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File: 8 KB, 400x400, tether.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7514944 No.7514944 [Reply] [Original]

Notice how it's suddenly gone, like it never existed.
That's how you know it was manufactured fud designed to make people sell.
Remember this. So far tether fud is proven to work each time, people never learn.

>> No.7515548

or they're waiting to drop this bomb later.

All the FUD from early JAN until 6k BTC was due to China and SEC regulation talks.

Tether is the last one on the list before BTC going parabolic and we hit $1 trillion market cap in May.

Feb 13 is the day I have marked on my calendar.


YET I SEE NO ONE ON FUCKING /BIZ/ MENTIONING THIS ONCE! I think I am going to start a new thread on this.

>> No.7515571

I remember this fud was brought up last summer along with china ban and nothing happened

>> No.7515628

but this time they were actually subpoenad by the cftc (or sec)...I can't quite remember-- too lazy to get link.

I'm not sure how much weight the US has with jurisdictions, but its worth noting.

>> No.7516577
File: 21 KB, 300x257, Uncle-sam-Baphomet-300x257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

highest fud postings when israel is awake, check it, no joke, people are being paid to fud taxes, tether, bitcoin to 3k screenshot this etc.

>> No.7516835
File: 272 KB, 1280x720, 54645677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not married to anything. I'm keeping an eye on how this stuff develops, if the end of Tether ends being confirmed, I'm taking my shit, it doesn't mean the end of crypto. I would love being able to sell all my crypto, buy it 1K higher if I get the guarantee that there's absolutely nothing wrong with Tether.

>> No.7516873


>implying any significant tether users are exposed to social media fud, or affected by it at all

When will you faggots learn that casual investors are 5% of the market cap across the board? Nobody gives a shit about your lunch money, unless its shitcoins with volume under 100k daily.

>> No.7516919

We still remember Tether.
It's just that the price is low enough so that the impact of a USDT exit scam would be lower = more people are now buying.

>> No.7516933

It's not fud for tether users, it's fud to make people sell their bitcoins and ethers.

>> No.7516956


point still stands

you and all other faggot normie redditors are already irrelevant

you are not capable of affecting the market, the market is controlled by massive whales and institutions through automation and mass manipulation, because it is unregulated and enforcement is impossible anyways

you ignorant prick

>> No.7516978


>acting like you know what it even means

bitfinexed started tether fud because he sold btc at 1k, he begged bitfinex to refund him. When they didn't he concocted an easy conspiracy that would scare noobs and retards would latch onto.

His goal? To either crash the market with FUD and recoup his losses or string people along long enough that he could find a way to make money.

He found that way, he started accepting donations for legal defense, that he liquidated straight away at 20k btc. When people probed him what would happen with this now cashed out $$$ he said if no law suit happened he would donate it.

Here's hoping bitfinexed supplies a full audit on that donation.

The irony is astounding don't get finxeded

ps. the subpoena was related to the tether hack of 30 Mil (none of which made it to market).

>> No.7517093

well they've switched from issuing USDT to EURT which is a pretty big red flag. US regulators will come for them in the coming months because what theyre doing is illegal, they're effectively operating as a 'wildcat bank'

Going to be an absolute shitfest

>> No.7517107

You are completely wrong, all you need is 10000 normies to sell their stashes worth $100k and it's $1B of coins dumped on the market

>> No.7517859

come on, as if the reasons to be worried about tether weren't legitimate at all

why are you hanging onto this currency anyway, there are other coins that are pegged to fiat currency, and even if there weren't you can always just exchange for actual fiat