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753414 No.753414 [Reply] [Original]

>find out it's illegal to purchase and rent out apartments in my country
I have never been as mad as I am right now.

>> No.753416


>> No.753419

this sounds kind of stupid.

are you sure?

>> No.753423


I live in Sweden, and most, if not all the other Nordic countries are the same.

Things such as condos don't exist here, instead you can either rent an apartment, or purchase one. If you purchase one you don't technically own it, but instead you're part of a housing cooperative. There's around 8000 of these in Sweden, and they basically have a monopoly on the housing market, as far as apartments are concerned.

This means you can't rent out the apartment you purchased, because it's not technically yours. While you can rent it out temporarily, you can only do so with the permission of the housing cooperative, and you can't make any profit off of it.

2009 they did introduce apartments that you can legally own (Condos, basically) but for something to count as one it has to be registered as one when newly built. This means that I have to purchase a newly constructed apartment, which is impossible since if you try you'll be outbid by said housing cooperatives.

>> No.753444

>I live in Sweden
>it's illegal to rent

>> No.753446

It's illegal in Norway and Finland too.

But yes, I am very upset.

>> No.753451

>2009 they did introduce apartments that you can legally own (Condos, basically) but for something to count as one it has to be registered as one when newly built. This means that I have to purchase a newly constructed apartment, which is impossible since if you try you'll be outbid by said housing cooperatives.
Seek out like-minded people and build a condo.

>> No.753453


>> No.753454

Not legal unless you've registered as a housing cooperative.

I've pretty much abandoned this idea since rent is price controlled as well, and is not up to the free market.

I just wanted to vent.

>> No.753459

What about the rent/housing business for refugees, I read about that somewhere.

>> No.753474

its a buyers market for refugees, you can join the army and help yourself out

>> No.753475
File: 188 KB, 222x356, Vemvare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why the housing prices exploding is so silly. People pay millions for an apartment that they don't even own. If you want to rent it out your fat neighbour can and will actually stop you from doing that.

Ibland undrar man om man lever i ett land eller i ett skämt.

>> No.753538

Bahahahaha holy shit thats hilarious. Wow, so progressive........

>> No.753558


>> No.753561

I didn't know the Soviet Union was still around.

>> No.753576

Neither did I until I found out about this.

>> No.753601
File: 313 KB, 500x561, 1431286249110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nobody gets jewed by rent prices
>18 year old OP can't live via le passive income

Based Swedes

>> No.753610


Norway is jew country, free buy to let here.

>> No.753635


Anyway why did you "just find out"? Something as important as this should be a fundamental part of your culture, no?

>> No.753648

Investing isn't a fundamental part of Swedish culture, no.

Working 40 hours a week, living in an apartment, paying your rent and fees, and going on vacation once a year with your saved work time is what Swedish culture is. Oh, and voting for the Social Democrats and marching for more worker rights.

>> No.753659

0. register as housing cooperative
1. build an apartment
2. wait
3. the big housing cooperatives will offer you shitloads of money for your apartment
4. ???
5. profit (that you will have to share with the other people who helped build the apartment)

>> No.753663
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Sweden, Norway, Denmark, UK are all incredibly backwards countries filled with cucks, feminists, mudslimes and general leftist faggotry.

It's really incredible how pants-on-head-retarded can entire societies get.

>> No.753667

I was originally looking to invest in a condo for about $50K, with about $10K down payment.

I don't have the capital to take out a loan to construct an entire apartment building.

>> No.753676

>all those nonwhites

>> No.753780

I hate retard republicans and their slimey smiles that never reach their eyes, but holy shit does the left look more like cucks the more I grow up.

>> No.753799

it's not much different in the US. while the condo you purchase is yours, it will be part of a homeowner's association that dictates what you can and cannot do with it, and the vast majority of them prohibit renting.

the only way you can sidestep this is by buying an entire building since then there will be no association as you're the sole owner. of course a whole building is significantly more expensive than a single condo, and the price per unit is also typically higher when buying the entire building.

>> No.753810
File: 136 KB, 300x300, 1372876431833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I decided to look up REITs as a secondary alternative to direct investment.

Turns out we don't have those either.

Thank you Löfven, for keeping those dirty capitalists from invading the real estate market.

>> No.753849
File: 12 KB, 315x315, 1317236105593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

De skulle kanske tänka på att ifall det var mer attraktivt att äga lägenheter så skulle fler byggas och bostadbristen jämnas ut, men de tänker inte särskilt långt nej.

Såg Löfven på tv vid påsk också då han pratar om att hjälpa 'unga utanför' (NEETs), att han har mage till det efter att den politik han driver gör det dyrare för företag att anställa och öker ungdomsarbetslösheten.

