurt you have let him win and manipulate you.

>> No.7540865

my post is the opposite of MeToo, I'm telling him not to let himself be victimized by standing up for himself and learning how to give it back.

You're advocating running to HR crying? i dunno that seems like MeToo

have you worked many real jobs? im in my 30s, I've worked at a handful of companies and one of the few things they all have in common is that there's assholes at every single one of them, people that are either competing with you for promotions, or competing for attention/recognition, or managers who have their own problems and will take them out on you, and all sorts of other shit thrown into the mix.

in the real world you can't expect to be treated perfectly at all times, and running to HR isn't always going to work out the way you think (I've witnessed that firsthand.) In many cases an HR report will still get you fired at a later date, or they'll find an "unrelated reason" at a later date and it's extremely difficult to prove you were unjustly terminated.

Always better to stand up for yourself and learn how to talk shit back, doesn't matter if its a coworker, supervisor, manager, or someone outside of work altogether. Treat people in real life how you would talk to them if they typed shit to you on 4chan, otherwise you're going to get run over at every turn.

>> No.7540873

he said something silly dude, i'm good natured but woulda laughed at him if i heard that irl

>> No.7540928

What OP is describing sounds extremely hurtful, and not some quick witted banter

>> No.7540967

OP, I'm sorry man - that shit sucks. Here's what I did in a similar situation. Let's say my boss' name is Joe.

>in breakout area with whole team, and some staff from another division
>Joe sits down on our table with coffee and paper, people kind of quiet down because he has a lot of respect
>really similar circumstance as OP
>Joe makes snide remark about having to 'fucking put up with' me for only a year
>Damn Joe, that sounds really tough...are you going okay?
>how are things at home?
>do you want to talk about your feelings?
>I'm here for you, Joe.

My manager smirked his ass off, Joe shut the fuck up because any response from him would have led to more of the same from me; and it made him look weak. Never pulled that shit on me again and recently got a promotion.

>> No.7541012

this. i grew up with these sorts of people, and i can tell you that everything they say, they say for a reason.

they find your buttons, they figure out how to press them, and then they press them in a way that makes you look like an insane narcissist and them like great, hardworking people. their aim is to make you look insane.

nothing in that conversation was a lighthearted gesture or a mildly inappropriate remark. it was targeted and done on purpose. anyone saying anything to the contrary should be blacklisted from your future consideration.

>have you worked many real jobs? im in my 30s
>in the real world
hey look, an unstable personality disordered person.

protip: if anyone ever says "in the real world" or brings out their age in an argument for no reason, they're 99% trying to manipulate you.

>Always better to stand up for yourself and learn how to talk shit back
and here it is, this is the core of a narcissistic person's worldview.

everyone is evil and everyone is out to get you, so hit them first so they can't do anything. don't worry about morality, law, justice, or even just the feelings of the innocent person you've sent into a panic attack or existential crisis, they deserve everything you give to them because they were "bold" or "daring" enough to spend time around you and treat you like a person worthy of consideration!

they'll always hide this behind a veneer of stability and toughness, but don't be fooled.

>> No.7541077
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ITT wagecucks

>> No.7541082

>well your mother has had 25 years of putting up with you, we've only had 1 year
Holy Shit

>> No.7541111

This this this

What a toxic way of treating people, it's not even spiteful or a light ribbing, it's like spilling someone's drink over for no reason rather than say hiding it on for a silly prank

>> No.7541130

so what is your followup if the recipient takes your banter seriously?

>> No.7541277

I brought up my age/experience only to say that I have been employed for many years and been around a variety of company cultures. Have you, or are you speaking without any experience to base your thoughts and opinions on?

I'm not saying everyone is evil and everyone is out to get you, nor to "hit them first", but the world is a harsh place, not everyone is kind or generous or has your interests at heart (and you shouldn't expect them to.) Most people look out for themselves first and foremost (as they should) and if you get in their way they'll be more than happy to sabotage you if it means they will benefit from it, especially when it comes to the workplace which could translate into financial gains (through promotion/favoritism).

