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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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7525363 No.7525363 [Reply] [Original]

Sorry anon but the nodes and xrb explorer are at fault here. This buggy as fuck tech allowed these exploits to appear. ETH and BTC funneled out by crashing the buggy nodes and Bomber none the wiser because the buggy official xrb explorer didn't detrct these anamolies.
It's the reason why binance went through a massive overhaul recently. They're trying to patch any holes so it doesn't affect the rest of the shitcoins.

If he realh wanted to exit scam he wouldn't have bothered stealing XRB which would obviously deprecate in value. He would have just stloen all the eth and btc.
I can't fathom how none of the rai cultists see this for what it is. The team gave no shits whatsoever about this and tried to delay any announcement.

>> No.7525391

>Gay Block became Nano
Thanks for the info and preventing anyone buying this scam

>> No.7525405
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bomber pls ur going to jail
enjoy raep lol

>> No.7525506

Yes he's obviously a conartist which is why he came to the team to tell them this situation. He didn't tell them earlier because the buggy ass system nano uses didn't detect this shit for months.

Seriously why the fuck would he even bother trying to pull this shit off by telling them this with his personal info already out.

Are you really that fucking dense?

>> No.7525551

Hope no maffia got conned by you otherwise you're not going to last long.
Watch out for shankings.

>> No.7525567

>Sorry anon but the nodes and xrb explorer are at fault here
Hey fuckwit, it was Bomber's autistic fucking spaghetti code that allowed double spending so people made off with millions.

>The team gave no shits whatsoever about this and tried to delay any announcement.
They literally found out about this yesterday

Anon go lobotomize yourself with a drill, you don't deserve to live on

>> No.7525585

Read the chat logs and I have to agree. The fault lies primarily with nano. Binance downtime coincides with when the conversation happened. For all we know this has been done on binance and kucoin already too.

>> No.7525617

Which discord group are you all from?

>> No.7525705

I made this thread saying the same thing in reddit and it got deleted.

>> No.7525751

this is good for nano

>> No.7525865

Its starting to become hilarious watching the mental gymnastics unfold on reddit as to not put any fault whatsoever on the bad memecoin tech. Like how many more red flags do you need ??

>> No.7526011

As for the breach its really the new ETH LOOOOOOOOOOL

>> No.7526062
File: 312 KB, 1080x2160, 1517341892883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, BitGrail's code allowed users to be credited with 2x/3x/more the amount of ETH.

>> No.7526228

i've know about nano's vulnarabilities for months... so much dumb money in crypto

>> No.7526545

all transactions that happen on exchanges happen purely on exchange's database (except for decentralized etherdelta), there is nothing happening on their networks, there is simply no way to put blame on the nano here, you don't understand how cryptocurrencies work

>> No.7526606

The implementation of nano's severely flawed coding created this mess. Find it funny how everyone blames the exchanges yet the problems involving nano show up on every exchange that tries to trade it

>> No.7526609

shhhh. you can't mention facts to XRBeliebers.

Everyone else has known about the code issues for months. Hek, they are still offering a bounty for the fix.

>> No.7526638

is it opposite day in wopland?

>> No.7526677

The bounty is for bugs and vulnerabilities to be found, not fixed. So go ahead and claim it!

>> No.7526718


No one can fix this bug anon. They have to fork the code, which they won't admit because the price would plummet.

>> No.7526738

Yeah, because 2x deposits credited of ETH, LTC, etc. are all the fault of XRB, retard.

>> No.7526757

Can we talk about this tomorrow ?

>> No.7526779

It’s not asking for a fix. Go review the code and claim the 100k bounty.

>> No.7526989

kek. This is the syncing error that is a programming flaw in XRB code, NOT the exchange.

>> No.7527169

>spaghetti code

>> No.7527173

Syncing of ETH deposits on Bitgrail has nothing to do with xrb code. But because you're so confident, go and claim the bounty or gtfo.

>> No.7527322

muh nana. should of sold @ 30, 20, 15.