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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 39 KB, 1200x800, europe-flag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7519622 No.7519622 [Reply] [Original]


-- frustrated eurofag

>> No.7519632


>> No.7519635

I fucking hope the sandniggers rape you all

>> No.7519667

looks like chink and sandchink buying support disappearing as they go to sleep

>> No.7519680
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>> No.7519684

It's 4 pm in China

>> No.7519807

EU fags have the weakest fucking hands.

They wake up and sell. Sooner or later were just going to have to start dumping right before they wake up.

Weakest hands in crypto.

>> No.7519831

faggot teadrinkers complain about americans selling
self projection glass handed cunts

>> No.7520030

They are getting worse than the street shitters

>> No.7520032

low lives selling their wives as soon as the gains hit $20, how can you be so weak.

>> No.7520074

>blaming us.
>can't read a chart.

Every human being with half a brain sold at 9000 but buy back AT LEAST at 6000 again.

>> No.7520116

Look at the chart. It dumped right when you betas woke up.

>> No.7520148

No retard, it dumped right when it failed to break the downtrend.
Burgers, Chink, Gooks, even niggers and pajeets probably dumped then.

Traders never really sleep.

>> No.7520197

Break the downtrend? I feel like i'm talking to a kid. Whatever we'll just save the market like everything else in the world - see you again tomorrow when you betas pull the same shit.

>> No.7520414



amazing how they just can't see the simple fact that almost EVERY FUCKING DAY those weak low lives dump their shit off when they wake up.
Fellow eurofags, I imagine you waking up, shaking while you watch your portfolio, crying while sitting up in front of your computer and sell it all in despair because you just don't understand the meaning of all this.

I am ashamed of being associated with you europussies.

>> No.7520662

To: Amerifats

Dear Amerifats if you truly believe it's the Euros dumping right now, listen to this awesome trick: BUY THE DIP. As long as you keep the price high and hodl through the Asian night, as soon as chinks wake up they'll pump that shit and BTFO Euros who sold.

t.butthurt Euro who wants his fellow Euros to lose their money

>> No.7520678

The USA litterally has to bail these braindead eurotrash idiots out of EVERYTHING. WW1, WW2, cold war. Without our nuclear umbrella their socialist government saftey nets they love to claim are successful would NOT work because theyd actually have to spend money on their fucking military. I wish we would have just let Russia buttfuck all of you in the 50s. Youre literally useless SJW immigrant panderers now. We have to save your asses time and time again in every single arena just for you to continue to be the worlds biggest fuckup. Get fucked soyboy eurotrash, you are all a disgrace.

>> No.7520688

bruh its 9:30 am here

>> No.7520706

Honestly if you're seeking right now I hope Mohammad rapes your mother

>> No.7520736

If it's so predictable why aren't you a multimillionaire yet?

>> No.7520750


At least we arent as retarded as having our government to outlaw kinder chocolate and regulate tidepods cause population are dying

>> No.7520794
File: 156 KB, 1066x1456, 1350285578487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought at $6300 of course I'm cashing out. Thanks for the free money.

>> No.7520808

At least our population isn't dieing to people we invite to live with us - the ones you feed, house, and provide medical support for free.... in the thousands.

But let's not get carried away, all i'm saying is you are the cancer of crypto. Just stop buying in.

>> No.7520836

This is what im talking about. They will literally settle for peanuts because they physically are so cucked from generations of social slavery that they have no idea how to get rich

>> No.7520866
File: 984 KB, 960x750, 1518253807909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Us Britbongs and our Visegradbros are trying our hardest but we're hugely outnumbered by the Frogs, Huns, Scandicucks and various lazy cowardly Mediterranean types who keep dumping so they can pay for Achmed and Mehmet to keep living in luxury.

>> No.7520886

The reason why they're useless SJW immigrant panderers now is because Russia buttfucked them in the 50s, 60s, 70s, and beyond. The USSR simply wasn't able to hold on until the long march had its full impact.

>> No.7520890

Brit here.