Relying on law and justice is good if you're certain it works, but in many workplaces, the law is about as reliable as in a third-world country where the police and judges are easily bribed.

Regardless, my original point to OP was more about him standing up for himself in the moment and not letting the words of people around him rustle his jimmies so badly that he has to come home and feel miserable about it for the rest of the day. That's no way to live.

>> No.7541381

This guy is right. But my advice remains the same. Spray and pray

>> No.7541424

you are the type of person to be walked on

>> No.7541440

>boss asks who i live with and i said my self, my mother and my brother

>i liev with myself aNd 2 othur peopl

Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.7541491

Maybe but it never happens. I have lots of friends, make good money, surround myself with happy, fun people. So if I'm a person to be walked on, I guess the assailants haven't found me yet.

>> No.7541507

You're a massive autist. You don't jump to mom jokes like that straight away. You don't ever do that shit because we're not in 2004.

>> No.7541516

>I brought up my age/experience only to say that I have been employed for many years and been around a variety of company cultures.
no you didn't. you set up that trap with the intention that i would fall into it, and then you'd label all of the jobs i've worked as "not real jobs", and you'd probably throw in a jab about being "young and dumb" if i said i was under 30. i know what you're doing.

>but the world is a harsh place
i knew you'd say this, so i'll elaborate a bit on my previous point:

yes, the world is a harsh place. but, it's not anywhere near as harsh as this person is making it out to be. the average person knows quite well that others have their own lives, their own goals, and the ability to cause tremendous damage on a whim. knowing this, the average person refrains from starting shit if they don't have to. the average person is far nicer than the average narcissist, because the average person doesn't want to see society destroyed. the narcissist does.

it's been like this for a long time. why was socrates given a mock trial and executed? because nobody in the city he lived in liked him, and they wanted him to fuck off and not cause anymore trouble. they never wanted to host a trial, they just said that they would so socrates would know what was good for him and get out. he refused to, and that's why he was killed.

modern society is the same. you could end up starving to death in a moldy basement somewhere because you crossed some mobsters, or you could simply stay out of their business and live another day.

>and not letting the words of people around him rustle his jimmies so badly
yes, telling someone directly that their family has hated them for 25 years and, not only that, but they are hated for a good reason and that reason also applies with everyone they meet is a great example of a dig that someone is taking the wrong way, not an insult that would result in a bar brawl in any functional environment.

>> No.7541650

>yes, telling someone directly that their family has hated them for 25 years and, not only that, but they are hated for a good reason and that reason also applies with everyone they meet is a great example of a dig that someone is taking the wrong way, not an insult that would result in a bar brawl in any functional environment.

You're missing the point: insults should only hurt if they're true.

Saying someones mom doesn't "like them" shouldn't mean anything coming from someone that doesn't actually know the relationship you have with her.

How badly would it hurt you if I said that your dad was a fag, your brother fingered your ass, your girlfriends a whore, and you're a little bald manlet? I assume it wouldn't bother you at all, because I don't know anything about you or your life, and so I can't possibly make accurate claims about you with any real sting behind them.

The weakness is in OP for being hurt so badly by misinformed attacks.

>> No.7541667

You should have just reacted in a shocked man and told him how dare he for mentioning your mother. If he goes all "it's just a prank bro", you can still say talking about subordinates mothers is not funny in the slightest and you'd think HR would agree. The best way of fucking these little workerbees is by targeting their professional paths. Say something like above and I guarantee the little cunt would never mouth of to you again. You're well within your right to be angry with him, and you have the right for him to know this. At the end of the day, out of the job, you're two people. Would you let this shit bully you outside of work? If no then stand up for yourself.

>> No.7541695

>insults should only hurt if they're true.
see, guys? narcissist. digest what this idiot has said and avoid anyone who ever says anything similar.

the way narcissists use this little mental trick works as follows

>relax, it was just a joke
>well you're awfully sensitive, aren't you?
>well maybe it's true
>you should only get angry at things that are true, so it is true
>why are you getting angry? everything i say is true!

subhumans. in a better age they'd be executed without trial.

