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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7529017 No.7529017[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The images I see trump haters drawing of Trump seem to indicate a serious hatred. But i feel like what these people actually hate is themselves. Trump is just a messenger, making them see how pathetic/inferior they are. The real hatred american liberals show towards trump is really just anger/hatred of themselves. They hate trump because he sheds light on how worthless 99% of of these democrats are.
This is why you see such hateful pictures of trump drawn by leftist scum. Trump makes them realize that the only way God would accept them is if they killed themselves and stopped hindering the people on earth (republicans) who He really loves.

>> No.7529043

Just a bunch a cancerous SJWs. Ignore them.

>> No.7529109

maybe if this fat old orange fuck wasn't trying to constantly ban cryptocurrencies /biz/ wouldn't hate him so much

did you ever consider that trumpcuck?

>> No.7529144

All the things trump says they know, but see discussing it further as causing ripples in societal fabric that would be detrimental to themselves by questioning their superiority. If you have no problems with bashing white people while being white, you must be very certain about your societal status. This causes reality to diverge from what such people represent, a decay of sorts.

>> No.7529156

Trump is saving the nation from the Marijuana crisis OP, everyone knows how scary that drug is

>> No.7529171

liberals are repulsive cancer, this is well known

>> No.7529181
File: 69 KB, 699x485, 1518230291788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, people did the same shit to Obama.
You burgers have this weird A vs. B sports team thing going with your political shit that you morons are more than happy to buy into. Like, MORE THAN HAPPY.

None of you really care what happens or how bad you get scammed as long as your team wins, because you guys are sad, powerless fucks that derive a queer sense of value from siding with the "winning team" even if it sucks.
That's why everyone laughs at you.
You're fucking stupid and proud of it.
Stay cute, burgs.

>> No.7529199

it sounds like youre trying to convince yourself why you still like donald trump

>> No.7529209

I think the hatred comes form the fact that polacks just HAVE to bring trump to every board. For instance this thread. It has nothing to do with business and yet here you are trying to stir up shit.

>> No.7529213
File: 75 KB, 480x360, 78xygivaktiy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biz likes Trump. Back to your Shareblue playbook kike.

>> No.7529222

Holy shit op you are really reaching now...you're either a troll or absolutely retarded.

>> No.7529227

those are unironically the boomers, and the entire southern united states, christians, and sjw/champagne socialist types. theyre absolutely retarded.

there is a rising tide of independents who are just angry at being ripped off and getting a fucking boot on our neck for nothing. trump supporters are simply delusional/trolling/racist or a boomer.

>> No.7529236

Fucking cash out then faggot.

>> No.7529243

Mods do your jobs.

>> No.7529244

A. some random democrat in CA tried to ban crypto.

B. Trump trying to ban it.

correct answer is... A.

>> No.7529260


>Report submitted! This window will close in 3 seconds...

>> No.7529265
File: 260 KB, 960x724, 1518233338133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if (((certain individuals))) were heavily behind your A vs. B complex.
Or is it just totally natural in how unnatural you guys seem to get caught up in the pettiest fucking shit and get totally distracted so fucking easily?
Or are you guys above ever being manipulated?

>> No.7529278

Every time I've seen people from the USA, I have this eerie feeling of unreality about them.

It's like they don't need to deal with anything tangible in their lives. This leaves their pecking order advancements dependant on relatively intangible mediums like ideologies. This is why they disscuss things in such a combative manner.

>> No.7529309

nein, its because of the consumerist mentality. they are manipulated to loyal to one brand and hate the other one with a passion. bleeds into everything.

>> No.7529319

You are full of shit anon.
Trump is about proving that the 400 pound gorilla in the room should be paid attn to.

>> No.7529366

He's a retard.

>> No.7529376

Lmao are people here still actually liberal cucks?