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File: 396 KB, 1011x1484, Elon_Musk_2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7516615 No.7516615 [Reply] [Original]

What are your great Entrepreneurial ideas that you know you will never get around to doing or are too crazy?

Give me the next google/paypal I want to be Elon Musk

>> No.7516716

High speed = Time dilation
1/0 (binary) = Communication
Quantum entanglement at a distance = communication without physical connection.


1. Two entangled particles
2. One suspended, the other run through the super hadron collider for a few hours
3. Result = particles that are entangled across time.
4. = Ability to send communication between the present and the future.

The funny thing is... all of the technology for this already exists, so I'm sure SOMEONE is trying it.

>> No.7516788

Does it physically hurt to be that far on the spectrum?

>> No.7516799

unironically chainlink

>> No.7516814

and also ironically chainlink

>> No.7516817

decentralized messaging board with each community empowering the veracity of the networks and reach of goals/

>> No.7516818

Wifi internet that covers an entire city with fibreoptic speed. And also wireless power.

Basically if i was rich enough id start companies to do away with the need for power and telephone lines.

>> No.7516839 [DELETED] 

Eugenics. In a century we would have race where quantum physics is consider child's play that everybody knows. It is the only way to truly progress.

>> No.7516851


Like I said, this is all existing technology:

Time Dilation:

Quantom Entanglement at a distance:

And I need not show uses of binary.

>> No.7516856

Eugenics. In a century we would have a race where quantum physics is considered child's play that everybody knows. It is the only way to truly progress.

>> No.7516925

A satellite that drags a hydro-electric turbine through water creating free energy forever.

>> No.7516936

Idea #2.....

A small sphere device that is solar powered, and creates a mesh network with open/unlocked wifi.

The devices and scan and connect to each other automatically, and create an area-wide mesh network that, at some point, is connected to the internet.

Durable enough to survive being dropped out of low level planes.

Purpose: In countries that are having freedom revolutions, the dictatorships first cut off phone internet and other communications.

Carpet bomb these devices over city areas on roofs, creating the ability for freedom fighters to network/communicate outside of the government controlled net.

Sell a million to the CIA

>> No.7516958

Ideas are cheap.

>> No.7516959

But any orbit path is going to take it across land for a significant proportion.

>> No.7516974

create a magnetic field between 2 buildings so you can have cars "flying" inbetween them

>> No.7516977

>3. Result = particles that are entangled across time.
not quite

>> No.7516983

This is retarded. Just beam a signal from the sky.

>> No.7516987

Idea 3: (though I'm working on it myself right now):

Generator that takes advantage of high pressure deep underwater to generate electricity.

Device attached to long conduit, throw it in the lake, electricity comes out.

>> No.7516989

Lift it above land. And sink it back into water when you're over it.

>> No.7517018



>> No.7517027

From the pressure acting on it once as it goes down? How is it continually produced?

>> No.7517049


Beaming a signal from the sky is OK for sending messages TO the people on the ground, but what about the people on the ground wanting to communicate with each other?

Truth be told, a friend of mine from [unnamed defense contractor] kind of liked the idea.

>> No.7517057

Geez where to start.

Game studio that focuses on MDD- meme driven development

Social media for degenrates

Shit coins for memes

Distributed MMORPG using distributed consensus algorithms and pseudo anonymous identity

Weed tech and lobbying in the Midwest as a means of political disruption

I wanna make that meme money so I can blow it on stupid shit. Because fuck it.

>> No.7517085


The pressure at the bottom of the ocean is 15,750 psi.

If you create a pressure differential, you get motion. If you have motion, you can generate electricity.

>> No.7517130

Idea #4:

Alternating flow hydraulic systems.

Kind of like the difference between AC & DC electricity.

Currently, hydraulic systems operate on "DC".

A system that works like AC would have similar advantages.

>> No.7517156

But satellite internet is already a thing, anon.

How are you going to maintain different pressure in a device sitting on the bottom of the sea?

>> No.7517257


> phones
in countries that are run by dictators, access to that kind of technology is limited and controlled.

