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File: 257 KB, 1839x582, Memechart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7528663 No.7528663 [Reply] [Original]

Well well well.. if it isn't our old friend the meme chart.
Pic related is Bitcoin right now.

So what happens next? The meme chart just fucking ends here. What's phase 2?

>> No.7528698

As much as I hate the meme chart, this depiction next to Bitcoin with the 200 day ma as the mean is uncanny.

>> No.7528702


A seemingly infinite amount of bull traps since big money will fleece everything they can out of you using pro TA

>> No.7528735

bubble number 43 over.

>> No.7528743

it repeats forever retard

>> No.7528770

I always thought the meme chart was a meme,but damn it looks EXACTLY like btc

>> No.7528775

Does nobody else here think the way it matches the chart absolutely perfectly is kind of amazing on its own?

>> No.7528808

It's just a repeating infinite bubble. Soon we will enter big bubble round 198129

>> No.7528827

So upwards from here?

>> No.7528836

There's only so many directions a chart can go.

In this case up then down.

>> No.7528839

To follow the bubble meme chart, it is supposed to go below the "First sell off/Bear Trap", nigga.

If you can't see that we're going below 6000-5000, you should stop trading and better spend your lunch money on heroin.

>> No.7528854

yes, but slowly like in the pic

>> No.7528860

We haven’t hit despair yet. We aren’t done going down my friends.

>> No.7528865

It a vague guide to the psychology of a bubble not a fucking blueprint.

>> No.7528884

Why would you hate a fucking chart? It's just lines and curves.

>> No.7528885

it's psychology that's all

>> No.7528890

Despair is almost never that low IRL, the chart is a meme in that regard

>> No.7528899
File: 81 KB, 1202x744, 73954518-A9D0-4F38-9F4F-5623B02924CB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7528919

It's hilarious since everyone should have sold at the top. Everyone KNEW about this chart for months now. Everyone KNEW how the price was going to go. Yet somehow barely anyone sold @ the top and bought at the bottom. Why is that?

>> No.7528941
File: 298 KB, 1169x660, chadscale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>7528899 (checked)

>> No.7528964

I thought the first sell off was when it went from 9000 to 2900/3000 during the China fud, Jamie Dimon garbage.

>> No.7528966

literaaly came here to post this image

>> No.7528992

Hense the "delusion" faze at the top of the chart. Smart money sold there

>> No.7529001

Unironically it's perfectly fitting it and right now has more sense to crash again than recover.
Also, even when the bear market will be over, it will take months to hit again $10k, and semesters to return to $20k. It's always been like this.

Why should they deal with people that bought at $10k+ and want to break even and never touch cryptocurrencies again, while they can crash it at 4000, inducing those people to panic sell and make way more money?

>> No.7529033
File: 14 KB, 320x180, mqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7529082

Because retards on biz have been posting this chart at 30 dollars, 500 dollars, 1k, 3k, 5k, 8k, 10k, 12k, 15k, 17k, 19k. How is anyone supposed to know the true top?

It's such a meme chart that you could match the general shape to almost everything.

Post your sell orders at 19.9k if "everyone" should have sold there.

>> No.7529099

>from 9000
It went from 5000 to 3000

We had no real "sell off" to cash out, they were all FUD events, in November it when from almost 8000 to 5000 because of the "Flippening" attempt, that's probably the biggest "sell off".

>> No.7529120


>> No.7529147
File: 241 KB, 634x930, article-2620458-1D959D4500000578-696_634x930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7529163

Nah the writing was on the wall. We just chose not to see it because we where too caught up in the bullrun

>> No.7529180

The selloff was in november not septemper you fucking retard.

>> No.7529246
File: 453 KB, 428x594, 1517947339985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why will it be $100+?

>> No.7529328
File: 206 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180210-122843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't agree. I was selling btc at 9k 10k and 13k back in early December because already by then, the price seemed to have gotten so far ahead of the long term trendlines I expected a crash any day as per the memechart. No way did I think it would get to 20k before crashing.

>> No.7529378

As I said that wasn't a real sell off but a manipulated bullshit.

>> No.7529385

>now has more sense to crash again than recover.

So you think this is going down further than the Mt Gox crash did? If so then this will have been the worst crash in Bitcoin history.

>> No.7529441

Assets throughout history have folllowed that chart almost exactly. Bitcoin also followed the chart during past bubbles and people would post it all the time.

>> No.7529674

we go up around chinese new year. then we make another bubble around 100k btc.

>> No.7529730

Well, after all this was also the biggest pump in Bitcoin history, there are a lot of holders to shake off yet