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File: 46 KB, 473x857, normies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7516796 No.7516796 [Reply] [Original]

Why are normies so annoying

>> No.7516821
File: 68 KB, 518x740, normies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7516840

incredible that he can grasp the concept of an options contract without understanding what a contract is
the normie's mind is an enigma

>> No.7516841

You're not even going to bump your other LARP thread?

>> No.7516846

>Delete conversation

>> No.7516861

the horrifying part about it all is that they are serious

>> No.7516881


>> No.7516909

You have to understand the normies literally work for 60,70 years to amass 500k to retire. You are their only shot at being free from the wageslave trash life.

>> No.7517007
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>can I get this thing worth 900k for 50k

>> No.7517094

>able to cash out tax free without anyone knowing and neither of you paying the exchange kikes

What the fuck op it’s a great idea

>> No.7517113

Even the government/exchanges wouldn't jew you that bad.

>> No.7517119
File: 4 KB, 125x120, 1516067588254s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

underrated post.

>> No.7517140

Alright, you try to cash out $50,000 and tell us how it goes. Especially if you’re in the Anglosphere.

It’ll almost certainly end up reported to the IRS and the fees will easily be $1-2000 just to go from eth to fiat

>> No.7517163

Sell him a burner phone with a fake Blockfolio.

>> No.7517172

No fucking shit you'll have to pay taxes and those fees retard. But even after all that you'll end up with a lot more than $5000 for all that ETH.

>> No.7517173

Larp somewhere else

>> No.7517177

listen man dont be a shitty friend okay?man come on, whats more importamt friends and family or material wealth and internet bucks? just be a good person for once

>> No.7517183

OP here

should I give him 1000 ETC for 50k?

feeling devilish

>> No.7517186
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>> No.7517194
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>cashing out 1000 eth for a measly $50k

>> No.7517203
File: 26 KB, 400x400, C706UD-h_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or might I get in trouble

>> No.7517204

>t. derek

>> No.7517218

Give him some bitconnect

>> No.7517239

better yet, buy those "real" coins off ebay, and just give him a big chest of ethereum coins for it

>> No.7517249 [DELETED] 

Sell him some Ethereum Classic.
Tell him you believe it's the real Ethereum.

>> No.7517260
File: 243 KB, 590x322, 6B1279F1-8608-459C-A632-561B00A66AEB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7517269

tell him to send the 50k in xmr first
then delete his number

>> No.7517276

good deal for 50k if its cash anon

take him for a ride. sell now and let the market dip once more. re-buy his bags as he's horrified he'll lose everything and then the next month laugh as you soar by at 1500 eth

>> No.7517297



>> No.7517343


tell him yes, then send him to a meeting place when he has the cash

use your burner phone to tell some niggers that some idiot is carrying around 50k worth of cash, then toss the burner and go hangout somewhere in public with a camera so that you can have an established alibi at the time of murder/robbery

>> No.7517368

Create an erc20 token called ethereum and send it to him.

>> No.7517408

Sad part is you could actually give them to him for this price and if it ever dipped below it he would be hammering your phone looking for a refund because you (scammed) him

>> No.7517492
File: 42 KB, 807x659, 1515490150484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clever girl

>> No.7517506

are people really this dumb? or is this just becoming a more common method of trolling where you unironically pretend to be really dumb to rustle people?

>> No.7517548

Heh underrated