Some still allow cell phones, but they are run through a government controlled network, which (as we saw during the arab spring), are turned off as soon as the shit hits the fan. Some have access to black market tech and broadcast out, but most don't.

In this idea, I'm talking about a system that can bypass the government control entirely.

>Pressure Differential
A little hard to explain, but with pressure that high, the energy necessary to create the pressure differential is lower than the energy that can be created by the generator.

This is not the same as a perpetual motion of course, because the energy you are gaining doesn't come for free, it comes from the mass of the water.

And overly simplified example. Consider a straw in a glass. Now picture a way of pulling the water up the straw from the top, while the generator at the bottom is powered by the pressure of the water

>> No.7517362

Idea 5: (just a theory, not proven)

Using spherical magnetic fields and the "left hand rule" to drag physical objects into higher physical dimensions (if string theory is true and they exist)

>> No.7517412

Kill Windows, MacOS, Linux

release a Unix-like OS for desktop (fuck off with tablet shit), fix all the open sores projects to actually work

start by making all the MacOS and Linux apps compatible, put in enough work in Wine to cover legacy use cases

tell Linux kernel to fuck off, replace with a micro kernel that doesn't actually break your shit every update

everything is standardized around one package (mostly open sores shit that was worked on to actually be usable)

What are the benefits?

1. Use a Unix-like system that actually has support for all hardware because there are people working on it.
2. Better packaging than Windows, you can easily manage your software.
3. Everything is polished, but most of the software is free, since we put in work on open source projects.
4. You can do everything from a GUI, so it's a Unix-like OS for normans.

The whole point is to get away from gated communities like Windows and MacOS, but also to have something just as accessible.

Now give me a few billion to make this happen.

>> No.7517448

Idea 6: Use regenerative breaking + induction in automobiles, creating a break system that doesn't wear out for the life of the car.

>> No.7517453

how would they remain entangled while one is in the collider?

>> No.7517490

Idea 7 (the real money maker)....

a small plastic product that you can clip empty 2-liter bottles to, so you don't have to waste garbage bags collecting and transporting all your returnables.

>> No.7517528


That's the cool thing, they don't have to be connected. Already they have kept particles entangled from hundreds of miles away from each other.

>> No.7517580

drive thru strip club
drive thru buffet

>> No.7517635

Idea 8 (and this will work, I was in the industry)....

Company that allows restaurants to outsource pizza/food delivery.

They pay fee that is cheaper than hiring their own drivers.

You run simultaneous clients in the same area at the same time. So driver X might be delivering dominos for one run, pizza hut for the next.

The restaurant pays less, so they're happy.

You make more money since you've upped the productivity of each driver.

>> No.7517668

Kinda already done by meulog, uber eats no?

Great ideas though!

>> No.7517670

Idea 9: I go to bed because it's going on 2am

>> No.7517692


Never heard of them but looked them up.

Similar, but you're paid by the company instead of the customer.

Company doesn't have to worry about labor cost, taxes, insurance, uniforms, dead time, etc.

At a delivery pizza place drivers are a very expensive cost.

>> No.7517766

This probably already exists but somekind of information broker service

Always annoying if you need 1 specific piece of data and its stuck behind a $3000 per year subscription.

If there was a service who would just get that 1 piece of information for a fee it would have helped so fucking much for college and work.

>> No.7517813

how have you never head of uber?

>> No.7517818

An autonomous drone that has solar panels and claws to plant itself on roofs, in trees etc.
It has aircrackng and all that installed and fles around the city looking for weak wifis and WEP wifis to crack.
When it finds a weak wifi it plants itself on a roof or a tree and creates a tor hidden service through the wifi and becomes a reverse proxy for its master and charges its batteries via the sun.

When the wifi goes offline it flys off to find a new one.

>first parasitic AI-lifeform

>> No.7517822

Also if I ever become a millionair i am opening a bar.

Its going to be build in the viking longhouse style. Just 2 long rows of trestle tables and a long ass fire pit.

Just beer and whisky. And roasted meat, bread and cheese for food.