>> No.7541756

>The weakness is in OP for being hurt so badly by misinformed attacks.
if i hunt you down in real life, look you in the eyes, and call you a pedophile in front of all of your friends, you have no right to be angry?

>> No.7541767
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>> No.7541842

lol dumb autistic cac

When management steps out of duty like that you have free reign to treat them like anybody else at work you coulda said anything long as it wasn't a threat or discrimination

Should have said something about his wife or kids to get him going lol but you autistic probably would aspergered hard and blew everything way out of proportion

>> No.7541844

Come up with an example that's more similar to OPs situation.

Calling someone a pedophile or rapist is in a separate category because as we know, the mere accusation can often lead to things like ostracization, job termination, or even criminal charges.

>> No.7541892

they would actually be kings, lords, etc. because they are assertive and take what they want.
it's the weak ones who fall for this kind of stuff who are subhumans, and executing simple peasant folk would be a waste. they would just live like sheep outside the castle serving the upper class nobility by producing and staying out of the way instead.

>> No.7541966

>the mere accusation can often lead to things like ostracization, job termination, or even criminal charges.
knew you'd say this. some accusations and comments are wrong, okay, how is it acceptable to slander someone without any proper reason? what, labeling someone as a leper and using your considerable authority and pull as a manager is completely okay, even though they WILL be ostracized and probably WILL lose their jobs?

>because they are assertive and take what they want.
you'll find that we've built up modern civilization expressly to avoid that sort of thing happening. for god's sake, that's the entire point of the declaration of independence, modern republics, and even modern democracy. there is literature going back thousands of years about ousting monsters. the concept of justice itself is meant to oust monsters.

>it's the weak ones who fall for this kind of stuff who are subhumans
insulting someone's family and the core of their identity is just something that should be shrugged off?

>> No.7542018

you predicated your statement with "in a better age," so I corrected you about what would actually happen in that age - of course modern society is better than that.

>> No.7542128

>okay, how is it acceptable to slander someone without any proper reason?
>using your considerable authority and pull as a manager is completely okay

Point to where I said it was "acceptable" or "completely okay" to slander or label people. I didn't. I just said that it happens, and we need to be able to deal with it when it happens without getting totally SHOOK.

There is a difference between certain accusations of course. Calling someone a rapist/pedophile is a strong claim that can carry legal consequences if it isn't diffused. Whereas saying someone has a bad relationship with their mother is just laughable and has no social or legal consequences.

You seem to be really conscious of "traps" for someone that claims to be so virtuous; are you projecting your own subconscious narcissism?

>you set up that trap with the intention that i would fall into it

>i know what you're doing.

>knew you'd say this.

You're attributing me with motives I don't even have. You're delusional.

>> No.7542340

This. The real world is a lot like high school. If you're an autist, you need to learn how to pretend to be a normie, to be liked and fit in with the crowd, or you will get destroyed. You can think you can rely on "the law" and run to HR, but having to do stuff like that will end up destroying your career in the long-term, even if you feel like you get a short-term win.

If you're thinking about doing something like that, look at the article below. There's a lot a boss can do to hurt you while keeping his hands clean. If you feel like your job situation is irreparable, find a new job, and change how you act in your new job so you don't end up in the same situation again.


>> No.7542348

Thx just bought 100k paracetemols

>> No.7542487

sounds like someone is discovering the relations of production. sucks doesn't it

>> No.7542499

I rib people all the time, and it's funny when I get ribbed by my bros. But if you not my bro, I won't rib you ever...and if you rib me and you not my bro, it's a fucking wrap.

>> No.7542888

This is not bantz. The boss is going to use you like a fucking cum sock.


Or he is going to shit up your life.

>> No.7542946

Go through his personal belongings/computer/phone when no one's around. You don't need to if he has a Facebook profile or if you already have some decent amount of his personal info. If its possible, use a live usb to boot and copy his hard drive. if you acquired his personal information, use it to impersonate someone and frame him. Also use it to impersonate him and do every illicit stuff you can think of. Or find his weakness, insecurities and use it to gossip between coworkers.

