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7524802 No.7524802 [Reply] [Original]

where do you see crypto in 2025? not talking about marketcap but actual adoption of cryptocurrencies, real world applications of blockchain technology, will this technology actually change anything and stick around or is it just a meme? high iq replies only

>> No.7524843

Crypto will unify the global economy

>> No.7524986

what are the implications of a unified global economy?

>> No.7524992

internet 2.0, everything automated by smart contracts. end of most human labor, you know, stuff like that...

>> No.7525117
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>> No.7525120
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Absolutely subverted.

>> No.7525144
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>> No.7525190
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SingularityNET with their AGI token will have developed a matrix where humans can upload their consciousness into the mindcloud for virtual reality labor. The other option is to live happily in the human zoo.

>> No.7525203

New world order and the beginning of the end.

>> No.7525216
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>> No.7525242
File: 776 KB, 1000x567, self_driving_when.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7525269
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>> No.7525326
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>> No.7525355

keep posting more if you got em anon these are really good to read

>> No.7525561
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I don't have access to my infographic folder.

>> No.7525584
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Smart-contracts: Automated and unstoppable financial and data-driven agreements will save untold amounts of money, prevent corruption and fraud, and change the world.
Could be the start of a new technological revolution into true automation + UBI future.

>> No.7525626

Someone shop sergey and link in the middle if this.

>> No.7525630

The world needs a world currency
Itll not be ether or nano or neo or iota or any other than bitcoin. Why? All others are tied to certain companies. We already are at a point where you can prwtty much buy or sell bitcoin in every country, so it will serve as a global standard currency. The first crypto bluechip, soon to be owned by central banks and mined by the governments with (((excess))) electricity

>> No.7525672
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I like this one

>> No.7525674

Read some of the white papers, hell wat h some YouTube videos. Some of these projects are startrek tier.

>> No.7525713

Here's the original and updated one:

>> No.7525742

End of usdallah dominance

It wont change much regarding which countries have power but it will change the way countries fund themselves. Bitcoin puts the state in a position where it cant just cover its costs by controlling the money supply. Instead, the (((state))) will need to become sustainable. Which they wont. In the end the us government will hold a gun to your head and yell "yes, ONE dolla is worth ONE satoshi!" Thats when youll know its time to sell.

>> No.7525790
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Next cryptokitties will rule gaming


>> No.7525867
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Even better

Chinks are already doing that with the new oil pairing, no more petro dollar dominance

>> No.7525917
File: 279 KB, 699x409, ethread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It'll be glorious for crypto


>> No.7526119

None of these actually work. Wheres the efficiency here? Contract language isn't the bottleneck with any of these, irs real world enforcement and tracking which requires centralized oracles anyway. Are you a child? If you're an adult and think these are good business ideas just give up

>> No.7526182

These are all stupid hype. Where is the avtualbusiness case? Nobody who makes these seems to actually understand industry or business or where the bottlenecks are

>> No.7526202

This chart means nothing

>> No.7526225

>prevent corruption and fraud
Someone will find a way, they always do.

>> No.7526342

They are meant to encourage people to look at crypto, chill your beans.

>> No.7526398

>WTC for western chain production
>VEN for eastern chain production
>IOTA smart cities (goes haywire in 2030 and becomes Skynet)
>XMR and ENG owners are sentenced for life
>MRK (MerkelCoin) is the common currency, each transaction gives 1% to refugees
>LINK owners live the NEET life on Mars
>NEO becomes the first birth control cryptocurrency, transforms unwanted kids into GAS

>> No.7526432
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Blockchain engineers are so plentiful that crypto platforms are a dime a dozen.

>> No.7527220
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>humanity enslaved by AI
>only people not enslaved are the technocratic elite who invested LINK
>run LINK nodes to broker information that the AI needs
>for this reason, they are allowed to live unmolested, unlike the average human who is digging trenches in the gulag