Its going to be niche as shit and make no money but it would be awesome.

>> No.7517834

sounds hipster af but would make money

>> No.7517892

What would be the difference between "sending communication between the present and the future" and just.... a slow moving communication?
Imagine if this message took 6 hours to post a reply to you.
>It's an instant communication between now and 6 hours+ !

>> No.7517903

Wow i like it.

>> No.7517921
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wew lad
let me guess, you have a theoretical PhD in physics from the internet

>> No.7517941

A giant copper wire bundle that orbits the earth like a ring.

>Earth spins inside of it
>Earth is a giant magnet

>> No.7518244

This would actually work but would slow the spinning of the earth down in the long term.

>> No.7518285

This is actually a company in my country and it became so big that it's now a monopoly.

They basically now have a sort of amazon like websites with all restaurants within 50 miles of you and they will deliver to you from that place. But now they also ask for money for the restaurants to be featured on the website due to monopoly position.

>> No.7518353
File: 6 KB, 250x249, 1515424781789s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shhh.... I'm accumulating.

>> No.7518596
File: 300 KB, 1280x1280, 1490676040921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idea #1
>mix anticholinergic pills with pheromone blockers so that you will stop sweating and smelling
>People will not stink and thus can skip showering and thus be more productive members of society

Imagine only having to shower once a month and thus saving your time and heating/water costs.

Idea #2
>Develop a medical mechanical capsule that you swallow with a sensor embedded in it.
>Have an app on your smartphone in which you can adjust for the mechanical capsule to release a certain dosage of the medicine every X interval.
>Could also be used for vitamins/caffeine/nutrients to maximize your attention/hormonal balance/nutrition.

Idea #3:
>Have ultra dense pressure pressed ice cubes that contain a lot of H2O in a single cube due to the pressuring method.
>You just put the cube in a glass of water in the sun and it'll slowly fill the cup by expanding over the course of half a minute due to the heat.
>Used for military rationing, hiking travelers and spacestations.

>> No.7518863

I have lots of great ideas but I won't give them away for free. If you're really interested, let's talk off 4chan and establish a contract to ensure you don't run off with my intellectual property.

>> No.7518873

Medicine capsule is already being worked on, dude did the pills I think, maybe not to the extent that you are describing. Last one is just like wtf... You know ice only gets half as dense in it's most frozen state:
Would still be worth it for the advances in the cryogenic tech alone

>> No.7518874


>> No.7518888

>Weed tech and lobbying in the Midwest as a means of political disruption

I'm in the midwest, talk to me about this anon

>> No.7518917

drive through strip clubs exist, they're called high school car wash fundraisers

>> No.7518939


So, Uber Eats or Postmates?. There's like 3-4 of those already in any major city.

>> No.7519076
File: 51 KB, 645x729, 3Q7iXtQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. sure, stop bodily functions that actually serve a purpose. ever taken immodium for three days straight?
2. can't think of any way ingesting an overdose amount of toxin intended for delayed release via fucking app could end badly
3. it's not like water is practically incompressible, chemistry and molecular properties are bullshit anyway
> being this dumb

>> No.7519124


Buy an island.

Build the first 100% smart city on earth. 1

> 100% self sustainable energy
> Skyscrapers full of greenhouses that provide food
> City-wide wifi
> Roads are 100% underground or underwater.
> Government is powered by an AI.

Invite only. You can only get in if you are in the top minds of your industry. You'll also have to figure something out for security or someone will invade you.

>> No.7519146

Skycoin does this.

>> No.7519155

every time i see a pic of musk i ponder what could he be doing if he never left south africa, and at the same time how many people in the third world are wasting their lives because they can't escape their shitholes

>> No.7519160

Different counties use different property tax software that doesn't talk to one another. The auditor and assessor software also doesn't talk to one another.

A block chain solution, especially some sort of oracle or interoperability layer solution would literally make billions of dollars.