Jag ska ta och lägga mina pengar i SP&500 nästa gång det droppar 30% under ATH, du får hänga med.

>> No.753860
File: 183 KB, 900x1156, honky 42414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

true nigger detected

>> No.753868

Good, it's not economically productive in any way.

>> No.753896

The left and right wing of the devil. Just call yourself ____ leaning independent and watch the faggotry ensue on both sides.

>> No.753904

lol what
you can't even get publicly traded REITs?

>> No.753908
File: 36 KB, 468x350, 1314734319001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have no idea how jewed you get from this. I have to wait in line for 20 years to get an apartment to rent in the place where I grew up. But I guess if you liked the DDR, the swedish housing market will look great for you

>> No.753933

Uuh no it's not? I own two apartments in Finland and I rent them both out.

>> No.753959

>OP wants to venture capitalism
>lives in a socialist state
top kek. im sorry for you

>> No.753969

We DID just vote in the Tories dude. None of that coalition bullshit.

>> No.754031

property is theft

>> No.754443

Homeowners associations aren't entities that purchase properties and regulate prices/profits.

They are simply a group of home owners that agree on a set of rules and won't sell to people who don't follow their rules. The last condo I lived in was part of a building with an association composed of 4 people, and they all rented their properties.

>> No.754871

Is it illegal to rent where you come from because the govt is scared that you'll make money?

>> No.754872
File: 91 KB, 589x770, I+heard+that+romney+has+a+small+face+is+it+_e0b4f559f417689bf4a0772630d9c0e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>their slimey smiles that never reach their eyes
Pic entirely related

>> No.754884

You think you can't buy to let in the UK,?

Read a fucking book american.

>> No.755017

It's not illegal to rent. It's just impossible. Housing cooperatives has a monopoly on the real estate market, at least with apartments.

Purchasing villas or houses to rent is perfectly fine, because no one has a monopoly on those.

However, rents are not set with market price, but is price fixed, based on what's called "fair" rent. The govt is afraid that breaking the monopoly and opening the housing market to the public will fuck over the common man. It should be added that there's a severe lack of apartments to rent in Sweden, with average wait times sitting at around 5-10 years. Most Swedish youths have to live at home until they're 25, because they have no place to move. This is if they had the good sense to sign up for a housing cooperative queue.

Wow, it's starting to sound more and more like the Soviet Union the more I talk about it.

>> No.755022

No kammerat. Without fair rent, the capitalist bastards would drive the middle class out of the cities :^)

>> No.755305

worst part is that some condo owners associations hide the fact that they won't allow you to rent them out until after you buy. it sounds incredible but people have bought houses and condos to rent out only to be told that they can't.

avoid hoas and condos at all costs. even the good ones are just an election away from becoming a nightmare.

only exception is rich areas, since people with other assets don't become Nazis about their houses. middle class areas where the house is the only thing these people own (and they know they're overpaying) is where shit gets retarded.

condos are particularly bad because most of them overpay property management companies that get kickbacks from shady contractors to overpay for shitty work. apartment companies hire property managers on salary, they learned the hard way that they can't contact that job out. idk if there are condos or hoas with property managers on salary but the legal framework of the associations make it extremely hard to get rid of a bad management company.

>> No.755320

>Wow, it's starting to sound more and more like the Soviet Union the more I talk about it.
I can't wait for your fucked up experiment of a country to explode.
sorry dude.

>> No.755442

Problem, socialists?

>> No.755738

>I live in Sweden, and most, if not all the other Nordic countries are the same.

Well, I live in Finland and I'm quite sure your progressive Sweden is a very unique snowflake there, sorry.

Well, sure, we have "housing cooperatives" but I've never heard of co-ops forbidding renting out. Actually, I think such a rule must be written in the rules of the cooperative which you can and definitely should read before buying an apartment anyway. And changing those rules requires an uncontested vote in cooperative assembly, meaning that when you own a share, you can effectively block such rule yourself. AFAIK, the overwhelming majority of cooperatives place absolutely no restrictions on renting your apartment. And profiting from the rent? Well, of course that's possible. Who in their right mind would think otherwise?

Now, the cooperative has a right to evict a tenant or even the OWNER of an apartment in case of severe disturbances, but that actually requires a court order which isn't something that happens willy-nilly. Getting rid of a bad tenant is actually somewhat slow and hard, even in case of unpaid rents, (and good luck trying to recoup the costs from those people...) which is kind of a bummer.

>> No.755739

sorry, meant "unanimous".

>> No.755740

Condos have existed for generations in Denmark. Housing cooperatives are andelsbolig. Stupid swede :^)

>> No.755741

>Actually, I think such a rule must be written in the rules of the cooperative which you can and definitely should read before buying an apartment anyway.


>> No.755780

ITT: real state speculators BTFO
based swedes