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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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752530 No.752530 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else get constantly anxious about work? I'm seriously considering quitting my job for a stress free minimum wage job, but then I start to worry about long term future. I hate being around the office, I hate deadlines, I hate meeting clients above all else, I'm constantly tired.

Fuck I hate this world.

>> No.752532

I don't know that feel. Probably because they need me more than I need them.

>> No.752539


>> No.752552

DMT supposed to work well with business schedules because it works so quick (less than 15 minutes), even though it feels like eternity

>> No.752556

wtf I meant like coke, or alcohol

>> No.752559
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minimum wage fag here.

you will have even more stress because it is really hard to make ends meet and being frugal all the time really drains on your mind on the long run.

In short don't do it, you probably are outside your comfort zone which is a good thing that means you are progressing, once you get comfortable with whatever you are doing you should aim even higher!!

>> No.752569

This guys right. Minimum wage jobs suck. You're basically an expendable assembly line worker. Your superiors will also be uneducated and probably unfulfilled assholes too. Get some experience and change jobs.

>> No.752613

Can't you just bear it until you save enough for semi-retirement?

>> No.752680

look into kratom. it's legal and gets me a little motivated and boosts my mood

>> No.752692

What you gotta do is become a cube drone like me

I make a a comfortable wage, and all I do is sit in a cube from 8-5 and draw shit in CAD. I never have to meet clients, my deadlines are not set in stone, and my coworkers are very laid back people.
But I also get tired after work, and that's because work is boring and sucks my soul.

>> No.752701

I wouldn't even know where to start. I have an accounting degree and I'm doing BAS statements all do for a small firm (I feel we're really understaffed tbh). How would I go about making that transition?

I was thinking maybe A/P or /R with a large business?

>> No.752835
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I hear you OP. I pretty much quit my previous job because I felt that way and just hung out for a year.

I got a new job recently and its even more intense than my previous job and I'm feeling pretty burnt out already. Kind of wish I stuck with my old job in a sense. But it's definitely good experience but god damn, I miss having free time.

>> No.752840

Take anti anxiety medication that's what i did when i was going through the same thing. Eventually I quit and it felt so good.

>> No.752844

To add to this you also aren't letting your brain rest as soon as you step out of the office you should quit thinking about work. The stress outside of work wont help you and take it one day at a time I highly recommend you read how to stop worrying and start living by daniel carnegie. Before that book I was beyond stressed know after it I came into the office like I owned the place(meds helped)

>> No.752845

I'm an EMT-A (like half of a Paramedic) and make about 42k a year with my overtime. I like the job because the expectations are low and the schedule rocks...I work two days, then I'm off for four (in theory). The most stressful thing about the job was learning to start IVs when I first started, but that comes to you. Now all I have as stressors are a seething hatred for the bureaucracy in the upper ranks that gets nothing done and lies to us constantly, and a mild disdain for our local half-brain, can't-assess-patients-for-shit fire department. Other than that my life rocks. My last set of off days I took my wife out to a live show, worked on my house, and went mountain biking...in the middle of the week, with the whole trail to myself.

I decided a few years back to try and advance to either nursing or physical therapy, but honestly I lost my career-oriented drive around 25. What's the point, really? Slaving away and being proud of making someone else rich or being their Toby in the public sector? Oh yeah, so cool and desirable.

It's all about money. Find something easy that you can take advantage of. Don't get suckered in to consumerism (ie, putting 'Monster' stickers on your lame-ass car; brand loyalists are worse than dirt) and find a way to retire early. Give back as little as possible.

When achievable, be a drain. Ways I've found:

-Fill several water bottles before going home. Put the bill on the company as opposed to myself for at least a day's worth of hydration.
-Charge all my devices here before leaving
-Use company time to study as opposed to doing work around the station
-Actively be a speed bump to my captain and higher-ups and make it a hassle for them to talk to me
-Milk the overtime because it is easy fucking money

Put your saved money in dividend stocks. Growth is nice, but there is nothing sweeter than collecting actual cash from the labor of others.

>> No.752850

I might even check that book out one day. I'm having a hard time switching to relax mode since I started working at home.

Telecommuting was really awesome when my workload was very minimal, but once I started taking more jobs its definitely becoming harder to maintain a good work/life balance. I'm constantly checking on my work pc even if i don't have to and I tend to feel extremely obligated to read and respond to every message I get from clients or people I work with regardless of the time.

>> No.752853

well, I just reflected on what I just said. I guess its mostly my fault, or how I react to things more so than my Job.

>> No.752859

Get a different job. Do some data analysis, work with data instead of people if that's your strong suit.

I think it's mine, and that's my plan. I hate politics and I hate schmoozing, but I love money, so I'm gonna autistically do data work for a career so I can make dat dere cash without sucking dick.

>> No.752895

>Fill several water bottles before going home. Put the bill on the company as opposed to myself for at least a day's worth of hydration.

What the hell? How much does water cost where you live? You're so poor you have to steal water?

>> No.752920

I'm the opposite. I get anxious when I don't go to work.

I basically forecast future oil production and do other engineering calculations and diagrams for an oil company. I'm still pretty new to it (9 months), so I'm getting paid (relatively) shit money. However I have my own bigass office with my name outside of it and a door. And it's downtown in a bigass skyscraper.

I could literally go an entire day without having to speak to a single person either in-person or through email and I can take days off whenever I want to as long as my work gets done. My boss is chill as fuck and I learn a lot from him.

Besides surviving our massive layoff, this is the most low-stress cushy job I could ever want.

>> No.752936

I literally just did this, quit my stressful job to find an easier one, and I couldn't be happier. Granted, the stress of the job has been replaced by the scariness and stress of coming up with ways to make money. However, it sure does feel great waking up every day and not slaving over a hot keyboard for THE MAN

>> No.752939
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I want to feel this feel

>> No.752953
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Architect or draftsman?
What is your salary, I also do this plus keep the retarded PM from fucking up and draft endless specifications.

But 4500$ after tax per month....I need the income :'(

>> No.753125

Lets switch man... I got a cush small office and dont really have to answer to anyone as long as no tech complaints.. and can even sleep in there but only make 35k.

>> No.753263
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This thread will do

I don't know if I should quit my Job. I work at a CPG company as a Business Analyst, and a majority of my work is around sales/inventory reporting. It's actually been great and I have learned a lot, but I feel like things are starting to stagnate. I strongly dislike the CEO (small company only 15 of us) and my analysis is often being ignored, despite how I have been frequently correct. I have contributed a lot to the company as well, and I barely feel recognized for my work. I have been here 1.5 years. Do I stick it out? Am I being too needy or demanding too much? Keep in mind I make 52k a year. But money isn't a huge deal.

>> No.753268


Sales/inventory Forecasting*****

>> No.753282

I would start looking at other places. Do some interviews.