>> No.7519183

A blockchain based 4chan where you can tip my anus fool of cock

>> No.7519278

Wah, I have so many I can even share some for free. Half of them I would be happy if they existed already and I didn't have to go to the trouble of pioneering the space. Here's my freebies:
Dav4 N3wm4n (don't want her to see her name here, lol) - she's making a space suit that is done with mechanical counterpressure. So rubber bands, elastics, and the most recent version used some shape memory alloys for little buckles to provide the pressure your body needs to breathe and pump blood. She says she needs a million to further develop it, and them academic types don't understand money, so it might even be triple that. However, she lacks the helmet and the top of the chest, sounds to me like an opportunity to make something iconic. Still needs a basic life support system, triple redundant oxygen recycling/recharging system, cooling woven throughout the suit, some noms and water, pee and poop collection in a modular system (codpiece) that can be removed and replaced from inside the suit... Some additional chemical reactions and also physical processes would need to be developed, but Elon Musk would shit himself if they looked sweet enough, lol. Plus current space suits are not competitive, they cost $12 million and aren't very flexible or sweet looking. If you're serious about going to the moon, I hope you don't meet the aliens with some Apollo-era EVA gear on! Shit would be embarrassing

>> No.7519280

REQ tries to accomplish this.

I just personally want these 3 due to low amount of free time Always wanted a pill so that I don't have to eat/drink/shower/sleep anymore and have as much time as possible that I can actually use for something useful.

It says that ice_VII can be achieved purely by cooling which wasn't my idea. It was just highly pressurized water such that it would form an icecube by way of pressure-locking the water molecules.

>> No.7519365

Do it in Portland/Seattle. You'll have lines of hipsters out the door every day.

>> No.7519587

Love it.

>> No.7519718

dude that's barely an entrepreneurial idea. At best you'd have 1 customer, NASA. That's not a viable business. Cool idea for sure but it's a very technical and difficult idea for little reward

>> No.7519760
File: 77 KB, 640x640, Adobe_20180206_202104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Solar panel sidewalksthat collect power for winter heated asphalt, street lights, ease strain to grid; melted snow goes to storage or used in tiloilets/other home use. I've got some other ideas but those are mineto keep. If anything does come of this I'd like to be at least thanked as NAENUZ ONARRES

>> No.7519768

You're in the wrong board, this is /shitcoin/

>> No.7519898

It's called the seasteading project and is ongoing in French Polynesia

>> No.7519960

International public health on Blockchain + ai

Checks for patterns in symptoms similarities and time of appearance. When more than new five cases start to appear throughout the world, the world health organization gets alerted by the ai.

>> No.7519978

gyms with equipment that generates power.

>> No.7519982

This is pretty cool.

>> No.7520024

Self learning medical diagnostic and treatment AI. Uses blockchain to ensure all diagnostic data is correct and allocate resources and treatment protocols appropriately. Collates all clinical outcomes to provide data on treatment success and modify treatment and diagnostic procedures. Expandable to support surgical and anesthetic robots, and eventually nursing robots.

Good luck getting that through the medical lobby though.

t. Practicing MD

>> No.7520046

You're a special kind of brainlet, aren't you? Go make a thread on /sci/ if you want to know why.

>> No.7520125

Funding a rebellion in the drc and establishing yourself as the shadow dictator. Would be very pricey but your ROI would be insane should you succeed.

>> No.7520137

They would buy like 10 a year for the next 10 years at least. If the suit was 1.2 million to manufacture, and you charged NASA 1.7 million, they would be happy for the savings. Military might want a few, Elon Musk would subcontract us for a special customer version

>> No.7520168

What is Watson?

>> No.7520271

Needs have the human element taken out. All diagnostic and treatments done without human input, except for the patient's choice of treatment. The amount of shit that happens due to providers' personal biases is horrific.

>> No.7520318

Name one advantage it would have

>> No.7520348

This comment is underrated

>> No.7520354

Not bad. At least your not trying to break from Sir Newton. Maybe some magnetic properties at low temperatures? Air pressure agitating?

>electric gobstoppers

>> No.7520482

Dude, I'm working on an idea.
Some kind of Gymcoin / Token.
Equipment is hooked up to generate energy.
You get Coins worth of generated energy.
Proof-of-physical work blockchain.