It is actually quite fun because our timezone is either 1 or 2 hours behind the rest of Europe, so when I wake up there is always red Europoors bags being given away.

>> No.7520894
File: 170 KB, 866x1390, 1-indian-muslim-man-talking-cell-phone-EWTJAR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I dump now, yes, much thank you, American fat pig.

>> No.7520898
File: 90 KB, 800x532, 1428364264622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is a bong actually talking about Achmed and Mehmet right now?

>> No.7520912

Just a bear trap boys

>> No.7520919
File: 68 KB, 1039x485, hehe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry I'll buy your bags at $5500 when you panic again.

>> No.7521088

It's almost like they want crypto to fail.

I guess iv'e been naive until this point, not going to be forgetting this shit anytime soon.

>> No.7521131
File: 362 KB, 429x561, 1464292355740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying most of the selling off of those last weeks wasn't made when Ameritards pussies woke up

>> No.7521263
File: 11 KB, 436x145, europussiesatwork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>totally not europussies fault

>> No.7521303
File: 76 KB, 1536x2048, Screenshot_20180208-120353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bull fucking shit. Americans have the strongest hands in the world. Now shape the fuck up

>> No.7521326
File: 57 KB, 852x478, nice bought 100k miota.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inshallah, I shall buy many blue-eyed whores with these profits.

>> No.7521366

>-- frustrated eurofag
Ask me how I know you're either an american or a brit

>> No.7521441

Lets wait for the Chinks sleeping and then dump even harder

>> No.7521470

what the fuck did you invest in??

>> No.7521494


Because the world is split in two in your mind and can't think anything else but good / bad, white / black, good / evil. That's an educational problem, this is how you were taught to think.

frenchfag capable of criticism of his own kind here.

>> No.7521512

Everything one at a time. Day trading jumping from shit coin to shitcoin. Bought the dips and sold the bounces as bitcoin was riding down.

>> No.7521970

oh tell me what faggy country you are from anon

>> No.7522500


Ashamed frenchfag here

>> No.7522539

Fucking for real. They wreck crypto every morning. Why do they even buy if they sell for a loss EVERY DAY

>> No.7522556
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>> No.7523010

Lol enjoy getting your daughter raped by muhammeds

>> No.7523062


My point exactly.

>> No.7523080

Any chance you're eyeing PPT on binance? fits your strategy, no?

>> No.7523844
File: 11 KB, 87x772, us_wake_up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess who woke up?

Thank you burgers, Lords of the Iron Hands.

>> No.7523895
File: 315 KB, 495x345, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be americuck
>don't know about short selling
>think you can only make money in bull market

>be Eurogang
>wake up
>"oh BTC is having trouble breaking that resistance, it's losing momentum"
>Open leveraged short position at the top
>sell large amounts of BTC on gdax
>rest of the world start panic selling
>P&L: +300%
>buy back/close your position + flip it by going long with leverage
>they see a green candle

Thanks you for your retardation Americucks

>> No.7523910

/biz/ is getting worse and worse day by day. Just a bunch of 17 year olds posting shit on a daily basis abou" hur hur burgers, hur hur euro pajeets pls holds so my $250 moons "

seriously, this board is becoming more cancerous than reddit. Nothing constructive or insightful, just retards posting shit like OP, not understanding how financial markets work or how they move.

>> No.7523963

>be American
>get ready for bed
>Bitcoin breaking 9k
>"oh maybe when I'll wake up, BTC will be at a steady 9.5k"

>Europe's little babby hands sell sell sell sell sell

Europa was a mistake

>> No.7524038

I wasn't actually. Been planning on putting some btc on binance. But yes, the PPT chart is beautiful. Those are exactly what I look for.

>> No.7524043


>buy at 6300
>sell at 8500
>taxed 80%

Europe, ladies and gentlemen

>> No.7524207


weak cunt.

>> No.7524389


Are you blind anon? This shit is real. It's the week end, don't throw me shit about "the market" please.