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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 65 KB, 1120x539, bitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7527999 No.7527999 [Reply] [Original]

Sorry guys, but people don't care about bitcoin and crypto anymore. You're the only ones still thinking there's money to be made here. For normies this has been a fad even smaller than Pokemon Go was. It's over. Stop deluding yourselves.

>> No.7528032

shhh don't tell them
it's entertaining watching this trainwreck

>> No.7528067

Cryptocurrency is at early 90's internet stage right now. But yes, fuck the trendwhores

>> No.7528126


>> No.7528134
File: 13 KB, 250x250, witness-me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Relax. It's just a dip like all the other times. Include me on the Screen cap for the next big dip after massive gains to 100k.

>> No.7528140

As I said, you need to stop deluding yourself. We're waaaaaay past 'early stages'. We're not in the 90's anymore. Things move a lot faster now. Back then it took years for a fad to go away. Now it only takes weeks, and that's exactly what happened here.

>> No.7528349

Go back and never come to 4chan again.

>> No.7528537

Pure delusion. Without the money of the masses you'll never make it. The only reason for the December and January pumps was the normie money flooding in. Now they've been burned and they won't come back. It's fucking over.

>> No.7528567

autist alert

>> No.7528597

I was trading crypto before normies were interested in it and I'll be trading crypto after normies have lost interest in it.

>> No.7528637

i know i sure do google the word cryptocurrency every day before i get on binanace. what about you guys? love a good google search about shit you already know about? its the fucking shit right?

Fucking idiot

>> No.7528643


>> No.7528786

this logic...
greedy normies will always come back u delusional retard

if a normie goes to a casino and loses 100$, he wont stop fucking poorfag

>> No.7528881

They fucking won't. They lost a lot of money and if you think they want to lose another 10k think again.

>> No.7528933

Greed will always creep back.

>> No.7528940
File: 59 KB, 1163x550, Screen Shot 2018-02-10 at 12.08.17 .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have a point.

11/26-12/24 people were searching for bitcoin and coinbase

12/31-1/6 people were searching for binance

1/7-1/13 people were searching for kucoin and etherdelta

This demonstrates that a significant subset of the nov/dec normies of which I am one are just going further into the crypto rabbit hole rather than losing interest altogether

>> No.7529003

The point is not that the ones who are already in are going deeper, but that there's no new normies coming in. Which is the ONLY reason the fucking bullrun happened. The trend chart and the bull market can be overlayed 1:1. Everyone who wanted to get into crypto is now in. What we have right now, that's it. There won't be another gigantic bullrun, since everyone who wanted to invest already did.

>> No.7529037

do you not think that crypto will see meaningful practical adoption by businesses and individuals?

>> No.7529140

Damn. I forgot bitcoin only had one pump in all of history. shucks. Normies will never come back ever ever ever.

my statement stands, you're a moron

>> No.7529145

exactly... crypto will slowly fall to the ground... it will happen over months, but it's most likely over.

>> No.7529722

What a retarded way of thinking. No. Not all normies are in. Even if they are, you think the bullrun from 4k-20k was because of normies lunch money? Fuck no. It was manipulated to go that high to trap a lot of people and then dump on their ass. It doesn't mean it won't happen again. Because it will. Just like it did for the billionth time.

Yet we still have bears saying is oger. It's never oger bitch. You sold bottom. Whatever. Buy back in and HODL.

>> No.7530426

The 'i'm here telling you this because i care' brand of fud is the lowest energy, least entertaining fud

>> No.7530538

I don't care about you. I'm just getting off on telling you fucks that you're idiots for still investing in this shit.

>> No.7530761

what drugs are you consuming?

>> No.7530846

so what do you think happened from the previous crashes? i guess everyone would be out of cryptos by now with your logic, you mean with the millions of people joining cryptos since nov-jan, all of them lost money and left cryptos already right?

>> No.7530941

you do know the "early majority" will come in when things are "safer" & less "risky". how many people are into bonds & mutual funds because they are "less volatile XD". the normies that jumped the ship recently are the gambler/risk taker types. some burn, some prosper, but words have spread far beyound nontheless. next bull will take abit longer as you said tho. enoy the calm before the storm tho

>> No.7531514


>> No.7531594

>TFW BTC hits 100k eoy and you kys

>> No.7531636

you must enjoy being a pathetic no life piece of shit

>> No.7531698

> You're the only ones still thinking there's money to be made here.
>no money to be made
wat is shorting stock?

Whether or not I get my shekels doesn't depend on how normies feel. It doesn't really depend on if it's going up or down either. All I really care about is volatility and knowing that there are enough easy marks buying in to it.

>> No.7531931

>crypto will never make it
>crypto will never be used
>I think 5$ is a lot for a single BTC
>BTC will never go past 100$
>BTC will never go past 1000$
>BTC will never go past 10000$
>crypto is a ponzi
>crypto is a fad
>the public speech about crypto by the SEC and meetings in the EU and laws in Russia do not matter
>the petro crypto does not matter
>new trading platforms do not matter
>facebook, google, youtube, media coverage does not matter
>new companies considering blockchain do not matter

If you think this is the end you are about to get BTFO hard normie

>> No.7531977

he'll just come back and say 'it's just a ponzi scheme'

I used to think the same way and that caused me to miss out big time, maybe we won't see another coin go from less than a dollar to almost 20k like bitcoin but it's far from over, anyone who's done an once of research knows

>> No.7531994