>> No.7543040

You go to HR then you are FOREVER known as that bitch boy that runs to HR. Kiss your career goodbye. You only go to HR to PROTECT THE COMPANY.

HR is there to protect the company from employees nothing else.

Just do your job well and double cover your ass. Make sure you cover your ass in any situation where your boss can fuck you over. Or youll get fucked.

>> No.7543110

who do you think HR would rather get rid of, you or your boss? remember that they could care less who's actually competent or qualified, they usually know jack shit about what's actually happening.

>> No.7543140

>replied anon as he filled out his iHop application

>> No.7543708
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>People think that HR would solve anything
>0 proof
>OP's going to spend loads of money on the law system to get nothing out of it
Underage or larp posters.

I'm glad my bosses are bretty nice, but my wage sucks. I need to find ways to make money or get a better job.

>> No.7543840

>I'm glad my bosses are bretty nice, but my wage sucks. I need to find ways to make money or get a better job.
desu i would rather have that than the opposite. if you have some capital and something you're good at you can always find a way to make some money, but as a peon it sucks to get shat on by shitty bosses cause all you can do is try to look for a better job (with no guarantee your new boss won't also be a dick)

>> No.7544172

>talking to your boss ever
In any case given the context I'd just say to him that his words are cheaper than the price.

>> No.7544206
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Well, I plan to introduce myself into web developing, digital marketing and social media management. And maybe eventually into ecommerce. But right now I have no capital to invest at all, and my computer and connection suck way more than you could possibly imagine. That will change eventually in the next months, and I will be able to educate myself into some matters via the internet.
Then I will need some money to start selling stuff online.

My plan B is to just learn the necessary to apply for a system admin job and lie about my studies and experience, kek.

Regarding my bosses, they are really nice. I talk to my direct superior about videocards and pcs, and he wants to add me on steam when I have a PC. I work at a hotel, and sometimes guests approach me to chitchat and shit and that's nice too.

The worst thing is the pay, which is almost minimum wage where I live (UK). And where I live right now, the internet connection is extremely bad and the landlord won't change it, but I suck it up cause I pay pretty little for my room which is 10mins at walk distance from my job.

>personal blog off
Fuck, I should be sleeping already.

>> No.7544245

you should have roasted him back OP, now he know's you're a bitch and it won't get better from here.

>> No.7544420
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>> No.7544765

He may have misconstrued your comment.
My thinking is that he percieved your comment as a joke, i.e. You guys are talking so loud, here’s a joke about pain relievers. Often taken for headaches.
Then he fires back at you because he thought you were shit-testing him, not the other way.

Ignore these fucking idiots telling you to basically ruin your job over a snide remark. It’s inconsequential. Just be polite with the guy, there is no need to escalate this into something actually serious.

>> No.7544949

this. it was truely an opportunity. but don't sweat that you've missed it, you're not cut out for it if you're a butthurt bitch.

>> No.7544978

Faggot who needs a career when you are a multi millionaire from suing or simply don't need to go to work anymore because they keep sending you paychecks because they're afraid of you?

You must be a child if you're worried about what happens when you go to HR. It's literally a fucking godsend for situations like this.

>> No.7545153

very rare sminem

>> No.7545318

He was trying to tell you not to bring up random pointless small talk that is a waste of time or they will prefer to keep you in a room by yourself so you do not interrupt their thought flow and productivity.

Fucking soyboy.

>> No.7545516

>thinking a single rude remark said in person with only 1 witness is worth multiple millions of dollars

>> No.7545573

Don't let him anger you, you gotta troll him back, don't stomp out of there like an angry woman lol

>> No.7545596

>he doesn't need that in his life, he's not going to end up in a fight and then jail or permanently injured
You have to be female. It used to be acceptable for men to fight/duel like gentlemen. Even if it was done only through words. And even in a physical fight the results you’re afraid of do not happen. “A black eye lasts for a few weeks, being a pussy is a lifetime sentence” that also works for a verbal altercation.

