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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7529776 No.7529776 [Reply] [Original]

I'm out of here. Good bye idiots. I sold 80% of my btc at 19000 back in December. Sold the rest today. I've made over 7MM and I'm now going to be buying 10 apartments for passive 25,000 a month for the rest of my life.

Crypto is over. Bitcoin is over. If you haven't cashed out now you're literally a complete fucking idiot. Have fun with your useless linkies, reqquies, shitty garbage ethers and buttcoins. Seriously I thought this was a technological revolution but it's just a speculators game.

I'm so glad I listened to my grandfather at Christmas and sold. His wisdom saved me fucking millions. Now I'm going to follow what he did and buy real estate and index funds after the huge crash happens this year.

This is not a technological revolution. There is no great transfer of wealth. If you didn't already sell you're a fuckin brainlet and will die poor.

This is my official fuck you, good bye I'm never coming back to biz post.

>> No.7529822


But I haven't made it into the millions yet? :(

>> No.7529835

have fun listening to grandpa

>> No.7529858

Well since you're from reddit you're probably holding a lot of NANO.

>> No.7529897

>Seriously I thought this was a technological revolution but it's just a speculators game.
>This is not a technological revolution. There is no great transfer of wealth
I'm coming to the exact same conclusion, anon. It's sad but it's the truth. This thing is starting to look...childish.

>> No.7529898

>he sold at 6100 now he's going to kill himself
when you inevitably pussy out, don't come back faggot.

>> No.7529919

Yeah I will have fun listening to grandpa. He has more money than what he knows to do with. He started a business in the 60s invested alot of it into real estate and stocks and is a multi millionaire now.

You fucking biz autists knock around the "boomer" meme because you know deep down they're wise and smart. You could instead listen to them and learn from their years of wisdom because they knew how to make money. That's exactly what I'm doing and in 10 years I'll have a fucking empire of real estate and stock dividends.

Fuck your crypto ponzi schemes shove them right up your fucking ass.

>> No.7529937

Lol you're still reading this I know.

>> No.7529949
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>> No.7529956

>This is not a technological revolution
It is, but it is a useless. As long as data storage remains cheap, there is no demand for distributed ledger. The only application for crypto is buying drugs and pedo things. And with public ledger analysis getting better, that will end to.

>> No.7529958
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Lmao keep coping you larping faggot

>> No.7529962

thx op just bought 100kg

>> No.7529978

>This is my official fuck you, good bye I'm never coming back to biz post.
>Posts again.

>> No.7530044
File: 101 KB, 737x361, 7C64A2BE-9CBF-469B-BA49-BECFEB822CFD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We didn’t know you were here and wouldn’t have noticed you left.

Your grandpa should have instilled some self awareness in you.

Post YFW you could literally die right now and no one here would no or care.

But do feel free to fuck off and die.

Pic related is your grandparents

>> No.7530078
File: 458 KB, 1019x481, AE9CD42D-B0A2-46FB-AE10-844B81765D2E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Boomer detected.

>> No.7530223

I also like to larp sometimes :-)

>> No.7530332

congrats OP. best of luck

>> No.7530349

Shitty boomber LARP. Yawn.

>> No.7530368
File: 30 KB, 367x451, 1460733977468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice LARP. In reality you're just another of those stupid noobs who most likely sold at 6K and are now panicking and are trying to FUD your way back in.

Can't wait to see you fuckers panic buy at 10k. stupid loosers

>> No.7530370

nice blog do you use medium

>> No.7530380

Okay, bye.

>> No.7530425

Pics of it didn’t happen.

I hope your grandpa croaks you larping faggot

>> No.7530443
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Congratulations anon, but why are you so mad at us?

>> No.7530529

Don't let the door hit your LARPing ass on the way out

>> No.7530588

post a pic larper

>> No.7530599
File: 3.15 MB, 200x200, lol.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying real estate at the market's peak

>> No.7530647

>10 apartmets
>25k passive income

a relative of me makes more from rent than you and he invested way less. larp or plain dumb.

>> No.7530838

jokes on you i do this as a hobby any money i make is a plus, i rather be poor that self righteous cunt like you.

>> No.7530888



>> No.7531147
File: 1.36 MB, 1280x720, geuM0DJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Curious, can you elaborate on how much they invested, what that bought them and how much it makes monthly? I'm interested in getting into this after the real estate market corrects and I'd like an idea of how much I would need to start.

>> No.7531220

>I've made over 7MM
>fuck you


>> No.7531301

Do you have any idea how much work it is to lease apartments? I would hardly call that passive income.

Even if you hire a manager all of the responsibility ultimately falls on you. I actually sold an office building full of paying tenants because of the absolute monstrous amount of work it was to maintain everything.

>> No.7531373

See you at 50K.
You could have made like 20 million more if you waited one more year.

Good luck, fag.

>> No.7531403

>bought real estate before real estate bubble

Enjoy buying gramps bags

>> No.7531424

>You fucking biz autists knock around the "boomer" meme because you know deep down they're wise and smart.
>wise and smart

Is that why they all FOMO'd in at 19k?

>> No.7531582
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>> No.7531881
File: 246 KB, 657x527, first crash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol Im doing the same with the millions I cashed out in dec but I will also buy during the bearmarket. Jesus what a humongous brainlet you are.

I will get that passive income and 10X the sixfigures Im putting back into crypto.

>> No.7532232

Which coins are you buying?

>> No.7532325

you'll be LARPing here from your mom's basement tomorrow NEET, don't go to far away

>> No.7532441

Emphasis on BCH and ETH. Flippening is a real possibility before EOY

Im DCA buying for the next hundred days. 4k per day

>> No.7532519
File: 37 KB, 464x488, 1517784656821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something tells me an anime neet would make the worst landlord.
>reasons I don't rent

>> No.7532555

This is a FUD pasta you fucking retards

>> No.7532809

Screencaped. Will repost when BTC hits 100k and everyone will laugh at you.