This is just the short version, first draft is already done.
Might be worth a full whitepaper and an ICO.

Having an own gym is my dream. Adding blockchain to it is win win win.
If anyone steal my idea, I will find you and I will get my share.

>> No.7520536
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I like how everyone's calling you a brainlet but no one has explained why this wouldn't work

Nice idea

>> No.7520618


This is by definition impossible. The forces that the particle are subject to in the atom smasher would case the entangled state to decohere instantaneously. All these entanglement experiments are done with photons because even in the most benign conditions an entangled state between two particles would decohere in microseconds.

>> No.7520674

As an OS Dev, I can say none of shit shit matters. Good luck

>> No.7520681

Musk and fb already having plans to do this far more reliably

>> No.7520713

>This is by definition impossible.
>by definition
And then you go on to give an empirical reason why it wouldn't work. Don't use terms you don't understand

>> No.7520776

The idea is to funnel crypto money and other new wealth into lobbying and PAC funds to try and sell State representatives in Michigan/Ohio/PA that legalizing weed is a true, conservative family values position.

Encourage them to go to the left of states like WA while positioning themselves as small government and the savior's of the opiod epedemic. Clemency for current convicts, allow GPs to write scripts for CBD instead of opiods, and position the state level Patsys as the people's hero.

All the while invest in buying up farm land and decommissioned auto plants to control some of the weed supply chain while prepping for inevitable legalization. Sell it as an economic boom for a stagnating region, and change some of the talking points used by both sides to really fuck things up.

IDK if it makes sense, but if I made some meme money through crypto and shit I'm interested to try

>> No.7520782

Been slowly collecting surveys but may as well ask you goys too:

What are your thoughts on houses that are manufactured like cars? Just like how there are different models of Porsche, a housing manufacturing company will also be offering a small selection of models that you can choose from.

Potential Pros:
>Significantly cheaper if there's large scale adoption
>Minimum construction waste
>Parts can be reused for another house because everything is standardized.

Potential Cons:
>Only issue is that typical manufactured houses look like fuckin shit.

The question is, if manufactured houses can look good and still be in good quality, would people generally go for it?

>> No.7520792

High speed = Time dilation
>altered perception aka stoner tier

why do 6d fags think time isn't a constant?

1/0 (binary) = Communication

>States of matter, circuit

Quantum entanglement at a distance = communication without physical connection.

>Fucking em radiation
>fucking ever hear of the radio you useless millennial


1. Two entangled particles
Circuits, subatomic pairings

2. One suspended, the other run through the super hadron collider for a few hours
3. Result = particles that are entangled across time.
4. = Ability to send communication between the present and the future.

> kys
The funny thing is... all of the technology for this already exists, so I'm sure SOMEONE is trying it.

Do you even stand for anything?

>> No.7520820

prefabricated house
It's already a thing.
Not re-useable but ongoing since ages.
With different sizes, models, interior, just like cars.

Build in months, since it's a standard company internal.

>> No.7521038

>upgrade kernel
>apps slow down

gee, thanks, Linus

>upgrade Ubuntu
>Wine apps stop working properly


Linux is a piece of crap, none of the apps that do what I want are not supported/no longer packaged

this is shit that was released like 6-7 years ago and it's no longer compatible with everything else

>> No.7521568

Did i say Linux was good faggot? No. I just said your idea was shit.

Why? You're just saying throw a billion dollars at a Unix to save computing or some shit. What?

You're not solving any real problems for consumers, just getting neckbeards hard. You'd be better off spending that billion on wholesale Loli doujinshi.

But no yeah. Muh Unix will transform computing. Fucking retard.

>> No.7521574

i want to research a cost-effective and efficient way of capturing and storing braps. because braps are so diffused, using a jar makes it ineffective. a tube is undesirable and requires cleaning. forcing people to brap in a tank of water and capturing the bubbles is also infeasible. the design i'm leaning towards is basically like an air-sealed diaper that on command, will extract gases into a vial for future consumption.