>> No.7545685

he's accumulating you fucking autist

>> No.7545945

nice dude

>> No.7545976

It's not my fault your IQ is too fucking low to understand how easily you can manipulate what he did. Blame your fucking parents, bitch.

>> No.7546015

Millenials are soft fucking babbies

>> No.7546058
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>being this proud of being a complete piece of shit
nigga do you really think this manager is going to destroy his boss cause anon is a mentally weak piece of shit? here that would get you isolated from everyone else in by the end of the day and in a month you'd get fired for something unrelated that's technically not okay but everyone does anyways

>> No.7546076

Do this >>7540300 or give him shit back.

If you're not willing to do either of those things then I suggest you call him an arsehole and quit.

>> No.7546082

You sound like a weak ass little bitch who takes it in the ass all the time because he thinks that's proper protocol. Fuck, I'd kill myself if I was you. Waaah I'm scared of getting fired mommy, I don't want to take advantage of my boss and company because maybe they won't like me! Boo hoo, mommy!

Fucking pussy.

>> No.7546117

is this viable or is it a fantasy? sounds like a george costanza plotline

>> No.7546131

t. woman

>> No.7546152

Don't be a pussy and quit.
If you quit, he won.
If you were to quit, only do it after you've found something better.

>> No.7546161

>thinking this shit actually will work
They can afford a better lawyer than you can.

if it was this easy to get money by pretending to be a mentally ill loser plenty of /biz/nessmen would be actually rich and not just larping

>> No.7546179

This is absolutely viable assuming he's in the USA. The laws in this country are insanely protective of workers, and human resources departments exist to make sure the company complies with the law.

It's hard to fire someone at baseline, even if they're fucking up left and right, without being subject to a valid lawsuit - you have to prepare for weeks or months and let that person know in advance they're not performing well and give them a chance to do their job correctly.

In a scenario like this where the OP's boss actually did something horrible to him, if he complains to HR he'll be untouchable. His boss just handed him a golden fucking key, he just needs to take it in his hand.

>> No.7546202

I can tell you're a fucking child who has probably never had a real job. Meanwhile, I run a company and I know that no matter how great your lawyers are if you are shitting on your employees your lawyers will encourage you to settle ASAP when they decide to sue you.

Enjoy your life of ignorant bitchdom. Done with you now, kid.

>> No.7546204

>OP blurt out autistic stuttering comment
>boss tried to banter with him
>OP sperged the fuck out
holy shit

>> No.7546227

OP is a beta soy fag

>> No.7546234

That is some lame ass insult if that is the case.
Such a thing would legit make me lol.
If he thinks he can hurt ne with such weak banter, he is both vicious and dumb. Ppl with this combination of traits tend to become miserable beyond imagination in the end despite their position or wealth.

>> No.7546281

thank god im not a wagecuck and never will be. imagine being a grown man and actually having a 'boss'. wew lad

>> No.7546390

ITT self entitled pussies giving self entitled pussies advice about how to take their self entitled pussieness to the next level.
If you’re a man, short of someone putting something inside you, never go to HR.
HR was invented for women, who are intellectually inferior, to be able to complete with men in a workplace.

>> No.7546572


Pretty rude, you're a cuck for saying nothing. Should've challenged him to a fight right there in front of everyone "jokingly" just like he made that disrespectful comment "jokingly"

>> No.7546938

He’s not a cuck for saying nothing, he’s a cuck for awkwardly bringing up the price of Tylenol and expecting that to be an ice breaker. There are plenty of things he could have done to prevent himself from being insulted in the first place, like being comfortable with the silence of the room while other people read a paper.
This self important cock thirsty fuckstick needed attention so bad he interrupted people reading a newspaper to comment about the price of Advil.

>> No.7547031

No. HR is NOT your friend.

>> No.7547793

Cool blog post faggot

>> No.7547903

Hey OP if you're still here, your boss is a huge faggot and you dont deserve him being a huge cuck to you when you're just trying to make small talk.

He's probably just butthurt looking for some way to put someone down so he can feel good about himself.